
Dynamcally resizing an open Accordion

I have an Accordion and the height of its content can be dynamically resized. I would like to see the Accordion dynamically respond to the child item's height, but I'm having trouble doing this. <lt:Accordion Name="MyAccordion" SelectionMode="ZeroOrOne" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <lt:A...

jQuery Accordion

Just wondering if anyone can provide some basic advice on an accordion I'm trying to simplify. Got a working version, but it seems way overly complex. Here is my new JS. $(document).ready(function() { $("#themes li ul").hide(); $("#themes li").hover(function() { $("ul").show(); }, function() { $("li...

How can you adjust the height of a jquery UI accordian?

In my UI I have an accordian setup that so far functions <div id="object_list"> <h3>Section 1</h3> <div>...content...</div> // More sections </div> The accordian works properly when it is first formed, and it seems to adjust itself well for the content inside each of the sections. However, if I then add more content into...

accordion in struts2-jquery-plugin-2.1.0 not working

Hi I've just started playing with struts2-jquery-plugin-2.1.0 and was trying the 'accordion from list' from Struts2 jQuery Plugin Showcase, version 2.1.0. Strangely enough, I am getting the data retrived but not the accordion look and feel. Here is the image showing what I am trying to say here, image. I am not on comission for that add,...

Jquery Accordion : set action to a specific element inside header

by default, if we have something like this as a Header in jQuery Accordion : <h3> <div class="1">TEXT</div> <div class="2">ICON</div> <div class="3">BUTTON</div> </h3> by clicking anywhere on this , accordion works and toggle the next element and ... the question is , how can we set an option and select a specific elemen...

jQuery accordion - different image for active sections

Hi, I'm using Ryan Stemkoski's "Stupid Simple Jquery Accordion Menu" which is available here: Here is the javascript $(document).ready(function() { //ACCORDION BUTTON ACTION (ON CLICK DO THE FOLLOWING) $('.accordionButton').click(function() { //REMOVE THE ON CLASS...

Is there a jQuery widget equal to DOJO's TitlePane?

I like the visual behavior of the DOJO TitlePane widget, but it has too much other bunk for my purpose. Is anyone aware of a jQuery widget that provides the same ability to expose and hide content in a stacked manner with the little flippy-arrow, pane highlight...

Add delay and focus for a dead simple accordion jquery

I found the code somewhere in the world, and due to its dead simple nature, I found some things in need to fix, like when hovering the trigger, the content is jumping up down before it settled. I have tried to change the trigger from the title of the accordion block to the whole accordion block to no use. I need help to add a delay and...

How do I change the animation style of a jQuery Accordion?

Hi there. Is there a way to change the default animation that jQuery accordion uses? It appears to be "slide" but I'd like to use a Bounce or Drop effect. Here's my current code: $("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false, collapsible: true, event: 'click', active: 4 }); I'd like to change this from a slide to a drop or a bounce....

Flex 3.5 Accordion and TabNavigator selectedIndex Bug

I'm using Flex 3.5 with Adobe Flex Builder 3. I have found that if you very rapidly click between multiple headers of an accordion component or the tabs of TabNavigator, these components will begin to exhibit odd, unexpected behavior. Once this behavior has been evoked, even trying to set the selectedIndex programmatically does not end...

javascript accordion - tracking time question

Hey all, I was reading up on this javascript tutorial: Basically, it shows you how to create an accordion using pure javascript, not jquery. All made sense to me until the actual part of tracking the animation. He says "Because of all that, the first thing we do in the animation func...

grailsui plugin for accordion not working

Hi! I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with grailsui accordion. I have checked out the sample source files ( from different ui tags, like menu, datatable and etc. they are working fine but the accordion is not working properly. All i can see is all of the divs shown. the panels are not ...

ajaxToolkit:Accordion vertical scrollbar on Pane

<ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="acc" runat="server"> <Panes> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="pane1" runat="server"> <Header> <span>&#1047;&#1072;&#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1089;</span> </Header> <Content> ...

MooTools accordion won't collapse nested float in chrome&ie

While firefox manages, ie and chrome refuse to collapse the div any further than the height of the picture. Additionally (but minor), ie (properly?) wraps the text around the picture, while firefox for some reason i can't figure out has the text seem to float right. Thanks for any help! The javascript: window.addEvent('domready', func...

jQuery syntax issue on slideOut/In function

I know this is easy, just drawing a blank. If you look at this page (all JS/CSS is on the one page), You can see what I have. Basically I would like to do two things differently. A.) I would only like to show the .module .caption for the .module hovered, not both of them when either is hove...

Mootools Javascript can't push to array

I have an array set with the heights of each hidden div, but when I use it, the div instantly jumps down, rather than slowly sliding as when there is a literal number. EDIT: testing seems to reveal that it's a problem with the push method, as content_height.push(item.getElement('.moreInfo').offsetHeight);alert(content_height[i]);gives...

Accordion nonfunctional in Opera

While working as expected in all other browsers, opera refuses to tween the height of content. oddly enough, as i sat annoyed rapidly clicking it over and over again, if it's closed, and you select some text, and keep clicking the same spot long enough, sometimes it pops open. lol. seriously. ahh, it seems to sometimes open the first t...

Add AjaxControlToolkit accordion pane at runtime loses previous pane(s)

I have an AjaxControlToolkit accordion control that i'm trying to load panes at runtime. When I click a button inside a listview, it should add a new pane to the accordion control. Here is the code that adds the pane in the onitemcommand event within the listview var pane = new AccordionPane { ID = key }; pane.HeaderContainer.Controls.A...

jquery-ui accordion: adding rows without destroying and recreating?

I have a jquery accordion which I want to add rows to. I can accomplish this by calling .accordion("destroy"), adding the needed <h3></h3><div>... bit and then calling .accordion() again, but this destroys the state and closes any dividers which are open. Is it possible to add rows to the accordion without destroy and recreating it? ...

Trigger jquery accordion menu by an event?

Is it possible to open the next panel in a jquery accordion menu through a seperate button onclick event? That is instead of clicking the heading to open another panel, use a button not connected to the accordion. ...