
What is a proper way to pass a parameter to Set-Alias in powershell?

Hello. A little background: I use PowerShell on windows xp at work and I set a bunch of useful shortcuts in Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 in My Documents, trying to emulate Mac environment inspired by Ryan Bates's shortcuts I have things like: Set-Alias rsc Rails-Console function Rails-Console {Invoke-Expression "ruby script/conso...

Why doesn't Oracle SQL allow us to use column aliases in GROUP BY clauses?

This is a situation I'm generally facing while writing SQL queries. I think that writing the whole column (e.g. long case expressions, sum functions with long parameters) instead of aliases in GROUP BY expressions makes the query longer and less readable. Why doesn't Oracle SQL allow us to use the column aliases in GROUP BY clause? There...

SQL syntax Newbie student

Describe the output of the following SQL query: select custId, name from customer where region = "New York" UNION select cust.custId, from customer cust where cust.custId IN (select cust_order.custId from customer_order cust_order, company_employee comp_emp where cust_order.salesEmpId = comp_emp.empId AND = 'DAN...

How to deal with alias registers in data-flow analysis using SSA form? (e.g. EAX/AX/AH/AL in x86)

For exmaple: How to represent the following x86 in SSA form: xor eax, eax inc ax By introducing some pseudo functions, I come up with: eax@1 = eax@0 ^ eax@0 ax@1 = LOWORD(eax@1) al@1 = LOBYTE(ax@1) ah@1 = HIBYTE(ax@1) hax@1 = HIWORD(eax@1) ax@2 = ax@1 + 1 eax@2 = MAKEDWORD(ax@2, HIWORD(eax@1)) al@2 = LOBYTE(ax@2) ah@2 = HIBYTE(a...

CSS inheritance, aliases and other cool stuff

The other day I was randomly browsing the web and I found some program that lets you write CSS aliases and other cool stuff (which I can't remember right now). As an example, I remember you can do something like this: .myclass { background-color: red; greenfont } where greenfont was defined somewhere else as somekind of alias ...

zsh alias within function

Good morning, In zshell I have an alias as follows: alias foo='echo FooBar!' Which of course works fine. I have a function wherein I'm trying to actually 'execute' the alias, where it doesn't. foo_fun () { echo "About to foo!" `$foo` $foo eval $foo eval `$foo` echo "Just food...wait what?" } I'm having a b...

Looking for a list of aliases

All, I have an IP address and I want to know all aliases within my organization that point to this IP. Is it possible? For example I know the alias "TESTBOX" points to How can by just knowing the IP come up with the "TESTBOX" ? Thanks, M ...

git undo alias with xargs

I have a git alias (git undo) that undoes everything in the working directory, including new files, changed files, and deleted files: !git reset --hard && git ls-files -d | xargs -0 git rm --ignore-unmatch && git clean -fq On OS X, this works great. On Linux, however, I run into the following issue: if no files have been deleted from...

Can I create an alias in C# or VB.NET within method scope?

Is there any equivalent to an aliasing statement such as: // C#: using C = System.Console; or: ' VB.NET ' Imports C = System.Console ...but within method scope -- rather than applying to an entire file? ...

Can the Visual Studio (2010) Command Window handle "external tools" with project/solution relative paths?

I have been playing with the Command Window in Visual Studio (View->Other Windows->Command Window). It is great for several mouse-free scenarios. (The autocompleting file "Open" command rocks in a non-trivial solution.) That success got me thinking and experimenting: Possibility 1.1: You can use the Alias commands to create custom comm...

Aliasing a route causes rails to expect paths that don't exist

ok here's some code: prompt>rails my_app prompt>cd my_app prompt>script/generate scaffold service_type title:string time_allotment:integer prompt>rake db:migrate then edit these files to look like this: #routes.rb: ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.resources :services, :controller => :service_types map.connect '...

alias some columns names as one field in oracle's join select query

Hi We are developing something like a social networking website. I've got task to do 'follow me' functionality. In our website objects are users, teams, companies, channels and groups (please don't ask why there are groups and teams - it is complicated for me too, but teams are releated to user's talent) Users, teams, channels, compani...

How do I phrase this query in NHibernate with Lambda Extensions?

I'm using NHibernate with Lambda Extensions and I can't figure out how to phrase a specific kind of query. My application lets users tag other users in pictures. So there are Picture objects, and each Picture has one or more Tag objects, and each Tag object has one User object. I'm implementing a search feature. Given a search string, ...

Apparently it's important to use Int32 instead of int when messing with DLLImport stuff?

In C#, when messing with that system DLLImport/(unmanaged?) code stuff, I read somewhere it's important to use Int32 exact type instead of int. Is this true? And can someone please elaborate on why it's important to do this? ...

column aliases in postges for calculated values

I tried to uses aliases in postgres for this query, but postgres stops and complains that ERROR: column "subtotal" does not exist SELECT SUM(price) AS subtotal, subtotal * 3.0 AS fees, (subtotal + fees) AS total FROM cart You cannot use aliases as part of your next column? ...

SQL Server 2008 - Database Merger and Aliasing?

Suppose I have two SQL Server 2008 databases, A and B. They initially were created with the intention to be separate, but over time have grown to both have constant references (in sprocs, views, etc) to each other. It's gotten to the point that they're effectively just two halves of the same database. So, we're considering merging them....

using domian alias for multilanguage

Hi, I am using domain alias for different languages;; It is working perfectly as the language is managed depending on the host. Working on joomla, joomfish and artio are working perfectly. You have perfectly pages and friendly URL's translated for example and Using a...

Git: can I store known repositories along the repository?

I am setting up a Git repository. I know you can add repositories using git config --global, but is there a way that those known repositories gets cloned by users? The goal would be that once the repo gets cloned by userz, they can push to other repos just by their aliases. For example, I add git://X/mobility.git as X to the repo (some...

Running Zend site under Alias?

I want to run Zend site under an alias on WAMP. I am able to setup alias, but when I copy a working Zend site there and modify .htaccess to include "RewriteBase /alias", it still does not work. Error messages tell me that controller not found. Mainly this is what happen: I have: With Zend file structure inside (applicat...

sql query with alias name

i have a table with this columns--- Or orgid ispaid validity noofthingstoTake 1 yes 2010-06-05 20 2 yes 2010-06-09 7 i have used this query(to join two more tableS): select distinct B.RequirementID,A.OrganizationID from Organization A,RequirementsDetailsforOrganization B,validityorgdet F where A.Or...