
C#, WPF - setting alignment property by reflection with a string value

Hi, I'd like to set align property (horizontal/vertical) of an object through reflection, with a value of type string. I use something like private void SetPropertiesFromString(object nav, string properties) { Regex r = new Regex("(?[^~]*)~(?[^]*)"); MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(properties); Type type = nav.GetType(); ...

CSS Alignment Woes

Hi all, I'm (needless to say) relatively new to CSS3 and I'm having trouble with aligning content. I have a page with a jQuery UI Tabs module in it. When I display it on the page, it comes out looking like this: EDIT I know it's a terrible screenshot, but I'll just say, the Tab box is left-aligned on the page. I've tried to use the...

how to arrange horizontal field manager at bottom of the screen? blackberry?

i want to put a menu at the bottom of the blackberry, menu items added to horizontal field manager... how to place the menu at the bottom of the screen... ...

Align menu to center of page

Given the following menu structure: <div id="smoothmenu1" class="ddsmoothmenu"> <ul> <li><a href="Default.aspx">Home</a></li> <li><a href="About.aspx">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="#">Automotives</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Masking Film</a></li> <li><a href="#">Promo Items</a></li> <li><a href="#">Accessori...

What is "alignment", and how to convert from one alignment to another?

Here's the steps to convert from section alignment to file alignment: Find the RVA for the data From the RVA, derive the section to which the data referenced belongs. This is trivial, since sections don’t overlap. The starting addresses of the various sections are available in the file header Find the difference between the RVA and the...

proper indenting for ordered lists in html

I cannot get an ordered list to show proper indenting. The numbers are all aligned to the right. So the browser (Chrome) shows a space before the single digit numbers and only aligns the double digit numbers correctly to the left. How can I output a nice ordered list where the numbers are all aligned to the left and the list items all s...

Align Swing Components across Panels

We have a JPanel wich contains multiple JPanels wich contain JComponents (let's say JLabels and JTextboxes) Inside each of the internal JPanels we use JGoodies Layout in order to ensure proper alignement of all Labels. But of course we would like to have all the Labels aligned independently on which subpanel they are. How could we do...

Pointer alignment in libjpeg

From jmorecfg.h: #define PACK_TWO_PIXELS(l,r) ((r<<16) | l) #define PACK_NEED_ALIGNMENT(ptr) (((int)(ptr))&3) #define WRITE_TWO_PIXELS(addr, pixels) do { \ ((INT16*)(addr))[0] = (pixels); \ ((INT16*)(addr))[1] = (pixels)>>16; \ } while(0) #define WRITE_TWO_ALIGNED_PIXELS(addr, pixels) ((*(INT32*)(a...

Text Input and Image Firefox Alignment Issue

Hey, I am pulling me hair out about this one. I have an image at the end of a text input that is styled with a background image, here is the css: .text_input{ background:url(../images/forms/text_input_back.png) top left no-repeat; width:479px; border-style:none; font-size:18px...

positioning with Java Swing

I'm new to Swing. This is the code I've written import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class NewMain { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here JFrame frame = new JFrame("test"); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setSize(300,300); frame.setDefaultCloseO...

Aligning plots + legends in Matlab in a single figure

I'm trying to plot out readings from a device I'm testing, I only need one legend per figure, and there are 3 graphs per figure. I'm giving the first graph a legend with the 'BestOutside' flag. Unfortunately, when i plot the other two graphs they don't line up with the first graph, and partially hide the legend. How do I make sure the ...

Field-wise comparison of unmanaged struct

For test purpose, I want to compare two structs (of unknown type T) marshaled from unmanaged code. Because they may contain some packing in unmanaged representation, it is inappropriate to convert whole struct to byte array and then compare byte by byte: int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)); IntPtr buf1 = Marshal.AllocHG...

How can I improve the alignment of my TextView?

Right-most textview is causing some alignment issues. I'm not sure how I can alleviate this? ...

Data Alignment with network programming

I'm a little confused regarding data alignment. On x86, we typically take alignment for granted. However, I'm programming on a system that is very strict and will error out if I try to access unaligned data. Heres my problem: First, I'm going to show you some structs I have: struct sniff_ethernet { u_char ether_dhost[6]; /* Destinat...

CSS HTML organize 5 images - cross-browser compatible

I've got 5 images I'd like to organize in an ASP.NET MVC view. So what I need is an HTML+CSS solution (I prefer not to use jQuery for this, for maximal compatibility). I want to organize the images like so: Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Image5 At first I tried using tables, with the HTML being: ...

Is there an addon that helps aligning the named argument when calling a C# method?

Hi everyone, It would be nice if we would have the feature 'align named parameters' for method calls? Eg. I have a method: void myMethod(int arg1, int argWithLongerName) { //do something } and I call: myMethod( arg1:1, argWithLongerName:2); I want it to be formatted automatically as below: myMethod( arg1: ...

Break line after input without html markup

Hi, I am trying to display a number of inputs and their corresponding labels. They are both inline elements, and I have a working solution with adding a br tag at the end like so <label for="hello"></label> <input id="hello" type="text" /> <br> <label for="stackoverflow"></label> <input id="stackoverflow" /> Id like to solve this with...

innerHTML alignment question

Hi - I have some js code that brings in random images and text (captions). The captions are centered under the images and would like them left aligned -- can anyone tell me how I might edit the span.innerHTML =Shuffled[i].text; to make the text left aligned under the image? Thanks in advance if you can answer it! { var td = ...

Placing a UITextField in the center of the view

Hi I have a UITextField and I wnat to center this field on the center of teh view any ideas usernameField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 200, 200, 28)]; instead of CGRectMake(some numbers) - I wnat to place it in the center of teh view Thanks ...

Emacs Lisp Align Keybinding Definition in init file

I have the following line in my Emacs init file. (global-set-key (kbd "C-x a r") 'align-regexp) Is there any way to hard-code in a particular regex so that I don't have to specify it every time? ...