
Set animation listener to Activity animations

I am using overridePendingTransition method to do custom Activity animations, i would like to know when the animation ends ( a callback/listener ). Is there any direct way of achieving this, if not please suggest me some work around. Thanks ...

Back Button in Ajax disables Animation

Hi, I have a webpage at with sliding navigation. This happens with the following code: $(".link").click(function(){ var link = $(this).attr('href'); $("#middle").scrollTo(link, 800); return false; }); This works, but now I'm trying to enable the Back Button by using jQuery Address (http:/...

multiple uiimages in the same view

Hello, i'm developping an application for kids (memory game): turning two same tiles(images) and you can remove them. the problem is how to turn the uiimages with animation and only the uiimages without turning the view that contain them.. do i have to put every uiimage in a small view? any ideas? PS :i'm not using OpenGL ...

Stop animation at current image

hi, I have an image that is animating, until you press the button that says "Stop". The code works and all, but the image returns to the first image in the array. How can i add a code to tell it to stop at the image it's currently at? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; imageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObj...

Using WPF StoryBoard Forward and Reverse

I need help in the Storyboard Seek. The following code is not working: Storyboard StoryBoard; public void Reverse() { StoryBoard.Pause(this); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0); ts.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)); StoryBoard.Seek(this, ts, TimeSeekOrigin....

Need Help Moving An Object

Hi Guys, I need ideas about how to move an object (a circle which represents a robot in my application). The surface the object will be moving on consists of Tiles of BufferedImage of 3 rows and 3 columns ( represented in arrays). All the Tiles are equal in sizes (160 X 160).The 3rd row and the 3rd column are the track rails on which t...

TranslateAnimated ImageView not clickable after animation [Android]

I have 2 ImageViews that I translate from the top of the screen to the bottom. these views are infalted from xml and the animation is added from java code. The animation works perfectly, but the onClickListener I added in java code doesn't seem to work. I used fillAfter attribute of the animation to make the iamges stay at their arrival ...

Know any great examples of CSS3 Transformations/animation for sorting/filtering group of items

We are building essentially a product/image sorter in pure CSS and js. The sorter will reorder products into different groups based on filtering and selecting. It needs to be ultra fast and smooth when moving/shifting products etc Here is an example in flash of what I am talking about (click the links in the middle of the page to see an...

WPF TreeViewItem Expanding Animation

I used the code from question Wpf treeview - i want to animate the expansion of the nodes, but the animation doesn't work on the first expand, it does work for the consequent expand events. any ideas? ...

Get a repetition count of an animation

Is there another way than doing our own counter to know how many times an animation has been repeated? (to produce different effects depending on the times it has been repeated.) ...

Animating UIView and its sub layers

I have a subclassed UIView that is comprised of several layers (mostly CAShapeLayers with a few CATextLayers). The problem I have is that if I animate resizing the UIView using an animation block (beginAnimations, commitAnimations) and relayout the sublayers in the overridden layoutSubviews, then the layers are not animated with the UIVi...

Android AlphaAnimation that only fades out?

Right now I have an AlphaAnimation that fades out, the problem is that my fade out animation run on something already faded out, causes it to appear and fade out, when I'd rather it simply stay faded out. Is there a way to do this? ...

Animate till a certain index

Hello I have an array of 1000images. I need to sometimes animate till a certain index, but not everytime. Is there a way to specify this in the [myImageView startAnimating]? Thanks ...

Gif animation does not restart on new page...?

I made a GIF animation running for a few seconds, and is not looped. When I put the gif on different pages, the animation does not restart because its cached... it just stays on the last frame. How can I make it restart when it is on a new page? I know of ways how to rename it or add "?" to it, but it will give me bandwidth issues. Any ...

Animation on Surface View Android

I'm making a game with 5 objects moving around on the screen with SurfaceView. It's not a problem until a display all 5 objects to the screen. It displays a black screen. Any suggestion? I'm using SurfaceView and use onDraw() to draw bitmaps. ...

Mimicking "normal" view transtion when changing UITabBar's selected tab

Hello For reasons too boring to describe, I am programatically changing my application's tab bar to move to a different view. Unfortunately that is instant and we would like the normal snazy load effect you get when you would do a pushViewController on a navigation controller. I am very inexperienced with using animations in objc c, I ...

jQuery effect plugin

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin that wobbles DOM elements like on I checked their source and they use jQuery but it doesn't look like they're using a plugin to do that. Anyone know of a plugin that does something similar? ...

Android - Frame Animation: Which IDs go where?

Here is the example code: ImageView carrotsmile =(ImageView) findViewById(; rocketImage.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.animation); main = (AnimationDrawable) carrotsmile.getBackground();} } What would I replace rocketAnimation, carrotsmile, rocketimage, and main with? Like my XML files or something in the xml file...

Animate person jumping with jQuery

Would you be able to animate a person jumping from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen and have the scroll bar follow the person jumping? I'm pretty sure that's not possible, but I've been wrong before. Here's a link to a pdf of what I'm describing.

Problems moving animation to iOS4 blocks

I have a working view animation, that curls up a container view, while the containerview.subviews changes. (before the animation a UITableView will be shown, after it is a custom view, name keypadView) [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:.75]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationTr...