
Android Multiple Animations.

HI, When trying to show more than one animation at the same time sometimes one of the animations "hickups" and just seems to jump right to the end position. What im trying to achive is have a Gallery baseed mebu that changes the current view in a ViewFlipper, the Gallery changes the current view on the setOnItemClickListener. if i don'...

android apply color to alpha animation

is there a way to apply a color to an alpha animation in android? I know how to use the <alpha> element, but i'd like to have the alpha apply a color as well as an alpha so i can hightlight a layout. is this possible? ...

Animate object along a drawn path?

Hi, I recently downloaded the sample application, GLPaint from apple. This app showed me how to implement drawing, but now I would like to animate a image over the drawn lines. Similarly to how the application "Flight Control" works, I would like to be able to draw a path for an image and then have the image animate over this path. any...

IE8 not animating jQuery menu properly

Hi all I am having a real headache. I have written a small and simple menu which employs simple animation (fade in/fade out) powered by jQuery. My issue is that the animation, when bviewed in ie8 looks awful - while the animation is running big ugly black borders are visible around the text (take a look at the link below you will see w...

Silverlight 4 Button MouseOver when Button moves, not Mouse

I have a situation where I have a series of buttons scrolling by in a Grid inside a Canvas animated with a Storyboard and DoubleAnimation (on the Canvas.LeftProperty). When I move the mouse over the buttons I get the expected MouseOver transition to the MouseOver VisualState. But when the button moves under the mouse (that isn't moving...

Inline SVG Animation: Compatibility Oddities

I've been working on this for some time, but can't seem to find an adequate solution yet. The page is XHTML with inline SVG which is animated with ECMAscript once the SVG is finished loading. There is a 0.5s pause, then an eye in the middle opens. It works on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on MacOS X. The problem is in Chrome on Windows t...

animated UIButtons are clickable at destination before they reach destination

I have a UIView that contains a couple UIButtons that I am animating from offscreen to onscreen. I find that the region where they are heading is clickable before they reach it. The animation is pretty simple, so I'm wondering if there is something obvious that I am missing in terms of telling the code to not treat the button as if it ...

Looping UIScrollView with user interaction

Hi all, I have a looping scrollView but I want the user to be able to speed up the scrolling by interacting with the scrollView (ie scrolling with their finger) if they choose. Do I have to do extra work to acheive this as at the moment the animated scrolling takes priority over the users interaction and slows the scroll down dramatical...

please explain this obj-c code

ref1view.hidden = NO; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25f]; [ref1view setAlpha:([ref1view alpha] == 1) ? 0.0f : 1.0f]; [UIView commitAnimations]; Can anyone please give me a breakdown of how this works.. Specifically the: [ref1view setAlpha:([ref1view alpha] == 1) ? 0.0f : 1.0f]; It ...

Define a circle / arc animation in SVG

Does anyone know how to define an animated arc / circle in SVG, such that the arc starts at 0 degrees and ends at 360 degrees? ...

How to animate visibility of a StackPanel in Silverlight to expand and collapse?

In my case, I would like the expand/collapse to happen from left to right and right to left respectively. The animation should happen when the visibility changes. Thank you. ...

canceling the delegate for a specific UIView animation

I receive a crash on the call to the function set in setAnimationDidStopSelector when my view is animating as I remove the view and release the object. I'm not 100% certain that this is simply a case of a UIView animating while being released and the callback issued by the animation being called into a released object, but I suspect it ...

Android AlphaAnimation causes black box

I'm applying an AlphaAnimation to a Button. The animation is extremely simple. <alpha xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0" android:duration="500"/> On the emulator, the button fades...

Webkit CSS Animation issue - persisting the end state of the animation?

Hello, Given the following CSS3 animation.... <style type="text/css" media="screen"> .drop_box { -webkit-animation-name: drop; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1; } @-webkit-keyframes drop { from { -webkit-transform: translateY(0px); } to { -webkit-transform: translateY(100px); ...

CATransition replaceSubView:with…is animating all views

Hi everyone, how can I make it so all of my view's subviews aren't animated here and only the currentPage's representedView and the newPage's represented view's? CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation]; [transition setType:kCATransitionPush]; [transition setSubtype:([self indexOfPage:currentPage] < [self indexOfPage:...

Execute action when an animation is repeated in Android

I'm trying stuff with android animation and I would like to know if there is a way to execute some code every time an animation is repeated? I looked at the google doc but didn"t find any method to do that... ...

How do I display an animated image during Page Load using jQuery

Hi there, I have an ASP.NET page that takes a long time to load due to the loading of multiple user controls. Is there a way where I can show a loading animation using jQuery while the page is loading? Thanks. ...

Android::Creating a draggable elastic ball?

I created a custom view loading an image of a small ball. So that the onDraw method would look like this: public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawBitmap(...); } Later, I added an onTouch listener to be able to listen to touch events to enable the ball to be dragged around. public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { ...

Android: What is the starting point for animations?

I am at a stage where I can understand and write a decent Android application. At this stage, I am still not comfortable with SurfaceHolder, Canvas, View invalidate() etc. I don't have a CS background so I must've missed these from a CS Graphics course or something. Starting directly with Android seemed like a bad idea because there ar...

How to activate a jQuery Animation when an object slides under the mouse (not onmouseover/onmouseenter)?

I have a sliding image "wall" that slides in the opposite direction of mouse movement with easing. I have a selector for all "a" link elements with a mouseover binding to animate the opacity of the image it contains (highlight effect). If I move the mouse quicker than the wall moves, the wall will catch up but the animation will not ta...