
Drupal. Get path alias from current url without the installation's folder arguments

Hi guys, I'd like to retrieve the current page path alias without the installation's folder arguments. I'm using: drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri()) But this returns installation/whatever/actual/path and I want to retrieve the actual/path only no matter what installation/whatever is. Thanks in advance :) ...

executing shell script without calling sh implicitly

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to make a "link" in usr/bin (i.e.) that leads to a shell-script. But I want just to write % shellscript instead of % sh kinda like an alias. Is this possible? ...

Trying to use table aliases in SQL...

I'm a graphic designer trying my best to understand table aliases, but it's not working. Here's what I have so far: SELECT colours.colourid AS colourid1, combinations.manufacturercolourid AS colourmanid1, colours.colourname AS colourname1, colours.colourhex AS colourhe...

Is there any 'alias' feature in SVN like we have in CVS?

I am migrating to SVN from CVS. In CVS I have various aliases defined in CVSROOT/Modules file. That helps me to checkout multiple directories in one go. For example: Defined alias in CVSROOT/Modules file as below =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= my_alias /dir1 /dir2 /dir3 /dir4 /dir5 /dir...

How do I assign an alias to a function name in C++?

It's easy to create a new name for a type, a variable or a namespace. But how do I assign a new name to a function? For example, I want to use the name holler for printf. #define is obvious... any other way? Solutions: #define holler printf void (*p)() = fn; //function pointer void (&r)() = fn; //function reference inline void g(){ f(...

How to create a complex doxygen alias?

I have a situation where I need to nest aliases like this: /* \activate{ * \no, * \no, * \no, * \yes * \changes * - E-mail * - Is main * - Home phone * - Cell phone * - Rel...

Alias for instance variables?

Is there a way to create aliases for instance variables (not talking about db alias attributes) other than assigning it to another instance var? For ex: @imavar alias_attribute(@hesavar, @imavar) ...

Drupal 6: URL Alias setting for Vocabulary/Term to Term-customtext

Hi friends, I have a Vocabulary for location. and as a default it takes path as and I need to make it as My configurations are as below. but somehow it doesn't work at all :/ Appreciate advises!! Thanks a lot! Terms in Location view: Automated URL alia...

Bash function calling command given as argument

How do you write a function in bash that executes the command that it is given as an argument, where The given command may be an alias Arguments must be passed on exactly as given; no evaluating may be done In other words, how to write an as-transparent-as-possible wrapper function. The goal of the wrapper function could for example...

In Bash, how to add "Are you sure [Y/n]" to any command or alias?

In this particular case, I'd like to add a confirm in Bash for Are you sure? [Y/n] for Mercurial's hg push ssh://[email protected]//somepath/morepath, which is actually an alias. Is there a standard command that can be added to the alias to achieve it? The reason is that hg push and hg out can sound similar and sometimes when...

Using an Alias column in the where clause in Postgresql

I have a query like this: SELECT jobs.*, (CASE WHEN lead_informations.state IS NOT NULL THEN lead_informations.state ELSE 'NEW' END) as lead_state FROM "jobs" LEFT JOIN lead_informations ON lead_informations.job_id = AND lead_informations.mechanic_id = 3 WHERE (lead_state = 'NEW') Which gives the following error: PGEr...

oracle alias in where clause

I am inside oracle procedure I have a complex query with join which gives single value to which i assign alias now can i pass alias in where clause in another query rather than making above query again as subquery? ...

Overcoming os.system() limitation in Python 2.3

I am having a problem converting one of my company's scripts from csh to Python. The csh script calls an aliased command, but when I call that same aliased command via os.system(), it does not work. So, if foo is the aliased command: CSH Script (this works, executes foo): foo <argument> Python (this does not work, error claims foo ...

How to alias a built-in type in C#?

So in C++, I'm used to being able to do: typedef int PeerId; This allows me to make a type more self-documenting, but additionally also allows me to make PeerId represent a different type at any time without changing all of the code. I could even turn PeerId into a class if I wanted. This kind of extensibility is what I want to have i...

WPF xmlns for an aliased assembly?

I'm trying to access System.Windows.VisualStateManager by bringing in a DLL from the Silverlight platform into WPF. It's System.Windows.dll and it conflicts with another dll (WindowsBase.dll I believe) so I gave the assembly an alias to sort out complications there. In my code behind I can access all the classes/enums/what-not that I nee...

git alias with positional parameters (git foo aaa bbb ccc => foo aaa && bar bbb && baz ccc)

Basically I'm trying to alias: git files 9fa3 execute the command: git diff --name-status 9fa3^ 9fa3 but git doesn't appear to pass positional parameters to the alias command. I have tried: [alias] files = "!git diff --name-status $1^ $1" files = "!git diff --name-status {1}^ {1}" ...and a few others but those did...

Need help understanding some Ruby code from

I was looking through some code in a string escape library the other day and I came across some code that looks like this: class StringWrapper class << self alias new_no_dup new def new(str) new_no_dup(str.dup) end end def initialize(str) @str = str end ... end Can anyone explain exactly what is goi...

MySQL: Possible to have wildcards in AS aliases?

I have a bunch of fields named the same across multiple tables (I inherited it - don't blame me ;). Instead of setting up all of the aliases verbosely, is it possible to assign/prepend an alias automatically by way of a wildcard? I'm envisioning something like (which of course doesn't really work): SELECT t1.*,t2.* as alias2.*, t3.* ...

Create an Alias using Apache's mod_rewrite

Hello all! I need to create an alias for one exact page which unfortunately special characters in it. I do have an environment set up so other redirects work fine, but not this one: RewriteRule ^/ow/email.htm?who=Kate%20Jones&direct=True&[email protected]$ How should I rewrite th...

How do I use a correlated sub query for a new column in my view?

Hi, I am trying to write a view that has 3 columns: Planet, Moon, and Largest. The view is meant to show planets, their moons, and a Yes or No column indicating whether or not it is the largest moon for the planet. Only one Basetable is used, and the columns I am referencing are moonPlanetOrbit (only not null if bodyType is = to 'Moon'...