
Wanted: jquery plug-in for gaming-machine-like display of numbers / high score

I'm looking for a jquery (or other javascript) plug-in that shows and animates numbers like a high-score on a gaming machine, similar to this: Is there anything like that? ...

Inserting row to end of table with UITableViewRowAnimationBottom doesn't animate.

I have a quick, probably basic question regarding UITableView in iOS. I'm trying to insert a row at the end of my table. It works with every animation except UITableViewRowAnimationBottom. If I specify this particular animation, the cell appears at the end of the table, rather than animating. My code is essentially as follows: - (void)...

iPad crash while animating the background image

Hi, I created a view controller with a png image and a long jpg background (it's width is twice the width of the iPad - 2048px). moving the png image makes the background image to move to the left in a seamless manner. see this image for an illustrative reference: image When playing with it on the iPad, it crashes anytime I move it mo...

WPF animation stops when another thread running

Hi, I've a window that shows a 'working' animation when another thread is running. The window shows and I can see the progress bar but the animation is frozen. The code runs on a ViewModel, and the dispatcher is created in the constructor: _dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; The code to create the animation and run the proces...

looking for a good framework/interface for creating an image browser

My apologies if this question is too general, as this is my first time using stackoverflow. :) Basically, I wanted to write an image browser that would crawl a directory tree for images, insert them into a DB, and display them hierarchically. I wanted it to run fullscreen, be fairly fast to browse through large images, and have some nic...

How to increase the rotation speed in android?

I have an image drawable. i rotating the image like a progress bar. <rotate xmlns:android="" android:pivotX="50%" android:pivotY="50%" android:fromDegrees="0" android:toDegrees="360" android:drawable="@drawable/spinner_white_48" /> i want to increase the rotation speed? for that, What attribut...

Changing the framerate of a tweened animation in Flash

As part of a project I am recycling old AS2 flash animations for use in a new context. The old framerate was 60fps, the new 30fps. The new project is also AS2. Several of these animations are fairly complex timeline animations, with multiple layers, tweens, and clips within clips with timeline tweens applied. Editing these to run at the ...

android listview scroll past top

Does anyone know how to achieve the "scroll past top" functionality that you see in some apps (like the HTC Sense email app for example) where when you scroll up to the top of the list and try to scroll up past that, it appears to pull down, and when you release it springs back up? ...

Can this be done with jquery?

Please take a look at this site Look at the flash header, can something like that be done with jquery? If so what jquery plug in would work the best? I've searched for image slide shows, but nothing with that effect can be found. Possibly the best method I found is spritely. I look forward to your answers. ...

Determine if element is inside or outside visible area of containing element

How do I determine if the .circle elements in the code below are still "onscreen"? That is are they outside the visible area of the containing #wrapper element? Here's the code: <html> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #000; margin: 2px; padding: 0; } #wrapper { background-colo...

android grow box animation

Hi, Inside of a ListView row, I have a box (right now its an imageview, but i will probably be converting it to a linear or relative layout object at some point). when you click on the box, i have it start a scale animation that makes it appear to grow. however, once the animation is over, the box goes immediately back to its original...

how to execute multiple animations in a row?

-(ibaction)sometouched:(id)sender { [UIView beginAnimations:@"first one" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [myview setFrame:CGRectMake(0,y,width.height.); [UIView commitAnimations]; [UIView beginAnimations:@"second one" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [myview setFrame:CGRectMak...

Why isn't my Android animation not calling my onAnimationEnd?

My animation works and when the thread ends, the intent for the next screen fires, but it won't fire from the end of the animation. I put log entries for all of the AnimationListener's callbacks (only End is in this listing), but none get logged. public class PromoActivity extends Activity implements AnimationListener { protected b...

WPF Focus Animation not working properly

Hi, I have a WPF usercontrol set up in XAML with the following Triggers: <UserControl.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="GotFocus"> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <DoubleAnimation To="1.5" Storyboard.TargetName="ImageContent" Storyboard.TargetProperty="RenderTransform.Childre...

How do I draw animated lines in Silverlight?

Okay, so I'm using Expression Blend 4 and learning SL, and am pretty overwhelmed with it all. I'm working on a simple project to animate an aircraft holding pattern. I want to show things on the screen in a specific order: Draw a holding point (the station) Draw the aircraft's position Animate an arrow starting at the aircraft's posi...

Given a WPF Image control, how can I make it bigger through animation on MouseEnter?

I've done this once before but I have forgotten entirely how to do it. How can I have it so an Image can grow a bit within 3 seconds (so it's smooth) on MouseOver? ...

UIImageView is it possible to reverses animation?

i try to make an animation on UIImageView. is it enough ? or i need to use Core animation instead? i want to animate picture 1 , 2, 3, ..., 14 how to reanimate from 14, 13 ,12 ,..., 1 here is my code NSArray *myImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"phe01.png"], [UI...

Binding storyboard animation values

I have an enum on a viewmodel which represents one of 5 colors, and I am using a ValueConverter to convert these values into actual colors. Specifically it's for the color of each listbox item's background to change to as it is hovered over. I have a custom control with a visual state manager and a mouseover group which uses a SplineCo...

jQuery animated image swap

Howdy. It's me again, and It's jQuery again. I have somthing like that: When this menu on left is clicked, then I want to change src of this image, or just swap it. However I want to make it animated. Images paths are taken from DB, and stored in "images" array (You can check that with firebug). thanks Update...

Subclassing UIImageView - animation images do not display or appear.

Hi everyone, I'm trying to subclass UIImageView in order to create an instance of the subclass which plays different animations, depending on a variable I send it. My initial code (before subclassing) for playing a specific 2 frame animation looked like this. 'bubbleAnimationTemp' is just a UIImageView object I declared in the header: ...