
How to highlight the background color of a row when tick the checkbox?

Hi there. I have a list of checked items. I used the simple_list_item_multiple_choice.xml layout from android from the list. My requirement for this list is: - When I check the checkbox of an item, the background color of that row will change. (For e.g. black background to green) - Then when I uncheck the checkbox, the background col...

How can I add a transparent & scalable marker on android Google Map?

I'm trying to add a marker like the cell ID localization marker (blue dot with a round area) in the pre-installed Google Map application on Android phone. I want it be transparent and scalable when I zoom the map so that the marker can indicate a certain geographical area. Anyone can help me on this? Thanks! ...

xml file updation in android

I want to do an application in which I want to store setting of my application in xml so in need to update xml file (updating values of nodes , removing nodes,appending nodes).In java we will update xml file using javax.xml.transform package classes but it is not available in android so is there any way to update xml(If you know the rea...

Repo Sync a particular folder

I am trying to get the source code for the android os. How do I repo sync a particular folder from the master branch? ...

while uploading file to android market error

when i am uploading my application in android market it showing below error The file is invalid:ERROR:dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found. when i am unzip apk file there i found AndoridManifest.xml file what's the problem i am not getting please help me in this any one have solution Thanks Aswan ...

Calling Intent.getStringExtra() throws StackOverflowError periodically

I have an android application that I am supporting and after calling one of the activities numerous time, it throws a stackoverflowerror when trying to get the extras from the intent. Here is the the stack trace from when it crashes. Any ideas as to why after calling the activity at least 4 times the next time throws StackOverflowError ...

Android - Adding and showing items to ListView one at a time using an ArrayAdapter

Hello, I'm using an ArrayAdapter to add items to a custom ListView and showing the results in my Android app. The problem I'm having is that the ArrayAdapter seems to wait until all items are in it before it shows the view. That is to say, when I'm adding the items to the ArrayAdapter and I call notifyDataSetChanged, it does not updat...

Android : launching diff activities under TabWidget

hiii I am trying to launch activities under each tab. I hav tried with following code public class Tab_Proj1 extends TabActivity { TabHost mTabHost ; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final Context context = getApplicationContext(); //mTabHost = (T...

onClickListener on a LinearLayout

Hello there. Got a little problem with a functionnality I'd like to implement. I've got a linear layout, containing 2 TextViews. I'd want to set a onClickListener on it, so that it would behave just like an item in a ListView. I've tried some possible implementation of this, and got it working using the xml attribute android:onClick of t...

How to create directory automatically on SD card

Im tyring to save my file to the following location FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/sdcard/Wallpaper/"+fileName); but im getting an exception But when I put the path as "/sdcard/" it works. Now im assuming that Im not able to create directory automatically this way. Can someone suggest how to...

How to clear stack back to root activity when user leaves application?

I have an application with 2 activities, LogonAct and MainAct. LogonAct is a logon activity which I want to force the user to go through each time they return to the application. I've set android:clearTaskOnLaunch="true" on LogonAct. When I first start the app I go through this sequence of screens, Home -> LogonAct -> MainAct -> Home ...

how to set the custom options panel in android?

how to set the custom options panel in android? ...

How to detect whether GPS signal is weak or high ?

Hi guys, How to detect GPS signal strength such as low (weak) or high ? is there an API class ? Thanks in advance. ...

How to remove application shortcut from home screen on uninstall automaticaly?

I'm developing an application that should add it's shortcut to home screen after installation and remove it after the application is being uninstalled. The application will be preinstalled on the end user device, but still should have an option for uninstall). The task looks very simple but I've faced lots of troubles implementing it. W...

Android memory allocation

I am getting a "bitmap size exceeds VM budget" error. I have read that there is a 16MB memory limit. In this thread Romain Guy says that "you can only allocate 16 MB of memory for your entire application". However, my app must be running out of memory long before it reaches that limit. So my question is: how do I allocate memory to my ...

Force Screen On

How do I force the screen to stay active and not shut off while my app is running? ...

Android: removing/destroying objects when screen is rotated

I am finding that performance degrades after one or more screen rotations, and I presume that this is likely to be because an App's main Activity is destroyed and recreated each time the screen is rotated and that my app must be leaking memory when that happens. I have read that, contrary to what one might expect, not all the objects cr...

client server in android

Hi I am new to the android . In android in exact what application socket programming is used?,give example with digram if posible. which is client, which is serve?r -- kiran ...

android open socket and send commands

Hay Guys, I'm new to Android but heres what i want to do. I want to beable to open a connect to a server using a given IP and PORT, then send commands to the server and get data back. Any ideas what i need to google to help on this? I know how to do it in PHP (using fputs, fgets, and fsockopen). any help would be brill. Thanks ...

Destination unreacheable (Android mobile)

Hi all, I have coded a Web call, but when i want to try my Android application into the Android device, the response is a socket exception "unreachable destination" (in my mobile device), but if i try with Android Simulator works well (no problems, no exception). My mobile device is connected via UMTS to the service provider, no WIFI. ...