
Shortest way of creating a "new function" alias in javascript

What's the shortest way (characters) of creating a "new function" alias. Basically this is for code golf and minifying code beyond reason. So when you usually would write: a=function(a,b,c){return a+b+c;} You could write something like (also let's abstract return keyword as well with global variable R): a=$("a,b,c","R=a+b+c") a=$(a,...

Mac Create Alias for DMG File without fixed user in it

Hey guys, I want to put an alias to a fixed folder, namely the iWorks template folder into a DMG. The directory is /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/iWork/Pages/Templates/My Templates My Problem is, that I want to put it into a DMG so people can easily install the template. But while it works fine with the Application fold...

How to define an operator alias in PostgreSQL?

Is there an easy way to define an operator alias for the = operator in PostgreSQL? How is that solved for the != and <> operator? Only the <> operator seems to be in pg_operators. Is the != operator hard-coded? This is needed for an application which uses a self-defined operator. In most environments this operator should act like a =, ...

alias DOS command for runas

I'd like to be able to alias a dos command to use in conjunction with the runas command specifically I'm tired of getting the full path to BIDS ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"), and I'd like to alias like MS has done for ssms. Anyone know how to do this? I know I can accomplish this with a batch ...

Alias for specific resourceful route's action ("/sign_in" instead of "/sessions/new")

I set up restful authentication and user management without any gems in Rails 3. However, I think it's silly to need to go to "/sessions/new" instead of "/sign_in". I know you can alias an entire resource, so that instead of "/sessions"-and-friends my users could use "/squirrels"-and-friends, but that's not what I'm trying to accomplis...

Location directive seems to put the kibosh on Alias in Apache conf

I have a virtual host configured with a Location block and an Alias like so Alias /lib "/path/to/lib" <Directory "/path/to/lib"> AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <Location /> SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2 PerlSetVar psgi_app /path/to/webapp/app.psgi </...

Is it possible to override git command by git alias?

my ~/.gitconfig is: [alias] commit = "!sh" However, when I type git commit, script is not called. Is it possible, or I have to use another alias name? ...

Csh alias with perl one-liner evaluates when alias is created and not when alias is used

I know, I know, I should use a modern shell... Anyway, so here is the alias: alias p4client echo `p4 info | perl -ne 's/Client name: (.*)$/print $1/e'` I also know there is probably a better way to get the p4 client name. This is just an example. So, can anyone tell me a nice and clean way to get this to evaluate this when I invoke...

how to pass parameters to an alias method in ruby

Hi All, I want to create a alias method in ruby and pass parameters to this. I managed to do the following class User def say_name puts "I'm sameera" end end class User alias :tell_name :say_name def say_name puts "I'm sameera gayan" tell_name end end user = user.say_name and it gives me the out put a...

IIS URL Rewriting/Forwarding Tiny URL

Hi all, I would like to rewrite/forward an URL on our internal network: request: http://shortcut/74b32 rewriting: http://myserver/Default.aspx?id=74b32 I already have a DNS entry for shortcut that points to myserver. myserver runs IIS6. How can I implement the final mapping? Thanks a lot chris ...

Create a table "alias", and change table type

Hello, I have a table called tb which is innodb - has over 1m rows. I want to do a fulltext search on the table, but I can't do that because its innodb. So, How do I create an "alias" of tb called tb2, meaning (a duplicate of the table, that updates automatically when the data of tb updates, but change the table type of tb2 to myisam ...

Is it possible to identify aliased methods in Ruby?

Often within the console, I'll interrogate an object pp obj.methods.sort #or... pp (obj.methods - Object.methods).sort In Ruby it's pretty common for a developer to provide aliases for methods. I am wondering if there is a reflective way of identifying aliases so that I might be able to display aliased methods, something like... arr...

Apache Alias or ScriptAlias in use with PHP doesn't work

I'm trying to set an Alias in Apache to use for PHP files where all my PHP scripts reside. Usually, we write: Alias /php-bin/ "/var/www/php-bin/" Unfortunately this doesn't work for PHP: <?php require /php-bin/file.php; ?> Apache still understands the Alias (I made some tests), PHP however doesn't find the Alias the way it's suppos...

Can I store the 'alias' info when I use SQLite?

I have a script that parses xml file to generate SQLite table automatically. And, the simplified command is as follows. Table string CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS benchmark (id integer primary key autoincrement,Version float, CompilationParameters_Family text, CompilationParameters_XilinxVersion text, CompilationParameters_Device text, C...

Can I use aliases in an INSERT statement?

Can we use aliases with insert into syntax? None of the following work: INSERT INTO tableblabla AS bla INSERT INTO bla tableblabla INSERT INTO tableblabla bla I can't seem to find any information about this; is there a valid way to use aliases in an INSERT statement? About the possible reasons: ...

Sync /etc/hosts file across multiple machines

Does anyone know an easy way to synchronize your /etc/hosts file across multiple machines? I use a MacBook, a MacMini, a Windows Machine as well as a Linux VM to develop websites with so it would be ideal to have all of them have the same hosts config. ...

Is it always a good practice to use aliases in sql joins or nested queries?

Is it always a best practice to use - Select E.Id,D.DeptName from Employee E join Dept D on E.DeptId=D.Id instead of - Select Employee.Id,Dept.DeptName from Employee join Dept on Employee.DeptId=Dept.Id Other than readability and reducing length of the query what are benefits of using aliases ? When I consulted with our Database ex...

Using Statement with Generics: using ISet<> = System.Collections.Generic.ISet<>

Since I am using two different generic collection namespaces (System.Collections.Generic and Iesi.Collections.Generic), I have conflicts. In other parts of the project, I am using both the nunit and mstest framework, but qualify that when I call Assert I want to use the nunit version by using Assert = NUnit.Framework.Assert; Which w...

Global bash alias from script

I'd like to create alias by script, and use it in bash. Namely: #!/bin/bash alias mycmd="ls -la" Bash: login@host ~$: ./script login@host ~$: mycmd *ls output* Of course, alias should be available just for one session (not .bashrc etc). Is it possible? Unfortunately I have not found a solution. ...

Alias for class name in the method

Hello everyone I have some curly question.. I can define alias for the class at top of my document, Such as using MyName = Bla.Bla.ClassName But can I define something like this in the method? ...