
Wicket: How to change label's text on textarea's onkeyup?

Hi, How do I change label's text on textarea's onkeyup? I've tried this but does not work: Form form; TextArea ta; MyLabel resultDiv; /** * Constructor that is invoked when page is invoked without a session. */ public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) { this.form = new Form("form"); this.ta = new TextAr...

Organising JavaScript / jQuery - alternative to using jQuery's live hookup

Hi, Simple question (I hope). I have a page that contains links that when clicked loads up new content into a specified div. The content that gets loaded (a partial view) contains further links that fire JavaScript code (jQuery). I have been hooking these links up using jQuery's live system. It has been recommended to me that I wire-up...

Dynamic Sliding Panel Using JQuery, based on values from a mySQL database...

Hello everybody, I am in the process of developing an academic toolkit for my university. The problem statement is, the user will be given a list of courses. When one clicks on that particular name of the course, he should get a dynamic slide panel showing the course objective and other details of that course. All these values will b...

How to use Ajax to inject specific PHP function using URL, or other method?

Hey all, I'm moving from the realm of just JS to php and Ajax. I've dabbled some with PHP in the past. I really appreciate how much help stackoverflow has been in helping me with basic questions. let says I have a div called #divName. I use the following JS for Ajax. Some of this is just pseudo code. var request = false; try { ...

does ssl also encypt ajax posts?

i am posting to ssl server with jquery. will my any ajax posts be protected? ...

Joining ajax results?

I need to generate a result from 2 XMLHttpRequests. How can I make the requests concurrently and wait for them to both finish? I've though of something like... resp1=""; req1.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState=4)resp1==this.responseText;} req2.onreadystatechangefunction(){if(this.readyState=4) finish(this.responseText);} ...

jQuery live click binding issue with IE6/7

I have an issue in IE6/7 where they ignore the live binding of elements. I can't seem to find any solutions to this issue, and I really need both IE6 and 7 support (fixing one should fix the other anyway). The first click of my elements works as intended but afterwords the binding goes away and I can't get it to work. This does not happe...

JavaScript charts - dynamically adding data points

I am trying to dynamically add data points to jqplot as a result of AJAX received data, but I do not see a way to accomplish this. Is this not possible? If it isn't, what other packages are available that can accomplish the same basic graphing plus allow for dynamic data? ...

ASP.net viewstate changes validation and jQquery AJAX

Ok, so the problem is as follows: I'm using jQuery's AJAX in order to make behind the scene calls within the page (on events such as voting an item) and changing the content in the appropriate element. The problem occurs when I mix AJAX with ASP.net's AJAX, more precisely when I try to do a postback AFTER I've used jQuery on the page to ...

Create user folders like userfolder/ticket and manage on a server in c#

Hi, I have one problem in a web server regarding the creation user folders and management. I have one page that users use to add the contents. During this add the user push one select button and add the content in one her folder like UserFolder/TheContent. I need to extend to use personalized folders using some item added by the user in...

PHP + MySQL + Ajax Search or Data Framework

i tried several ajax/js "frameworks" and "data grids" to show some mysql data, but the problem is that i have to many columns (like 50) and some of then need to be links, images and also get the ID from the same query to create those links the main features that im looking is good search, sort and filter i dont have the time to make al...

jQuery UI Dialog with AJAX Tabs Problem

I'm having an issue using jQuery Tools Tabs (AJAX) along with jQuery UI Dialog (manually doing the AJAX loading for the dialog). The issue is that the dialog is loaded and setup specifically for the current tab (loaded on the tab request via AJAX, along with the tab's content). jQuery UI, when creating the dialog, removes the container...

Testing Internet connectivity problems such as hangs and timeouts with Javascript

I have a web app that I provide to small to medium-sized businesses as a service. Most of the support calls I get concerning speed issues end up being caused by problems on my clients' networks. I would like to be able to point them to a specific web page that will run an x-minute test where multiple HTTP requests would be made via Jav...

ajax calls being called too fast.

I have a page with a link, that the user clicks to log our api out of Facebook. When you click on it, it calls a ajax function that calls a php method to delete the users keys from our database, then calls the Facebook api logout function from a JS command. This calls Facebook and ends the users session. Once logged out, it refreshes th...

How to remove the handler in javascript

I'm adding some document to addhandler, where this script will execute on each time on ajax call. But on the ajax result how can I remove the handler, where i tried using removeHandler but for the first time its getting affected. Is any method to check whether the event is alive kill it. ...

How To Make A jQuery Async Multi-Response From One PHP Script Run

I have a run.php that has a button on it called "Run". Clicking it does a jQuery $.get() AJAX call back to a response.php on the server, and sends the result to a Javascript callback function getResponse(sData) inside run.php's HTML for display back on the browser. I want to have things such that as response.php runs through a list of ta...

File download using Java, Struts 2 and AJAX

Hello Friends, I want to give file download using java,struts2 and ajax. On my html page there is a button called "export" clicking on which ajax call will be made which will execute a query and will create .xls file using code and I want to give that file for download to user without storing it on hard drive. Does any one know how to...

Assigning the result of a JavaScript confirm box to a PHP variable

//this is in php function msgbox($msg, $type) { if ($type == "alert") { // Simple alert window ?> <script language="JavaScript"> alert("<? echo $msg; ?>"); </script> <? } elseif ($type == "confirm") { // Enter Confirm Code Here and assign the $result variable for use // ...

Does the Google AJAX API Loader have any advantage over direct link to Google hosted files via script tag?

I've recently moved a site over to use the Google AJAX Libraries instead of hosting the library js files myself. At the moment I'm using the Google recommended approach: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=MYAPIKEY"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript">google.load('jquery', '1.3.2');</script>...

How to display the new order according to my saved ui position?

I had stored user id, div id, ui.position.left and position.top in to my database, how can to display the new order which I stored in database? $(function() { $(".column").sortable({ connectWith: '.column', stop : function (event, ui) { alert(ui.item.text); //callback function $.post("Layout",...