
Jquery multilevel accordion using UL

I am trying to create a multilevel accordion using nested unordered list. What I am trying to accomplish: Show only the "active" ul (other remain hidden) When there is a nested ul - toggle only the nested ul (2222 -> 2.1) Full code here: JS $(document).ready(function() { $(' li ul').hide(); ...

jQuery accordion - set input focus for active accordion?

*Nevermind. I figured it out. * I did it like this: $("#accordion").accordion({ header:'h3', active: '#section1', autoheight: false, clearstyle: true, }).bind("change.ui-accordion", function(event,ui) { $("#text1").focus(); }); I've got an accordion all set up, and each div has a form within it. ...

Load jQuery UI Accordion on the fly

I have this jQuery UI Tabs implemented. One of the tabs use AJAX to load the jQuery UI Accordion. I tried to load the Accordion after the content has been loaded. But nothing happend. Here is the code. The accordion is is Tab 2 (index 1). Anybody have a way to do this? Load the accordion based on user triggered action? $(functi...

Creating a jQuery Accordion from non standard HTML structure

Hi, We all know that you use this structure to make an accordion <div id="accordion"> <h3><a href="#">First header</a></h3> <div>First content</div> <h3><a href="#">Second header</a></h3> <div>Second content</div> </div> But what if you want to create an accordion, using the code already in place, set by a terrible CM...

JQUERY UI Accordion Resize on Window Resize?

I'm using the JQUERY UI Accordion module: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#sidebar_column_accordion").accordion({ fillSpace: true, icons: { 'header': 'ui-icon-plus', 'headerSelected': 'ui-icon-minus' } }); }); </script> By using the fillSpace option, the accordion takes up the entire height of...

How to add a class to just upper element of trigger with Jquery?

Hello, I am working on a Jquery accordion stuff. I want to add a class to the div that contains the accordion trigger <a> tag. You can look at my code. I want to add "first" class name to just first "newsitems" class when clicked "Recession fashion in Japan Video" title. <!-- news items starts--> <div class="newsitems">...

Needed JQuery accordion plugin with the following requirements

I am looking for a JQuery accordion plugin that supports the following: UL based built in support for nested ULs cookie persistence (even on different paths) standards compliant jstree/treeview/dynatree are out of the question ...

A elusive multi level accordion

Hi, I try make a multi level accordion with jquery: HTML <div class="acordion"> <a href="#"><h1>aaa</h1></a> <div class="acoTitulo"> <h1>aaa</h1> <div class="acoSubTitulo"> <a href="#"><h2>bbb</h2></a> <div class="acoSubSubTitulo"> <h2>bbb</h2> ...

Seo friendly Accordion menu

Hello, currently i use the accordion menu provided by the toolkit. The problem is that it is not Seo friendly. So what i am looking for is an accordion menu with the following characteristics. 1) Seo friendliness 2) Preserving of the selected index, on post-backs. 3) Small in k bytes 4) Free of charge Do you have anything...

Changing background image on accordion change - jQuery Ui

I am using this code: $('.ui-accordion').bind('accordionchange', function(event, ui) { $(this).next().next().css({'background-image':'images/green-bg.jpg'}); //ui.newHeader // jQuery object, activated header //ui.oldHeader // jQuery object, previous header // ui.newContent // jQuery object, activated conte...

JQuery overriding the themeroller style

Hi, In my accordian control I want to override the header style to show a red background instead of the default theme colour if ever the user control (e.g user's name and address input) in that particular pane returns a validation boolean of false. I'm ok with how to use .Toggle to change the class but can't figure out how to grab the ...

jQuery: Toggling an image when toggling a DIV

Hey guys, I'm trying to write some jQuery that will toggle DIVs open and closed, and it's working, but I want an arrow that will change to "down" if the DIV is expanded, and "right" if the DIV is collapsed. What I have so far: $('.toggleHead').click(function() { $('#arrow').attr('src', 'images/icons/down.png'); $(this).next()....

JQueryUI with Google's CDN help

Hi, I'm having trouble loading JQueryUI from Google's CDN. I've got an ASP.NET application that and am using this to call the scripts: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" t...

UpdatePanel not refreshing in Accordion

Hi, I'm using MS AJAX's accordion control. It works fine normally, but I can't seem to get it to work with an UpdatePanel. My layout is like this: <div id="accordion"> <div><a href="#">Header1</a></div> <div class="acc_content"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" > ...

jQuery UI accordion with named anchors, not toggling menu selection

Using a jQuery UI accordion menu (navigation: true) with named anchor targets for the menu items, i.e. menu items refer to named anchors on the current page. Accordion works fine with highlighting a clicked menu item if navigating to a different page, but if the menu item refers to a named anchor on the current page it does not change t...

Prevent Jquery Accordion tab from expanding

I'm trying to use JQuery UI Accordion as a menu, but I can't figure out how to prevent some tabs from expanding. My JS: $("#sidebar").accordion({ collapsible: true, changestart: function(event, ui) { switch ($(ui.newHeader).attr("id")) { case "sidebar_grades": return false; break; ...

WPF / Silverlight Binding when setting DataTemplate programically

I have my little designer tool (my program). On the left side I have TreeView and on the right site I have Accordion. When I select a node I want to dynamically build Accordion Items based on Properties from DataContext of selected node. Selecting nodes works fine, and when I use this sample code for testing it works also. XAML code...

How to Use Accordian Control in GridView

I have one GridView. i want to add Accordion in it. at run time in accordion header i want the detail of Category and in Content of that accordion i want detail of subcategory (related to Category) so suggest me what i should do ...

jQuery accordion navigation with mouseover/mouseout

I'm trying to create an accordion navigation menu with the following properties: Hover over a parent LI, and its sub-menu slides down. If you mouse down to hover over the sub-menu, it stays open as you'd expect. If you move your cursor off of either the parent link or the sub-menu, the sub-menu slides up again. I thought I was getting...

Help with Collapse and Expand Accordion at same time using JQuery (demo)

I'm stuck on an Expand/Collapse accordion using JQuery. After the initial headline is clicked and it expands, if you click to another headline it will collapse the former headline completely FIRST then it will expand the headline you clicked. This collapse first then expand second technique is very distracting and what should happen is...