
Qt: Animating the 'roll down' of a QWidget

I have a QWidget that contains various other widgets. I want to animate it appearing on the screen by gradually revealing it from the top down, increasing it's height from 0 to whatever it's natural height would be. The way I have it currently is: mAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "maximumHeight"); mAnimation->setStartValue(0)...

iPhone: Infinitely looping content inside UIScrollView

In my app, I'm designing a custom picker that allows the user to choose an item by scrolling horizontally and touching it. I need the buttons inside that view to loop around infinitely as the user scrolls in a certain direction. What would be the best way to tackle this feature while maintaining the inertial scrolling of UIScrollView whe...

need help in improving Horizontal sliding div

I have script: It works, but I do not like. Cons: Wrench (edge blocks). In the transition from one unit to another - animation is performed in two steps (I want a continuous animation). Script code is not beautiful, very much repetition. In short - it looks not nice. How to improve the script to look at...

UIView Animation won't run transition

So, I've searched quite a bit for this and can't seem to find a solution. This code works: CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:context]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:5]; [c setCenter:CGPointMake(200, 200)]; [UIView commitAnimations]; This code doesn't: CGContextRef context = UIGr...

how to use Autocomplete extender at server side in c#.

Hi, I want to set text box properties to dynamically created texbox. But don't know how to apply the animation to the extender control. I want to perform : <%-- Make the completion list transparent and then show it --%> ...

jQuery + Webkit +... switching between CSS3 transitions/transforms and javascript automatically?

it may sound a weird question not easy also to explain: Jquery works flawless on any desktop web browser but as you may have already noticed is pretty cluncky on iphone/ipad/ipod because is not hardware accelerated as the webkit transforms are...the latter are very smooth...but they work only on apple products. my question is if do you...

How can I animate DIVs moving from a central point to off-screen?

Is it possible to have divs located around a central point and then on hover for them to whisk off screen and return when the mouse is gone? This what the layout is looking like, the idea is for the green "leaves" to whisk off to show the branches and the menus. Would this be possible with JavaScript and PHP? ...

Can I animate a radial gradient in iPhone?

I would like to animate a radial gradient to shrink and grow the inner radius, as if it were pulsing. Right now I'm rendering the gradient with CGGradient, but I'm not sure how to animate it. I've seen this topic Which explains how animate a...

Animated rich interactive backgrounds for Silverlight

Hey everybody, this is not really a question, I have just written an article on Code Project on how to create rich interactive backgrounds for Silverlight applications. This background reacts to a users mouse movements and causes a fluid animation of the background elements. ...

flex: how to Make two resize effect at the same time

Hy, Is it possible to resize the application at the same moment when the Accordion size change, to make effect resize og the last one synchronised with resize of Application ? In my code,, the Application is resized after the resize of Accordion is completed: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www....

What is the exact rule of jQuery's animate() parameters?

jQuery 1.4.2's animate() API spec is .animate( properties, [ duration ], [ easing ], [ callback ] ) but it seems that we can supply duration, callback, and no easing .animate({left: '+= 100'}, 600, doThis) and it will work. But if we supply easing and callback and no duration .animate({left: '+=100'}, 'swing', doThis) then the...

Activating Webkit CSS3 animation using Javascript

I am looking to use Webkit CSS3 to move a absolutely positioned DIV from one location to another on the screen when a button is pressed, by changing its left and right CSS properties. However, all the examples for doing this that I saw use a static CSS rule to apply this transition. I don't know the new position before hand, so how do ...

jQuery switchClass

Is it possible to undo a switchClass transaition? I'd like an element to slowly obtain class A as you hover over it, and slowly lose it again once the mouse has moved away. However, the function appears to be glitchy, and calling .stop(0,1) doesn't seem to help. In fact, it seems to break it. I have a live example here. Yes, it's a 404...

iPhone animation with stretchable image

I got a UIView subclass that draws a UIImage as its background. The image is created using the stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method, it has round edges. I also use an animation block inside of which I resize my view. I had hoped that during animation, the drawRect:method would get called sometimes, which would result in...

CALayer: callback when animation ends?

Hi All, I have been running into some issues with animating multiple CALayers at the same time, and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. My app contains an array of CALayer. The position of each layer is set to (previousLayer.position.y + previousLayer.bounds.height), which basically lays them out similar to a tabl...

how to draw square after load the application in iphone(graphics) ?

how to draw square after load the application in iphone(graphics) ?(I know how to draw shapes but i exactly want to show draw shape after my app. launch what can i do) and also want to fill color after app. launch ? ...

How to animate a UIButton selected background Image

hi all, I have a class defining a custom UIButton. I configurate a normal and selected state like this: //custom image UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"customIconCreationBG.png"]; UIImage *stretchImage = [image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:0.0 topCapHeight:0.0]; [self setBackgroundImage:stretchImage forState:UIControlStateNo...

WPF Button Animation

I have a control template for a button that looks like this: <ControlTemplate x:Key="CopyButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text=">>>>"/> </ControlTemplate> How could I go about animating this so that when the mouse is hovering over the button the > arrows "move...

Imageview ontop of another imageview

I have a listlayout with items in it that looks like this: There is first an ImageView (the light) and then two textViews. All of this inside a TableLayout. (source here: I want to have a rotating animation of a loading indicator Ontop of th...

Programatically WPF Fade In (via extension methods)

I'm trying to write a simple (stand alone) C# extension method to do a Fade-In of a generic WPF UIElement, but the solutions (and code samples) that I found all contain a large number of moving parts (like setting up a story, etc...) For reference here is an example of the type of API method I would like to create. This code will rotat...