
Sharing EC2 accounts

When using external developers to help with EC2/S3 administration and development tasks what would be the normal protocol for sharing account information? I'm a little reluctant to give the Amazon account password away. If the developer has the access id and secret key, would he need a password? Also, what are the possible pitfalls of gi...

Amazon S3 for Software Delivery

Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me answer this dilimma I'm having. I am getting ready to release my new software and its associated content files. Since the File size for the Full version is Huge, I cant use normal software delivery methods. The main download is 450MB and then add-on packs at around 250MB for each add-on produ...

SimpleDB direct client access

One of the useful things about S3 for content storage is that a client can directly make a direct HTTP request to download the object. For instance, this is how Twitter serve up avatar images. SimpleDB provides an HTTP interface to data. Rather than having to write a proxy that sits inbetween SimpleDB and the client, is it possible for ...

Amazon AWS ItemLookup with 13 Digit ISBN

I used to be able to do 13 digit ISBN lookups, but now I can't. Here is the query for the 13-digit ISBN: 9780073380957.

Is it better to have multiple databases vis-a-vis multiple instances on Amazon RDS?

Hello. I am planning to deploy my web application (ASP.Net based) on the Amazon EC2 and the persistence on Amazon RDS. I have a 'gut feeling' that at least my session store (again on RDS) should be separate from the rest of the application database. This is because I am expecting high activity in the session store. RDS supports the abili...

how do I deploy Django on AWS?

Hi - I'm looking to deploy a django app on AWS (since I have some credit coupon) and am looking for a good place to read about it - mostly b/c I never used it before. thanks ...

Amazon EC2 instance

Hi, I have setup an amazon EC2 intance using the command line tools. I have create a key pair for it etc. and it is up and running. I try to SSH into it using the following (I am running bash in Snow Leopard): $ ssh -i ec2-keypair [email protected] Snow Leopard pops up a box saying "Enter you password for ...

URL CNAME Limitation?

We have a domain CNAME pointing to our Amazon load balancer, however the URL's that Amazon provides are longer than 32 characters and one of our clients DNS providers limits CNAME's to 32 characters. Aside from moving to a diff DNS, any suggestions to get around this? HTTP redirect not an option for the URL either.... Cheers, Chad ...

Amazon web services S3 and EC2

Hi all - I can set up my EC2 instances so that certain users other than myself are allowed to SSH in. Is there anyway of achieving a similar situation with S3 in giving certain users access to buckets without revealing the Access ID and Secret keys? Thanks for any help. Max. ...

How to use get_cfg_var() in a cakePHP app ?

I have a cakePHP app with my DB servers configured in the app/config/ database.php file. However, I need to use the get_cfg_var ('mysql.default_host') to get the host name because the client does not want the name hardcoded. I would appreciate a quick response regarding where the changes need to be made. Thanks ...

Hadoop or Hadoop Streaming for MapReduce on AWS

I'm about to start a mapreduce project which will run on AWS and I am presented with a choice, to either use Java or C++. I understand that writing the project in Java would make more functionality available to me, however C++ could pull it off too, through Hadoop Streaming. Mind you, I have little background in either language. A simi...

Amazon MapReduce no reducer job

Hi. I am trying to create a mapper only job via AWS (a streaming job). The reducer field is required, so I am giving a dummy executable, and adding -jobconf to the Extra Args box. In the hadoop environment (version 0.20) I've installed, no reducer jobs will launch, but in AWS the dummy executable launches and fails. ...

HMAC-SHA256 in Delphi

I need to generate HMAC-SHA256 signatures for the Amazon web services API. The old DCPcrypt library has sha256 routines but does not do HMAC signing. Anyone know of a free hashing library I could use? ...

Logs out and with every refresh though not using TempDataProvider?

I've got an app built using mvc and deployed over 2 Amazon EC2 instances. I'm using forms authentication to authenticate users. I simply make a quick look up on the given username and password and if I found a match I set an authentication cookie, like so: if(_repository.Login(username, password)) FormsAuthentication.SetAut...

Disabling unidentified host confirmation when connecting to Amazon EC2 instances using SSH

I am writing a script using boto and Python to automatically launch an Amazon EC2 instance and interact with it using SSH. Everything works fine except that every time I establish the connection, SSH prompts me to confirm the authenticity of the host like this: The authenticity of host ' (174.12...

Amazon EC2 High Availability Database Architecture

I'm currently spec'ing out a solution running on EC2. Setting up web servers, utilizing S3, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, etc have been straightforward enough. Using Elastic Load Balancers for HA cross Availability Zone for our web servers has also been straightforward. I would really like to have cross Region Availability in addition to cr...

C# 'using' Am I doing this right? (Inaccessable due to protection level) I'm trying to use Amazon's api. I downloaded their example code, which is a C# windows form app but I figured it should work for a C# website also, correct? SignedRequestHelper.cs is a file that appears to have some functionality that I need to send a signed request. It's namespace is Amazon...

How can I get last transaction on S3 bucket?

Am a beginner of S3 AWS SDK. and getting problem in my project. I want to get uploaded or downloaded size of file which is currently uploaded. Actually the functionality of my application is that it will upload contents directly from client browser to Amazon S3. But if transfer of data interrupted and if exception is raised then i cant ...

How do I change the aws-ruby log location?

I've found the method set_log in the documentation, I just can't figure out the syntax to call it. Here's what I tried: require 'ruby-aws' Amazon::Util::Logging.set_log('my.log') NoMethodError: undefined method `set_log' for Amazon::Util::Logging:Module ...

Using Amazon services to query products on the amzon website.

Hi I'm creating a application where the user will type in the name of a video game and a query will be sent to a servelt. I want this query to search the amazon product database and if the game is found i want to grab the information such as the name, publisher, platform genre etc and add this information to my database. Just like price...