
Does anyone know of any good tutorials for using the APIs from Amazon WeB Services, namely CloudWatch?

Hi, I have been wrestling with Amazon's CloudWatch API with limited success. Does anyone know of any good resources (other than amazon's api docs) for using the APIs. I have tried to run them using the PHP library for CloudWatch but get nothing but error codes. I am configuring the GetMetricStatisticsSample.php file as follows: $request...

All of a sudden, my Amazon FPS signature string is invalid.

What could be wrong? All of a sudden, I'm getting an "invalid signature string" error when I try to process payment. Here is an example of one form: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="abandonUrl" value="" > <input type="hi...

Are there any Unforseen Difficulties with Offloading Image Storage to Amazon CloudFront using C#?

I'm contemplating the use of Amazon's CloudFront service to offload my web applications image/file storage from my web host. Users of my app can upload images, the image is named and the path is stored in a database. I'm thinking of just having the app upload the image to CloudFront and then change the path to use the CloudFront service...

Google Books XML?

Hi everyone, I've been using Amazon Web Services for a while and am looking to change to another data provider. I've been looking into Google Books, but I'm unable to see how to get the data out in say XML format. I would like to do something like: Request Book from ISBN using REST > Receive XML file containing book information etc Do...

Getting product details using Amazon API

Hi, I've got the following code to output a list of items from amazon, but I not sure how to access specific products (with Summery, reviews, etc). Any help would be appreciated. <?php function makeAWSUrl($parameters, $associate_tag, $access_key, $secret_key, $aws_version = '2009-06-01') { $host = ''; ...

EC2 non root user login

Is there a way to log into an EC2 ubuntu ami or a way to set up an ubuntu ami so that non-root users can log in? I tried creating a user and logging in with the associated password. I also tried using the private key, copied the authorized-keys file into the .ssh directory of the non-root user's home directory and tried to log in to th...

Amazon products API - Looking for basic overview and information

After using the ebay API recently, I was expecting it to be as simple to request info from Amazon, but it seems not... There does not seem to be a good webpage which explains the basics. For starters, what is the service called? The old name has been dropped I think, and the acronym AWS used everywhere (but isn't that an umbrella term w...

what can cause a time gap in data on an amazon ebs partition?

we're admitedly new to the ebs world. having set up a new production couchdb server on amazon ec2+ebs, we ran into an issue where about 7 hours worth of data simply disappeared. to the point where the couchdb logs have a gap in them for that very time frame. we know that things were working fine, then we started to experience issues and ...

Creating expiring links to S3 or Cloudfront hosted content with ASP .Net

Anyone have an example of creating a signed URL with an expiration using ASP .Net? I'm exploring using LitS3 or ThreeSharp in my project, and have not seen any specific methods to do this in either of those projects. Thanks. ...

What are your experiences regarding performance with amazon-rds

Did you try amazon-rds? How is it, performance-wise? ...

Amazon Web Service ItemSearch DetailPageURL's with Associate IDs?

DetailPageURL's returned by ItemSearch seem to include an incorrect ID/tag rather than the associate ID I requested the search with. I'm getting:;tag=foo-12&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=19450&amp;creativeASIN=1590595009 When I expect: http://ww...

Automatically handle missing database connection in ActiveRecord?

With the launch of Amazon's Relational Database Service today and their 'enforced' maintenance windows I wondered if anyone has any solutions for handling a missing database connection in Rails. Ideally I'd like to be able to automatically present a maintenance page to visitors if the database connection disappears (i.e. Amazon are do...

Sending email using Amazon Web Services

I'm thinking of setting up a simple web application that sends the user a confirmation email when they first register. If I build this on the Amazon Web Service infrastructure, how can I send email from another instance? I would probably have one instance that is just for the application and another instance for the email server. My...

Amazon RDS: can databases be setup in replicaton mode?

I am studying the new Amazon RDS product and it seems it can be scaled only vertically (i.e. put a stronger server). Did anyone see a possibility to configure multiple instances so that one is master and the other/s is/are replication slaves? ...

Amazon Web Services with PHP - planing learning curve

As many PHP programmers, I am a kind of CMS guy, but also training my "framework" muscles too. From what I observe, there is more demand for Amazon Web Services in job descriptions. Hence, they are worth learning. But any learning should be well-targeted, with purpose, so I am asking questions below. My question is which kind of applic...

Rails based EC2 AMI

Hi, I trying to navigate my new EC2 setup and was hoping to find an AMI setup for Rails. I've been having trouble. Basically, I'm looking for something like this: * Apache 2.2 * Ruby Enterprise Edtion (REE) * Passenger * MySql Installed and configured with Ruby Anyone have an AMI with a basic rails stack they could point me to? ...

Send an XML message to Amazon SQS

I am a newbie to Amazon SQS and ruby on rails. And i am working on a project that some XML messages must be send to SQS. How do i do that? Now i have this in the controller after the .save def create @thing =[:thing]) respond_to do |format| if message = @thing.to_xml and in the...

Disable boto logging without modifying the boto files.

I am using the Boto library to talk to AWS. I want to disable logging. (Or redirect to /dev/null or other file). I cant find an obvious way to do this. I tried this, but that doesn't seem to help. import boto boto.set_file_logger('boto', 'logs/boto.log') This says it is possible,

ec2 bundling on AWS (Amazon Web Services)

I took an existing ec2 image that I had, made some changes and re-bundled it. However, when I try to launch my new image it only lets me launch it as a Large instance -- not a small image. What happened? How can I fix it? I made sure when calling ec2-bundle-vol to specify -r i386 Thanks! ...

Amazon FPS API - doubts

My requirements are this: 1. Do a search on Amazon to determine the list of products using keyword provided by user. - Works. 2. Add the selected items to shopping cart. - Works. 3. Checkout the shopping cart using Amazon FPS API/ OR / checkout the shopping cart using single-click/1-click method highlighted on Amazon. I am able to ge...