
which were your achievements in programming in 2008?

which were your achievements in programming in 2008? what technologies surprise you or learn this year and what do you expect in programming terms in 2009 Edit: Changed to Wiki ...

How to implement an achievement system in RoR

I'm attempting, poorly, to implement an achievement system into my Ruby on Rails application. I have a long list of achievements I'd like to check for. All are triggered by some create action in various controllers. I've had the idea that I'll have a achievement model, which includes the controller and action it responds to. Then do ...

Rails "Badge" type plugin / tutorial?

Does anyone know if there is a Rails gem/plugin/tutorial that shows how to create a Badge/Achievement system similar to what stackoverflow uses. Thanks. ...

How to recommend the next achievement

Short version: I have a similar setup to StackOverflow. Users get Achievements. I have many more achievements than SO, lets say on the order of 10k, and each user has in the 100s of achievements. Now, how would you recommend (to recommend) the next achievement for a user to try for? Long version: The objects are modeled like this in ...

Normalizing achievements with multiple sources

I'm looking for a good algorithm recommendation. I have Users and Achievements. Users create Achievements and then give them to other Users. Associated with each Achievement is the point value that the user specifies. A User's total points is the sum of all their achievements. Basically: Achievement : owner = Alias points = in...

Possible Data Schemes for Achievements on Google App Engine

I'm building a flash game website using Google App Engine. I'm going to put achievements on it, and am scratching my head on how exactly to store this data. I have a (non-google) user model. I need to know how to store each kind of achievement (name, description, picture), as well as link them with users who earn them. Also, I need to ke...

Badge achievement system like SO: Data being used + Criteria(instant awarding & cron jobs)

I've been looking at an open source clone of SO, I don't know Python/Django but I can still read whats going on, The developers, seem to only be awarding badges with cron jobs, The awards are given out by the methods, being the "Rules" of the Criteria that must be met to achieve the award. in this file...

Implementation of achievement systems in modern, complex games

Many games that are created these days come with their own achievement system that rewards players/users for accomplishing certain tasks. The badges system here on stackoverflow is exactly the same. There are some problems though for which I couldn't figure out good solutions. Achievement systems have to watch out for certain events al...

An achievement system like here on stackoverflow in php?

Conceptually speaking how would one go about writing an achievement system for a website using PHP and MySQL? Is the only real way of doing it is to constantly do MySQL queries to test for achievements and such? ...

iPhone OS: implementing your own achievements, how do I do it?

I'm working on a game where really the only game part is (at least right now) that the user can unlock achievements as she does various things throughout the game. I have a database that can keep track of certain user actions and record how many times a user does something but I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to architect the...

iPhone OS: Is there a way to set up KVO between two ManagedObject Entities?

I have 2 entities I want to link with KVO, one a single statTracker class that keeps track of different stats and the other an achievement class that contains information about achievements. Ideally what I want to be able to do is set up KVO by having an instance of the achievement class observe a value on the statTracker class and also ...


Maybe I still don't know how to properly find details on APIs (or how to find the APIs I am looking for) but is there any documentation on the new GameKit API items? Particularly the achievements, scores, etc. ...

RoR Achievement System - Polymorphic Association & Design Issues

I'm attempting to design an achievement system in Ruby on Rails and have run into a snag with my design/code. Attempting to use polymorphic associations: class Achievement < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :achievable, :polymorphic => true end class WeightAchievement < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :achievement, :as => :achievable end ...

What are some methods of dynamic validation for a generic class?

So basically the title sounds way fancier than the actual question. I am writing an application in which I would like to implement an achievement system. If I have all of my achievements created as instances of a generic class, how do I write a method to validate those achievements (i.e. determine if the user has met or exceeded goals) ...

Get a users Xbox Achievements list?

Is there a way to get a user's achievements list from Xbox without dealing with screen scraping etc.? How do sites like do it? (they're definitely not screen scraping as they do not have my Live ID credentials...) I know there's the Xbox LIVE Community Developer Program (XCDP) that provides some API but t...

Multiple Achievements Earned at Once with Openfeint

I have a scenario where it's possible to earn > 1 achievement at the same time. Has anyone come across a good solution for displaying them using OpenFeint? Right now OpenFeint shows 2 overlapping each other -- not that helpful for the user. I'm wondering if OpenFeint has a built-in system for handling this, rather than having to write...

App crashes when launching OpenFeint achievements page

So I'm trying to make a button that launches the OpenFeint achievements page, but it always makes my app crash. When I press the button it doesn't instantly crash, first it shows that it is loading the achievements page for about 5 seconds, and then crash. To launch the achievements page, I use this method: [OpenFeint launchDashboardWit...

What is the size of GameCenter achievement images?

So I want to incorporate GameCenter achievements in my game, but I have to supply images for each achievement for display in the GameCenter app. Apple isn't really clear about the required size. I've read online that they demand 512px images, but then they scale them down to something like 32px which makes it all blurry and/or pixelated....

How to save and retry reporting GKAchievement's after network failure?

Apple states that if you want to report a GKAchievement but you get a network error, the best way to handle this is to save the GKAchievement (possibly adding it to an array), then periodically attempt to report the achievement. What is the best place to save the achievements? Would NSUserDefaults suffice, or would a property list be a ...