
Animation doesn't work in firefox and IE.

Hello guys I am trying to use jquery to show my div containers coordinate with my buttons..All div containers will be hided when page first loaded. When use clicks a button, different container will show up. My problem is that the div will only show up when click a button in Chrome but not firefox or IE. I appreciate if anyone could h...

Android ViewFlipper animation does not render background!?

Hi, I'm using a ViewFlipper with two ListViews. When setting a background drawable on the ViewFlipper, the animation performed when "flipping" only renders the foreground, and background is black! When animation is done, the background appears. Is there a known problem with animating the background "layer" of a view? Also, the animation...

How to hide view when animation done in android?

I have a simple LinearLayout with two Buttons side by side. They are supposed to slide into and out of view from the right side of the screen when needed. I have the animation working and the rest of the work is done, but I have one last problem to solve. How can I set the LinearLayout's visibility to View.GONE after the slide out ani...

Jquery Animation doesn't work in IE

Hi guys. I am trying to animate a div when the user click the button. Each button will move a div to a different amount of pixels. My code works in firefox and chrome but not IE8 (I only test it in IE8 so far). I appreciate it if someone could help me about it. my jquery $(document).ready(function(){ function breakline(position) {...

Elements/Wired Style 3D Animation

I am trying to implement the style of 3D rotational animation you see in the Elements and the Wired iPad applications. The animation has the UIScrollView style acceleration so it looks like they have connected a UIScrollView to a sequence of images. I have tried implementing it in UIKit, using an "empty" UIScrollView to increment throug...

Cocos2d framework (iPhone): loading 100 frames causes problem

I am developing application in cocos2d framework 0.99. I have 100 images for animation, the image is big so it's difficult to load how can I get those image catche once and use in the application. I am using following code: CCAnimation *walkingAnimation = [CCAnimation animationWithName:@"Flying Animation" delay:1.0f/10]; for (in...

WPF - Trying to animate height but getting error that height is NaN

Been trying to create an animation to dynamically adjust height. I found this info that helped but when I try to use it I get an error: 'System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimation' cannot use default destination value of 'NaN'. If I specify the height I get that error. Style: <Style x:Key="bdrSlideIn" TargetType="{x:Type Border...

Reanimating a view when using layoutanimation

Using a layoutanimation on one of my views. android:layoutAnimation="@anim/animate_layout" The animation is done each time one enters that view. It will however not run if that view was already active and the user changed to another application and then returned to it. In order to do that, I need to overwrite the onresume() method an...

Is there a way to skip animating a rotation from shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation?

I would like to allow the orientation to rotate as per the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation call to my view controller. However, I'd like it to do so immediately and skip the rotating animation (the one that results in the corners showing the black rotating animation while the entire view rotates. Does anyone know if there is a w...

What package should I be using for 2d animation?

I am working with a client on a 2d map. The map is centered on the user's position and marks various headings and points of interest. As the user moves, the headings change and the points of interest move. My client is insistent on using OpenGL for this, but this seems like overkill. He has mentioned he thinks GDI+ and SDL are too slow...

How to use AnimationDrawable in getView with Gallery

I'm creating a gallery view where I'm loading images from the web. While the images are loading, I want to display an animation as a placeholder for each image. I figured this could be done using an AnimationDrawable, however, the animation won't start. The first frame of the animation loads as expected, and if I use the same in for exam...

does animateWithDuration:animations: block main thread?

I have connected the two methods below to separate buttons in my UI but have noticed that after pressing the "VERSION 1" button that I could not press the button again until the animation duration within the method had ended. My understanding was that the animation uses its own thread so as not to block the main application. // VERSION ...

RESOLVED: making a paragraph animate along with rotating image in jquery

Hey all, The problem was the text failed to scroll with images. $(function() { $('#slideshow').crossSlide({ sleep: 2, fade: 1 }, [ { src: '../images/img1.png' }, { src: '../images/img2.png' }, { src: '../images/img3.png' }, { src: '../images/img4.png' } ...

How do i create Pin Wheel(Like Daisy Wheel) in iPhone

Hi Buddies, I want to create a pin wheel(Like msnbc apps). Please see the below image. How do i create a pin wheel. Is there any sample code or tutorials available?.please guide me to how to achieve this?. Thanks. ...

NSTimer is not working fine Animation in iPhone new to iPhone my app the timer is not working fine. can anybody help me out please... The following is the code for animating few images wn we touch or swipe..they fall down i want to restrict the touches for few seconds with use of timer... is there another way to do this..?(before using timer its crashing on d...

jQuery + RGBA color animations

Does anyone know if jQuery can handle an animation like: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) -----> rgba(0,255,0,0.4) I know there is a plugin to handle color animations, but this might be too modern? ...

iphone image carousel

I hardly know how to explain my case other than to point to the excellent Absolute vodka app, Drink Spiration. I am trying to make a carousel like image browsing with a little spice. I would really like to find a simple core animation explanation on how to accomplish something like the above app. I hope someone can help with this. Th...

Why do I need to do this and is there a better way? Animation blocks on iPhone app OS4...

So I have some animation blocks to create some very simple animations on my app (eg. a wheel spinning continuously). This is the code for the animation (I have changed if from the old commitanimations style block but was getting the same problem with that). [UIView animateWithDuration:30 delay:0.0 options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllo...

Timed animation with jQuery

Is this possible via jQuery ? Basically as shown in above image , I have blue background , map image and text images. I want to achieve this kind of animation at the page load or whenver this image is loaded. ...

jQuery animation lock + callback confusion

Hi again. I've got little animation in jQuery. However, I don't want to allow calling other animation, until one isn't over. URL HTML <div class="tooltip act" style="display: none;" id="t_arrow_1">Position absolute GO!</div> JS // JavaScript Document jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var lock = 0; $('.ar...