
Can't find flowed text element by ID in SVG

I've been playing with animation in an SVG: (links to script "anim.js") In the window.onload event, I have: function init(evt) { if(window.svgDocument == null) { if( && svgDocument =; else if(evt.original...

HOW TO Move IMAGE FROM their axis in silverlight

hello friends , i have a problem a i m new in silver light .i wants to move my images i have did this in Wpf but the same code is not running in this i m using the dependency chain for this..below is my code example.. please help me out how can i achieve it. Thanks In advance shashank private void MoveImageimgMid() { ...

Frame Animation callback when animation is complete in Android

Is it possible in Android to get a callback when a Frame Animation (AnimationDrawable) has completed playing its frame sequence? I know when a Tween Animation has completed, it calls onAnimationEnd(), but is there something similar for frame by frame animations? ...

Realistic page turn speed

I have written some page turning software simulating a magazine. Currently the speed of the page turning is linear, and I want to make it more realistic with acceleration and deceleration. At the start of the animation it should be slow, half way through it should have reached max speed, then it returns to a slow speed by the end of th...

UITableViewCell should animate the change of the state. But how??

Hi, I've got a problem with my custom UITableViewCell. I have my custom labels and want to move them aside when the delete button appear. I tried the method: -willTransitionToState: but the animations doesn't work. The change is made immediately, but not with my animation. Does anyone knows a method to use? Thank you!!! ...

Android homescreen widget animations

I'm looking into creating a widget that supports animation, ideally via the android.view.animation framework, otherwise by setting properties on the remote views in code triggered from a background service. Does anyone have any experience with either of these approaches, and is what I'm trying doable, or am I heading up a blind alley? ...

Jquery, some objects in class animation

I'd like to do search animation like on It means that when the user put the cursor over one element some other will be animated also. I try to do it in that way: $(".classinput").mouseover(function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 1, }); }).mouseleave(function(){ $(this).animate({ opacity: 0...

Android Animation - Flip

I need to create an animation - Flip a view and show another one. The width of currently shown view is decreased slowly to zero and after that the width of the view-to-be-shown must be increased from zero. During this time, the height goes from the currently-shown-height to slightly-decreased-height and back again. How can I achieve t...

Why does Jquery animation speed up after first run?

I'm making a basic marquee that takes a set of list items and scrolls them (this is for a sports site, they want a news ticker). Everything works except after the first run the duration speeds up. var duration = 10000; var textScroll = function(toScroll, time) { toScroll.animate({left:"-"+toScroll.children().text().length+"px"...

Howto show next row before animain is done.

I have tried to solve this for days but now i try my luck here. I use an lazy load to show my images in a custom adaper. i want to fade in images as they ar download loaded. This is working BUT the Thread stops while animation is ON public void run() { if(bitmap!=null) { myProgressBar.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); ...

Smooth animation on outerglow with WPF

I have ToggleButton with an OuterGlowBitmapEffect applied to it. I animate this glow to give it a pulsating effect, drawing peoples attention to it. My problem is, if I slow the animation down for the duration of a second, it stutters a lot. How can I prevent the stutter from occurring and what is it that's causing it to not be smooth? ...

ViewSwitcher dragging (cf. Calendar week view / Google Talk conversations)

Hi, I want to implement something like the Android Calendar week view, where you can move through the weeks -- or like the Talk app, where you can switch between conversations. In other words, I want to be able to drag the views, not just swipe them. The only thing that I seem to be able to do is to switch views (with a sliding animati...

Twirl or rotate <DIV> Wrap upon onClick/Submit with CSS3 Animation..

Hi Everyone, I've been trying to figure out a new creative way to show confirmation a message has been sent. My idea is to actually TWIRL, FLIP or ROTATE the postcard using CSS3 Animation so the frontside appears after the person clicks on submit. Here is my link: link text I don't want to use flash anymore!! Anyone can point me in ...

iPad - Showing "Genie" animation for views

There are limited number of animations with default SDK for iPad. I would like to implement "Genie" effect in my app. Is there any open source library or some library that I can purchase for "Genie" effect? ...

iOS - Animating text size change in UILabel or UITextView?

In an application showing chunks of text, I'm having the font size increase when the device is turned to a landscape orientation. I don't like how it does the whole animation and then suddenly jumps to the new size, so I'd like to animate the size change over the course of the rotation. I read somewhere that throwing this change in a U...

Problems with UIView Animation of frame property

Hallo! That's really strange.. i'm changing the frame between two states. In case one, it's animated correctly, in case two (back to original size) only x/y is animated, but width/height instantly changes. Any Idea? Greetz // strange behavior [UIView beginAnimations: @"photobtn" context: nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.15...

WPF Tab Control + Animations

I'm trying to style/animate a TabControl such that when a tab is selected, the old one fades out, and the new one fades/slides in. I have the tab control styled, to a point, but now I'm trying to work out how to animate the panel. Blend doesn't seem to be much help: there are references to styling "target-element", and references to "P...

Fire a jquery loop to iterate before animation callback is complete?

I am trying to make a sequential animation, where a loop iterates through a list of elements .post's and fades them in slow. The difficult part is having it so that the next iteration begins fading in before the last one has finished fading. All I have so far is a simple sequential animator that fades them in one after the other. $(".po...

UIView not initialised properly before rotation

Im using code very similar to below: - (void)flipToViewController:(UIViewController*)targetViewController transition:(UIViewAnimationTransition)transition { if( targetViewController ) { [[[self activeViewController] view] setUserInteractionEnabled:NO]; // force the view to be instantiated (loadView/layo...

UIImageView animations lag at first run

I have a series of images that play in my application (it's only got one view/viewcontroller). Whenever I run the app, the first time I play an animation, it will lag a bit the first time the animation is told to play. I run my animations via different methods (e.g. "animateJump") which are responsible for loading the correct frames, th...