
What is JAF? What is its purpose?

I am unable to understand the purpose of JAF (Java Activation Framework). Please explain it to me in simple terms, or point me towards information. The Java Mail API is using JAF. It looks like the JAF is used to find the supporting data types of an object. But I couldn't understand. Please teach me! ...

Determine if windows form is obstructed

Is it possible in .Net (or thru pinvoke) to determine if a windows form is obstructed from view (i.e. other windows have been moved over top of it, so it cannot be seen)? What I am doing is checking if the form is minimized, then flashing the window on the taskbar if it is. However the problem is if it is NOT minimized, but just moved t...

Change Window Owner without activation

I need to attach a transparent, layered window to any application window present in the system, with the added feature of the user not losing the keyboard focus. So I went with the owner method: use GetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_HWNDPARENT and tracking the owner movement with a simple out of context hook (SetWinEventHook). Also, using WS_...

Application Licensing and Activation Thoughts

I have recently developed an app that I plan to sell to small businesses. I do not have a huge backing of cash so I am unwilling to purchase a commerical application that would protect my software against theft. My current plan is the following: I include a public key (pgp) or a literal code inside of the app. User purchases software ...

Why is email activation usefull?

I just want to ask you why is email activation usefull. I mean when you register on a website, many ask you to activate your account by email. Is this for preventing spam, or just for websites to be sure you entered a real email address, to send you emails in the future? If it is for spam, how is that preventing spam, cant bots access ma...

validation link via email

When a user subscribes to my newsletter via their email address, using php, how would I send them an 'Activation Link' via email to confirm it is their email address and not a fake one. so at the moment I have PHP: <?php $to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Hi!"; $body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body)...

PHP Email Activation - How to Avoid Abusers?

How do you avoid abusers for account systems requiring email activation? Abusers can basically hijack your account activation system to spam someone's (or multiple someone's) email's. The most obvious solution is probably to set a limit of X reminders max per hour or per day. But: This doesn't give the non-abusing user the benefit of th...

Restore context of a thread and continue its execution?

How can I get an idle thread to be activated again such that its context is restored and execution continued (like if I want a thread to activate after 10 seconds and then be activated after every 5 seconds, in the mean time other threads may continue running)? ...

Couldn't use Activation Context API from within Excel 2007 Add-in on Windows XP/2003?

I use VS2008 to develop a excel 2007 add-in, within add-in I want to use Activation Context API to instantiate a COM class. The werid thing is I can instantiate the COM class successfully on Window 7, buf fails on Windows XP/2003. Here's the code-snippet string codeBase = this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase; string asmFullPath = new ...

MDI child form does not activate when clicked in client area

My VB.NET app supports several kinds of MDI child forms. Some kinds, but not others, are 'troublesome' -- they cause the focus mechanism to become weird. Once a 'troublesome' child form has been opened, NONE of the MDI child forms will become activated unless I click on either the title bar or the border. Clicking in the client area d...

Most efficient way of checking if a user as activated his/her account?

I want my users to activate their accounts before they are able to login. They are sent an email after registration containing an activation link, something like this:[email protected]&amp;token=Aisd23uNMAu53932asdDasd82AS Of course, whenever someone logs in, I have to check wether or not that ...

Alternative to MAC Address for tying software to hardware?

Any good alternatives to tying software activation to a hardware piece on the machine beside using the MAC address? Using hard drive serial numbers will not work as they are not always available. Machine GUID is also not always guaranteed from Microsoft from my readings. Any other thoughts? This would be using Microsoft API or technologi...

.Net WinForms TabControl Steals Focus on form activation

Hi Guys, I wonder if there is anyone who can help me? The issue I have is a windows form TabPage stealing focus upon form re-activation. The form has a TabControl with four or five TabPages. Each tab page has many various controls. The scenario is as follows: A user tabs through a few controls on the first TabPage and a new form is sp...

very simple mechanism of registration

Hello, I'd like to make a very simple mechanism of registration for my application. Nothing fancy, just need to make sure that the user won't simply uninstall my product and then install it again when the free trial ends. I was thinking of putting the information in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Uninstall under a subkey like {ECE6CA...

How to enable WCF Service Discovery when using file-less activation?

G'day guys, How do I go about enabling service discovering when using WCF's file-less service activation? With this approach it doesn't seem possible to specify explicit endpoint types or a behaviorConfiguration? My current attempt is as follows but service discovery still is not working: <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name...

Simple software license key server suggestions?

My boss wants a quick, simple to integrate, simple to host software licensing server to enforce license activations and expirations. We have to integrate it with a C++ Windows Service application. I would not like to host the service in our office for the same reason we don't host our own website in our office. The service must be host-...

Sending required mail content using mail.jar and activation.jar

Guys, Am using mail.jar and activation.jar as classpath and have programmed a automatic mail sending and it works fine. In my program, the content is declared as a String. But my requirement is, I need to retrieve few of the counts from different tables of my SQL DB and attach the same in my content of the mail. I think declaring the ...