
Misaligned Pointer Performance

Aren't misaligned pointers (in the BEST possible case) supposed to slow down performance and in the worst case crash your program (assuming the compiler was nice enough to compile your invalid c program). Well, the following code doesn't seem to have any performance differences between the aligned and misaligned versions. Why is that? ...

How to align Datepicker to text box right edge?

I have jQuery UI Datepicker on the top right edge of my layout. By default, it opens aligned to the left edge of its text box. Thus, it falls out of the layout: How to make it open aligned to the right border of its text box? ...

Why this structure should have 48 bytes

I tried to translate some new part of winuser.h header to Delphi. Why this structure is expected to be 48 bytes (only this size was accepted by the corresponding function). With 4-bytes boundary, it looks like it should have 40 bytes. typedef struct tagGESTUREINFO { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; ...

ActionScript 3 - Tweening rotateAroundExternalPoint

i'm unsuccessfully trying to rotate a rectangle around an external point while tweening. i'm trying to lock the top of the red rectangle to the line while it tweens from left to right and rotates from 0º to 90º. the image above shows 3 states of the tween. state 1 shows the red rectangle at the start of the line with no angle. stat...

CSS background image aligned to left bottom corner without forcing scrollbars

Hi, i have a simple website: fixed width, variable height, centered. I want a background image to align to the bottom left corner of the content like so: ---------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ | <- 960px -> | | ...

preventing unaligned data on the heap

I am building a class hierarchy that uses SSE intrinsics functions and thus, some of the members of the class need to be 16-byte aligned. For stack instances I can use __declspec(align(#)), like so: typedef __declspec(align(16)) float Vector[4]; class MyClass{ ... private: Vector v; }; Now, since __declspec(align(#)) is a compilation ...

Aligning the baseline of field labels with the baseline of text in text inputs

I'm displaying text inputs next to some label text in a fieldset. I'd like the baseline of the text in the text inputs to line up with the baseline of the label text. I could set a fudge factor padding-top for my .label elements but the content of my .value elements may contain read-only text and this would screw up the label/value basel...

member alignment in c struct-embedded union

Hi I am modifying a bit of C code, that goes roughly like this: typedef struct STRUCT_FOO { ULONG FooInfo; union { ULONG LongData; USHORT ShortData; UCHAR CharData; }; } FOO; ... FOO foo; ULONG dataLength = offsetof(FOO, CharData) + sizeof(foo.CharData); Obviously, the code tries to figure o...

make an image and a paragraph sit next to each other.

I have a box with an image and some txt and I want the txt to be horizontal to the image. I know this may be a pretty easy question but I can't seem to find a good answer on the interwebs. thanks for any help. <div id='container'> <img src='someimage.jpg'/> <p>some text</p> </div> ...

text-align always return left by jQuery in IE

Not sure why text-align property always return left in jQuery for IE? <script> $(function() { alert($('#ctl00').css('text-align')) }); </script> <span style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center;" id="ctl00"> ...

How do I make Align.vim \adec work correctly when java generics are involved?

The Align plugin is all nice and dandy, but I encounter problems with it when dealing with generics generics such that: HashMap<String, Object> session = new HashMap(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList(); String banana = "Yo banana boy"; int count = 0; After \adec it becomes: HashMap<String, Object> session = new HashMap(); Ar...

HTML - aligning radio buttons and text

Say you've got two simple table cells next to each other. One contains a radio button and text. The other one contains just text. The radio button's size is set to 16x16 pixels (don't ask me why, assume that it just is). The font size is 12 pixels. How do you make both labels and the radio button to line up consistently in all major br...

WPF How to center the Image.Source

Hi all, I am developing a custom Image control in WPF .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2010. In WinForms the PicutreBox control has the SizeMode property which includes "CenterImage". I want my Image control to have that ability. Is there anyway? Thanks My XAML code: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow" xmlns="http://sch...

How to align text flush with bottom of container using CSS?

In the following example, I want the bottom of the site name text "site name" and the bottom of the menu text "menu 1 menu 2 menu 3" to align flush with the bottom of the container they're in (header). As it is now, the sitename text is some number of pixels above it's container's bottom edge, while the menu text is a different number o...

How to print vertically aligned text

I want to print an output of the following format in a file.. 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Scope 1 1.2 Relevance 1 1.2.1 Advantages 1 Economic ...

HTML - Vertically Align a Table

I would like to place my table smack dab in the center of a page. IT is easy horizontally align it just using <table align="center"></table> But it will not allow this: <table align="center" valign="center"> I also cant put the valign in a div because it is not a valid attribute. I have the idea of making a cell take up an the en...

How to set "Align left" to have predominance over "Align Top" in Delphi 7?

I want to align a certain component to Align=alLeft on the panel, occupying the whole left side of the panel. Then also have another component set to Align=AlTop, but not having predominance over the component aligned to the left, so that it will only occupy the top of the panel where the component that is aligned left is not occupying. ...

Proper alignment for my page title

Hey all, I'm sure this is a stupid easy question, but with HTML I can never decide the best way to get a desired result... I just really wasn't cut out for web coding. Anyway... I have a page that I need to display a title with two links on either side of it and I need the title to be centered and use a different font/style than the li...

SSE Alignment with class

Having some really weird problem and as beginner with c++ I don't know why. struct DeviceSettings { public: ....somevariables DXSize BackbufferSize; ....somemethods }; struct DXPoint; typedef DXPoint DXSize; __declspec(align(16)) struct DXPoint { public: union { struct { int x; int ...

wxPython: Right-align the numbers in a wx.SpinCtrl

A primary reason to use wx.SpinCtrl is to restrict the user to input integers, therefore I think that the text inside it would look better if right-aligned. Is there a way to do this in wxPython? ...