
Flex animation question.

Hi guys. I am trying to do a simple animation. I want to fade in and resize a List inside creationcomplete. My problem is that I can alway see the element flash in before the element animation begin. On the other word, the user will see the element appear for 1 second->then fade in and resize animation. I was hoping anyone here could ...

Resize a list of images in Mathematica for use with ListAnimate.

Suppose we have a list of images, like the following: imageList = Table[Plot[Sin[k*x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}], {k, 1, 4, .05}]; We can animate those images like so: ListAnimate[imageList] But now suppose we want the animation bigger. We could stick an ImageSize option into the Plot command used to generate the images, but suppose we're not ...

Why the image blurs when it is in motion tween?

I had atleast 20 images.i tried to move it scroll from right to left in Flash MX 2004. When i pr viewed in timeline window it shows actual image moving. But when i exported it into swf it shows as a Blurred image moving. The movie is at How to solve this. Plz help. Any help will be greatly appreciated. ...

2 different views in android setContentView

I need to have 2 different images in one view. The GraphicsView(this) is supposed to be an animation (actually an image that rotates it self in the center of the view) and R.layout.main is supposed to be the background of the view (a static image again on the top of the view) What I need is an imageview on the top of the view and bellow...

iphone - wrong animations

I am building a book where I will use the page curl animation to flip the pages, something like this: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.45f]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:self.view cache:NO]; [UIView commitAnimations]; I will use curl down or up, accord...

android resize animation

Is there a way to apply a 'resize' animation as opposed to a scale animation in Android? When using the scale animation, the image or layout being resized is stretched out, this includes the border / stroke outline that is outlines the image. I have a box, with 2 lines around them, when the animation is applied the stroke appears to gr...

android animate property

is there any way to apply an animation to a property of a view? currently, the only animation i am aware of is applying an animation to an entire view. i'm wondering if i can apply an animation to a property (i.e. layout_width for example) ...

Animating Multiple Ellipses

sRMatTemp = [SENSORRANGE]; sRMat = repmat(sRMatTemp, size(obj.landmarks.sensed(:,1), 1)); ellipse(((2*pi*sRMat)/(360/obj.landmarks.sensed(:,4))), obj.landmarks.sensed(:,5) , obj.landmarks.sensed(:,3), obj.landmarks.apparentPositionsST(:,1), obj.landmarks.apparentPositionsST(:,2)); The above code works fine... ONCE. The problem is I ne...

How can I create a color striped background, animated to slowly turn 360 degrees, using no raster images or js?

I got the idea to create a purely code-driven striped image background when I saw Katy Perry's website: Then I saw the animation of the rotating earth on FoWD's 404 page: I believe this same concept should be possible using html5, css3 and canvas. Here's what I'm thinking: Have...

iPhone CALayer's rotation axis

Hi guys, I'm rotating a CALayer on the X axis, but even if it's displaced on the Z axis, it uses the Z = 0 as axis for the rotation? Is there a way of telling it to use the bottom of the plane, as the axis? Thank you! ...

Animating large sprites with cocos2d (ccspritesheet)

I'm working on an iPhone game using Cocos2d where the main character is approximately 194x114. the animation consists of 100+ frames making my spritesheets larger than the 1024x1024 limit. The obvious solution would be to separate the animation to several files and swapping spritesheets when necessary. while doable (i guess) i'm not qui...

Possible to initiate a call to 'shouldAutorotateInterfaceOrientation' of a UIViewController

Hi all! Again a question about changing the interfaceOrientation of a UIView. The probleme that I have is changing the interfaceOrientation and I would like to avoid to do it manually, because I additionally have hidden views (those will appear with certain finder swipes) and I think it's a little bit tricky to transform all of them man...

Using an ImageMap extracting Images (PNG) and display on TImage

Hi, I'm trying to achieve the following: Assume a large png (transparent background 16000 x 70px) which contains 50 different other png files... I need to load that png and extract individual pngs from it (best would be e.g. to have kind of a function which I could say by coords (left, top, height, width) which png I would like to extra...

animation does not start in canvas on adnroid

Hello. I'm working on a game that requires drawing to SurfaceView's Canvas. I'm using SurfaceHolder to obtain Canvas to draw to, and perform drawing in a separate thread. Everything I draw displays correctly except for this one animation. Here is the animation definition (it is in res/drawable/ my_animation.xml: and here is how I ...

Objective-c animation block doesn't seem to fire

I have a method in my UIView subclass "Card" to dismiss an instance by fading its alpha from 1 to 0. I do a similar thing when I add the card to the superview and it fades in fine. But when I call fadeAway, it just disappears immediately. The presentation code is in my controller class. Here is my Card.h and Card.m #import <UIKit/...

CATransition how to clip to bounds of UIView?

I'm using CATransition to slide subviews of UIView. But the problem is that the CATransition always appears in whole screen. And it looks like a mess because I have another UI elements in window that become overlapped while transitioning. How can I restrict frame of transition by UIView frame? I tried to set clipToBounds of my UIView to ...

iphone uitableview to another view

Hi all! in my program I need a tableview and, when you click onto a row, the view scroll left and show the details (like the mail for example...) how can I do this?? I explain... it's an automatic thing or I need to manage by hand the animation of the view?? thanks in advance ...

jquery ajax onkeystroke stop animation?

Alright so I've got this script sort of working. The ajax call works and the correct data is returned. The problem is that when keystrokes are pressed quickly (not real quickly, just normal typing speed), then the animations keep going back and forth, and every ajax call is still executed. How can I make it so that: 1) the ajax calls d...

Android ==> Simple Animation?

How can i display a simple animation? Let's say there is a button on the screen with margin left of 200, and margin top of 200. I need to set the margin left, and top of this button to 0 and show a simple animation. So basically a simple animation on a button from position 200,200 to position 0,0 ...

The animation is working in simulator but its crashing on device new to Animation Programming.... My app is crashing in device but its working fine in the simulator... if i keep on dragging on device for few minutes..its crashing.... Can anybody help me please... The following is my code... // HomeViewController.m #import "HomeViewController.h" @implementation HomeViewController @synthesi...