
Notepad tutorial

This is truly a beginner's question. I installed and successfully ran the notepad tutorials Notepadv1,2,3 and typed in a few notes. Can i import data (manually )from an external text file into the sq lite dbs? I looked in my Notepadv workspace folders but no dbs seem to have been created? I looked for anything with .db extension or nam...

Changing a widget's icon from onUpdate

Hi, I have a widget that is meant to change its icon every time it receives the Update broadcast. However, the widget never manages to display its icon properly, displaying the text "Problem loading widget". The Logcat message is: WARN/AppWidgetHostView(612): updateAppWidget couldn't find any view, using error view WARN/AppWidgetHostVi...

Can't get different views in Tabs

I have an app with 2 tabs, the first is a listview, and the second I'm trying to make a TextView. The problem is I have no idea on how to get the TextView to show up. The listview is working, but I can't get anything on the TextView at all. I tried using the Hello, World to try to work with the text into the tab, but I can't figure it ou...

Launching external application from my app

Hi, I would like to launch an app the user selects from within my application. However, I'm not sure how I'd go about doing this. I've tried this: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Contacts.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT); startActivity(intent); But this seems to throw an error and force close my application. I also tri...

android finish() method doesnt clear app from memory

Hi I have an activity and I call the finish() method and the activity is not cleared from memory. After calling finish() , I see that the method onDestroy() is executed successfully (and I clear all my variables and stuff in there). Should it be cleared from memory or its how android works? As I understand the LifeCycle of the Activit...

Android voice call logging

I'd like to have some code be notified of any incoming and outgoing voice calls. I need to grab all the following: If it was an incoming or outgoing call Number dialed, or incoming caller-id phone number Duration of call, or if it was a missed call It would also be really slick if I could get more contact info, specifically the cont...

Cross-platform mobile framework that can access call logs

I've come across a few suggestions of "develop-once, deploy anywhere" mobile frameworks from other SO questions: I was wondering if there are other alternatives to these mobile frameworks. None of them have the ability to access call logs or hook into a phone's call events ...

How to set an applications background the same as the current background?

I am trying to figure out some way to determine the current background on a phone and then set that background as my own in my application to create a seamless transition between my application and the phone. However I haven't been able to find any functions for this at Androids SDK site. Setting android:theme="@style/Theme.NoBackgroun...

SoundTouch on Android?

Hey, I am trying to change the pitch of an audio file in an android application. I have found an open source library online "SoundTouch" (, do you think I can use this library in an android app? I have been Googling "SoundTouch in Java" an have found this data (

android :how adjust listview column width at runtime?

Does the android listveiw has the method to achive this goal? I woluld like to implement the function like listview in C# or vb,The users can adjust the column width by themselves. ...

Custom ArrayAdapter not Working?

This is one of those cases where I had the code working, tried to add something else, and then found that my previous code has stopped working. It crashes when the program starts. The error seems to lie with the definition of the ArrayAdapter custom class, as if I try using a built in adapter, it works fine. Any help? public class MainE...

Plugins not working in Eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit

On my brand new Windows 7 machine, I downloaded Eclipse (Galileo) and several Eclipse plugins (Android's ADT plugin, Subclipse, etc.) After rebooting, neither of these plugins are showing up in the IDE (nothing in the preferences, menus, etc.) but if I click "Installation Details" in the 'About Eclipse' popup, I see all of the plugins l...

SMS between 2.0 emulators - text bad when message more than 160 chars in length?

Hi, Using two 2.0 emulators and the native messaging application - if I send a text message which exceeds 160 characters in length, the receiving emulator gets the message, but the text is all scrambled. Does anyone else see this? Is this a bug with the emulator, or a real problem with the 2.0 devices as well? Thanks ...

view only specific div from a web page with web view

Is there any way to any way to allow the user to only view a certain <div> with WebView? Thanks! ...

Imageview - a small problem

My problem is that i have placed an ImageView and 6 TextViews as below in a relative layout... ------------- ---------- --------- | | |txtview1| |txtview2| | ImageView | ---------- --------- | | |txtview3| |txtview4| | | ---------- --------- | | |txtview5| |txtview6| | | ---...

is AppWidgetProvider informed if adding a widget fails due to not enough space on homescreen.

My app has a 1*4 icon size widget. When a user tries to add a widget I provide with a configuration screen. and some data is collected - it is verified by the server - it is added to the local DB with appWidgetID as the key - all is good. when user hits save, if there is not enough space, he is given a polite toast - "No more room on th...

Testing performance of an Android application

How can i test the performance of an android application ? Is there any tool that i can make use of ? ...

How to replace framework's AP of Android

Dear all: I would like to write a standalone screen locked AP of Android to replace the default one(android\frameworks\policies\base\phone\com\android\internal\policy\impl\ ) Does anyone know how to replace the default AP of framework? Is it possible to replace framework AP without modify any framework code? Thanks f...

Android Activity as a dialog

I have Activity named whereActity which is having child dialogs as well. now i want to display this activity is as a dialog for another activity.. how can i do that ?? ...

How to switch from wifi n/w to gprs programmaticaly in android?

how can i forcefully send data packets over gprs n/w eventhough wifi is on ? how to create socket for gprs n/w in android and to know gprs ip ? thanks;-) ...