
css3 animation only happening once

I'm trying to make a box rotate through javascript/css3 rotate every time I click on it. It works, but only the first time I click on it. Each time after, I get the alert which means it's not a javascript error - but no animation. Here is my simple page - <script> function rotate( box ) { alert('start');

Flex State transition questoin..

Hi I am trying to create the transition between states. The first state transition works fine(state1=>state2), but the second one is acting weird(state2=>state3). After clicks the button to change state2=>state3, some text areas which are belong to state2 show up and stay on the screen. I am not sure why. I would appreciate it if some...

Why doesn't this jQuery animation loop infinitely?

I have a jQuery animation that positively refuses to loop. It will play through the animation once and then quit. Here it is: Here is the relevant section of code: function DoAgain() { $('#block').stop().css('marginLeft','0px'); var width = ($('#block').width()) /...

[Android] Images in TextView

1) How would one go about altering/extending TextView to render inline images? It seems that setText(Html.fromHtml(...image tags...)) might actually allow image insertion if set up correctly, but I haven't tried myself. Even if, I would still need fine grained control over the image drawing (my final goal is to display inline animated s...

Slide object using For Loop (C#)

Hey All, I did quite a bit of searching around and didn't find anything of much help. Is it possible to "slide" or "move" using C#, an object from one Location to another using a simple For loop? Thank you ...

Animating an ItemsControl in WPF: sliding and fading

I would like to animate when items are added/removed from an ItemsControl. Does anyone have ideas/links on how to achieve this? I think fading-in should be doable by attaching an animation to the Loaded event. Fading out seems it would be much harder, though. As for sliding, when an item disappears, I want the rest of the items to slid...

Can't stop animation at end of one cycle

I'm making a CSS animation at the minute, and in it I'm moving stuff and want it to stay at the end position until the user moves their mouse away. body { background: url('osx.jpg'); padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 60px; } @-webkit-keyframes item1 { 0% { bottom: -120px; left: 0px; } 10% { bottom: -40px; left...

Displaying activity with custom animation

I have a widget which starts an activity when it is clicked. I'd like to have some kind of fancy animation to display this activity, rather than the standard scroll-from-right of Android. I'm having problems setting it, though. This is what I have: slide_top_to_bottom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set xmlns:android="http:...

Run jQuery animation continuously throughout entire website

I'm running an infinite loop of a color changing background on my website using the jQuery timers plugin ( jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('body').everyTime(1,function() { $(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#000000" }, 20000).animate({ backgroundColor: "#ffffff" }, 20000); }); }...

JQuery accordion bug in IE 8? Workaround?

To see this accordion animation bug, go to with Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Click on "Bios". The first click on a menu item should open the submenu. But it doesn't, nothing appears. The second click kind of closes the menu, but leaves artifacting. Using other menus works correctly. Question: What is causing t...

CABasicAnimation animates everything when it should only animate one thing

I made a bunch of little individual pictures, each with a separate CALayer, and they're supposed to fade in and out asynchronously at different rates. Each has a background sublayer and a fill sublayer. A timer runs in the background to animate each one individually at specific moments. For the current behavior of the program, rather ...

TranslationAnimation in Android code

Hey, I was able to get the animation to work on the emulator -- however my problem is that it animates for a second, but then then goes back to its original posistion right after it finishes animating. How can I stop this for happening. This is how I animate my objects: private void doAnimations() { logo.setVisibility(View.INV...

Optimising simple animations with only a few frames

Hi there everyone. I've managed to set up a button which when pressed displays a thought bubble. The bubble appears first as a smaller bubble, then a slightly larger bubble, then finally the full sized bubble, all in quick succession. I've managed to do this just fine with the following code, I'm just wondering if this really is the best...

CPU Performance proeblems with Flash animation

Hi, Well I'm having a hell of a time trying to get my CPU down under 45% when running my current application. I've tried all sorts of optimization tricks and tips with little success and I'm at a point now where I need a fundamentally different approach. Problem and Current Approach In the main view of my application I have a single ...

Silverlight 3 Control Animation - Fade In then Fade out in same animation

Control type is Border, Control name is brdMessage. How can i make a storyboard to fade in my control (opacity from 0 to 1) in the first 3 seconds, then nothing happens in the next 3 seconds and then a fade out (opacity from 1 to 0) the control in the following 3 seconds? (can you please provide answers in c# code and not xaml). Thanks....

Very strange behavior with commitanimations after switching xibs then rotating phone...

I have a very strange problem and I am not sure what is causing it. I have some animations on my iPhone apps initial view controller. These are basic and are created using this type of code... [UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIImageView setAnimationDuration:30.0]; [UIImageView setAnimationRepeatCount:1e100f]; [UIImage...

On IE 7, jQuery's fadeIn() and fadeOut() requires the user to move the mouse around the area to see the update, why?

I have some jQuery's fadeIn() and fadeOut() and it works well in IE 7 and IE 8 (with the IE 7 Compatibility Mode) -- It works perfectly on Firefox, Chrome, and Safari as well. However, some part of it will not show any update of elements fading out and new elements fading in, until I move the mouse around that area -- then the whole reg...

Control a Core Animation with the Accelerometer

Hello, I have just started working with Core Animation and I have an animation which moves an image from top to bottom. theAnimation=[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"]; theAnimation.duration=5; theAnimation.repeatCount=1; theAnimation.autoreverses=NO; theAnimation.removedOnCompletion=YES; theAnimation.fromValue=[NSValu...

Applet stops at "Applet loaded" and displays nothing, works perfectly on BlueJ AppletViewer.

Background:  I have a basic applet from various tutorials and books written that adheres to their instructions and, after much toil over getting it to display anything at all, I finally have it so that it displays fine in Applet viewer. It has 3 classes: Animation, Sprite, and spriteTest. Animation and Sprite classes have been thorough...

How to do proper bounds checking for drawing on HTML5 canvas?

When drawing on a canvas in firefox, if you attempt to draw at or move to a point beyond the bounds of the canvas, an error will be thrown (this is copied/pasted directly from Firebug): An invalid or illegal string was specified" code: "12 Other browsers won't throw the error. This is for both the drawing methods (lineTo, arc, etc), ...