
Android Button Doesn't Respond After Animation

I have a basic animation of a button after it is pressed currently in my application. After the button finishes animating, I can no longer click on it. It doesn't even press with an orange highlight. Any help? Here's my code: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout....

Using custom drawables in an Android Notification.

Is there any way to use an image that I'm generating on the fly as a Notification icon? ...

postInvalidate() is working slow ?

Hi guys, I am using LinearLayout implemented in order to paint polygon on it. But my implemented dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) method is working very slow. Approximately, one draw cycle finish in 535ms (milliseconds). To call myLinearLayout.postInvalidate() from non UI thread, using following code : myActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnab...

os compatibility on mobiles

i want to develop an application on android,webos,wince. how to develop application that should run on all paltform with developing each paltform ...

Android: how to change a low quality image to the hi quality one when the animation stops in gallery?

I want to do an image gallery like in iphone. I want to show low quality (pre-resized) images and when the image is active I want to process the big image and show the result in the gallery. I have two questions. How to attach a listener on the animation stop in gallery? And how to access an image after this action? ...

Android: AutoCompleteTextView show suggestions when no text entered

I am using AutoCompleteTextView , when user clicks on it, I want to show suggestions even if it has no text - but setThreshold(0) works exactly the same as setThreshold(1) - so the user has to enter at least 1 character to show the suggestions. ...

is there an iUI for the Android

Hi, Im developing for both iPhone and Android. For iPhone im using iUI to show what the user interface would look like from a browser. Does anyone know if there is a similar javascript/css library which would allow me to mock up the Android interface? ...

How to start android service on installation

I have a device management application, which essentially runs as a service in the background from boot. I'd like to start this application immediately after installation. How do I achieve this? ...

How do I use obtainStyledAttributes(int []) with internal Themes of Android

So I have looked around and found out that android.R.styleable is no longer part of the SDK eventhough it is still documented here: That wouldn't really be an issue if it was clearly documented what the alternative is. For example the AOSP Calendar App is still using the and...

Drawing Nine Patch onto Canvas (Android)

Hello I'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a Canvas object on the Android. What seems strange is that although I generated my nine patch using the draw9patch tool, the constructor for NinePatch requires an additional byte array called the "chunk" to construct the nine patch. Why isn't this simpler? What is the "chunk"? And if you have ...

Which Android control to use?

Hi, I'm taking my first steps in Android programming. My application is to create entries in a database. For this task I have created a new Activity. All is fine - but I don't really like how it looks. Currently, the emulator shows this: I'd like to have something similar to the "New Contact" Activity: Buttons at the bottom of t...

Moving widgets in runtime on Android

Hi! I have a simple demo with two buttons. They are laid out with a RelativeLayout at the top and bottom of the screen. When I click one of them, I want them to switch places. What is the best way to do that? This is my res/layout/main.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="

Basic imperial conversion problem

Coding a calculation tool for my android. On of the inputs is distance in Feet and Inches. I have two inputs (input3 and input4) for feet and inches, respectively. In my calculation I am trying to convert these two inputs to a decimal number to be used in the rest of the equation. Here's the part of my code that does this: private void...

Android Webapp hide scrollbar?

Hello, is there a way (through javascript/jquery/css) to hide the scrollbar in android's web browser? Can't seem to find any valid info online and things that work for Google Chrome (webkit engine, as well) don't seem to work for the Android's browser. Thanks bunches ...

Android: How to create popup with choices

I want to do something like this: user clicks on a button "Choose color", and a simple popup with e.g. 5 colors appears. I could do this with PopupWindow and inner ListView, but is there a simpler solution, like a specific widget for this? How it should look like: ...

Batch getting many bitmap resources on Android

I have a long series of graphics -- icon1_0.png, icon1_1.png, icon1_2.png..., icon12_0.png, icon12_1.png, icon12_2.png -- and I'd like to package them with my android application. Ideally I think I should be able to load them as resources but the resource id's are set up as java identifiers. Of course, java identifiers can't be assembl...

android OpenGL ES simple Tile generator performance problem

Hello, following this question : Thank to previous replies, and with a major inspiration from , i started to build a simple Tile Generator for my simple 2D zelda-like game project. I can ...

Make imageview appear above Gallery

I have a Gallery widget and 2 imageviews, one on the left of the screen and one on the right. I want the imageview and gallery to stay on the same line, but if there is an overlap, the imageview's z-index should be higher then the gallery's. The problem is the imageview appears underneath the gallery item. I've had a look in the android...

How to popup list like a spinner without spinner in android?

I have a spinner widget in my activity which lets users pick a list name. Normally, the function of the spinner is to switch between lists but for a couple of instances, I swap out the selection change listener to perform a different function with the same list of options. Once the selection has been made, the old listener is restored ...

Call a spinner's value? Also, use other values based on a spinner's value

I have a spinner 'aperture' set up with a list of numbers, and a spinner 'mode' with two options. When a button is pushed I need a calculation to run using various inputs, including the current selection from 'aperture' and a value derived from 'mode'. How do I call the value of a spinner so I can use it in a calculation? Also, how do I...