
jQuery, how to make synchronous animations?

I have a page layout that looks something like this | image || image || image | When you hover over one of the images, I want to make an animation to get something like this | image-hover || image || image | or | image || image-hover || mage | or | image || image || image-hover...

Frame Animation or Movie file for short interactive "movie" Android Application

Hello, In it's simplest explanation, I'm making a really small "interactive movie" app on Android. In a nut shell, when the app is loaded, it will play a short movie (maybe a few seconds at most @ 12-24fps). I will then have 2 buttons displayed on the screen, and depending on what button is pressed, it I will play another short movi...

UIPickerView Animation

Suppose to come up a jackpot slot machine application. how do I make it spin longer and make the slot stop spinning one column after another? which means is like column 1 stops spinning, followed by the next column and so on... -(IBAction)spin { BOOL win = NO; int numInRow = 1; int lastVal = -1; //spinning for(int i = 0; i<3 ;i++) { int...

Optimize Core Graphics animated drawing (iPhone)

I have a loop that fires a function 30 times per second. The function changes the position of a couple of points that I use to animate. I draw lines through all the points, meaning that the lines will change 30 times per second. I draw these lines to a CGLayer, which then is drawn to a UIView in the drawRect: method. I do this because I...

fadeIn vs fadeOut vs fadeTo

What is the difference between fadeIn vs fadeOut vs fadeTo ? ...

CALayer moves instantly when trying to animate?

The code below handles a stack of CALayers. Every time a new layer is pushed onto the stack the function is locked, and all existing layers and moved down on the screen to make room for the new layer. Once the last layer is done animating the function is unlocked again so that new layers can be pushed. My problem is that every time this...

Excluding from animation block

[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; ... [UIView commitAnimations]; For example I need to animate frame's width conditionally, along with the rest of other modifications which are mandatory. The reason I can't put the code out of this block, because there is a function call within the block. How...

[wpf] Error while increasing Opacity property using DoubleAnimation

Hi every body! I have a style for a ListViewItem control: <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="ListViewItem.MouseEnter"> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty="BitmapEffect.Opacity" ...

WPF ListBoxItem animating between Selection / MouseOver states

Hi, I have a ControlTemplate for my ListBoxItems and i want to animate between 4 different colors for the 4 Possible states of the Properties IsSelected and IsMouseOver. I have tried this using a MultiTrigger like this (IconBorder is a border surrounding the ListBoxItems <MultiTrigger> ...

Android Animation Problem

Suppose i have one image. i have set it invisible in my XML attribute. and i m doing translate animation upon this image. when i click on play animation button then it is visible on screen then it translate. i dont want to make it visible until it reach to its desired translate location. how can i do that?? ...

WebKit CSS transformations and animations in Javascript

I'm working on a IPhone web application. I just starded playing with the webkit-transform and webkit-animation CSS rules. I've some questions: for example, is there real advantage in using these instead of, say, jQuery.animate(...)? The resulting animations don't seem to be that much accelerated and fast. Let's explain better: I've a ser...

Animated WPF Menu

if i have something like that: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="FIRST" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center" /> <TextBlock Text="SECOND" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center" /> <TextBlock Text="THIRD" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center" /> <TextBlock Text="FOURTH" Margin="5" Vertica...

What is the best way to repeat a UIView animation (with blocks) X times?

I have an animation that I'd like to repeat 5 times and then stop. Is there a way to set the repeat count with the Blocks API? My current approach is to kick off a NSTimer to trigger the animation X times. Is there a better way along the lines of setAnimationRepeatCount: ...

Disable animatable CALayer properties

Hi, I have a CATextLayer as a sublayer for a UITableViewCell's contentView's backing layer. I set the foregroundColor of this layer to [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]. I also have this: - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated { [super setSelected:selected animated:animated]; [CATransaction begin]; [CATra...

Animation architecture pattern

I'm writing a game project as a hobby, and am looking for some architecural advice about how best to organize my game objects and their various animations. For example, I have a class called Wizard, and a class called Dragon. A Wizard has, at least, 10 different specific animations associated with it, depending on its state, and the sa...

How do I animate clouds?

I have 3 nice and puffy clouds I made in Photoshop, all the same size, now I would like to animate them so they appear like they were moving in the background. I want this animation to be the base background in all my scenes (menu,settings, score, game). I'm using cocos2d, I have setup the menus and the buttons so the work but how do I ...

Android - Please Just Give Me a Decent, Working Animation Frame Code

I've been working on frame animation for a week now, and every code I've used has a tremendous amount of errors and plainly just doesn't work. Can you please give me a code that has worked for you? Please include the exact java code you used, the main.xml code, the mainanim.xml, the android:id's, even the images in the res/drawable-hdpi,...

Animate tab switch with TabHost

Hi: When the user clicks on another tab an animation should appear to the next view? What is the best to do this? ...

Panel not shown for 2D Animation

I was trying to create a 2D Animation in Java of a moving line on Panel(A line moving from one point to another in the Panel). I hope its possible. Here's the code I used. private void movingline(int length) throws InterruptedException { for(int i = 0; i + length < width; i++){ for(int j = 0; j + length < height; j++...

jquery sortable plugin with "sliding effect" ?

Hello! jQueryUI has got a nice plugin, Sortable: I'm very pleased with that plugin but I'm only missing one thing. And that is instead of let the elements that changes position pop/jump to its new position, I'd like them to "slide" to that new position instead. By other words, make it a bit more smoot...