
Apply a Frame Animation to a Toast View

Is it possible to play a frame animation on a Toast View? Lines 3-5 in the code below are what usually works for me if I want to play a frame animation on a View. Unfortunately when I try to apply that view to a toast object, it is not animating when the toast is shown. Does anyone know if it is possible to have a frame animation play...

how to open a new uiview like a popup?

hi all. i have a tabbar app. there is a button in one of tab. i want to open a new uiviewcontroller by animation like popup when i press the button. popupviewcontroller has a uiwebview. i want to show some web pages in popup view. i designed the popupview in IB. how can i open my popupviewcontroller with animation like FBConnect. FBcon...

Immediate manipulation of UIView animatable properties during rotation?

I am trying to accomplish some complex effects during my UIView rotation, and I'm using the first half/second half method of rotation animations. However, when my second half starts, I'd like to set some properties on my subviews (alpha, frame) etc, from which to begin animating in the second half. But setting any of these properties of...

How can I disable Cocoa's default animation when displaying a modal sheet?

I would like to disable the animation that Cocoa performs when displaying a modal sheet. Apple's Sheet Programming Guide states: ... Other sheet behavior, such as the animation when it appears and is dismissed, is handled automatically by the Application Kit. But it doesn't provide any hints on how to disable this effect. I have ...

How to create a custom button in Android that animates with a frame animation

Is it possible to create a custom button in Android, where the button is idly animating using a frame animation (AnimationDrawable)? ...

Synchronous / blocking animations in WPF?

I desperately need synchronous / blocking Animations in C# / WPF (executing code in the completed event is unfortunately not enough in my case). I tried two ways: 1) Start the (asynchronous) animation using BeginAnimation with a Duration of x. Add Thread.Sleep(x) after the asynchronous call. However this doesn't work, the Animation is...

CKEditor, JQuery: Animation breaks the editor

I initialize a CKEditor in a <div style="display:none" id="container"></div> element. $('#container').show(); shows the editor and everything works. However, if i combine the call with an animation like $('#container').show('blind');, the editor comes to the foreground (btw: the animation looks sweet), but however, the editor gets brok...

How to restart a gif animation on a new page?

I made a GIF animation running for a few seconds, and is not looped. When I put the gif on different pages, the animation does not restart because its cached... it just stays on the last frame. How can I make it restart when it is on a new page? I know of ways how to rename it or add "?" to it, but it will give me bandwidth issues. Any ...

jQuery cycle: fading white text becomes "green" in Windows/Firefox/Cleartype Enabled

On Windows it seems that when there's white text on any background and it does transitions, the text naturally turns to some shade of green during its opacity value being toggled back to 1. This makes sense. But does anyone know any sort of workaround to prevent it transitioning to a shade of green between the animating besides changing...

Android -- How to pause/resume/cancel a running animation?

Hello all, I'm creating an app that targets Android 1.5 and up and I can't seem to find a way to pause/resume/cancel a running animation. Does anyone here know how to do these 3 things? More Info: I create a custom AnimationSet (which I add 2 ScaleAnimations to when needed) and set at AnimationSet as the animation for an ImageView. I ...

Is there a WPF Typewriter effect?

Is there any equivalent to Flash's Typewriter effects in WPF? Thanks in advance! MemphiZ ...

SkipToFill for non-running storyboards

Hello, I have a storyboard with e.g. 2 animations. Now I want the user give the possibility to skip a complete storyboard, yet the animated properties shall be set to the final value of the animations. When the storyboard is already running, SkipToFill does a perfect job for this. But I also need something like SkipToFill for a storyboa...

jQuery animate undefining another function?

I have a function that takes thumbnails and displays a larger version of them inside a div when clicked. Some of these photos have a 16:9 aspect ratio while others have a 3:2. To compensate a wrote a function that adds padding to the top of the widescreen photos in order to have a letterbox feel inside the div they are loaded in. This wo...

determining the first sprite to animate in python/pygame

so I have this spritesheet (4 sprites in a row and 3 in a coloumn) which I use to animate a character in a game I make. It animates just fine without a problem, like I want it to the problem start to arise when I want to change the state from "dash" (running to the enemy) to "attack" (well, attack the enemy) it doesn't seem to play the ...

UIWebview grey box at bottom after animation

Hi I've been trying to animate a uiwebview by making it's frame shorter height using the UIView animateWithDuration:animations: method. I succesfully shorten the uiwebview by making the frame property equal to a shorter height however when i scroll to the bottom of the uiwebview I find a grey box. After I animate the uiwebview to be sh...

CSSGlobe Easy Slider 1.7, how to restart animation?

Hi, i'm using the EasySlider 1.7 by CSSGlobe numeric version (, in a project. When i click on a number the animation stops on the respective image, what I wanted to do is to inject another button that when pressed could restart the animation from where it stopp...

How to let an animation finish before the next userinput is allowed

Hello . I have some UIImageViews and when the user is touching, an animation with a certain duration starts. A trigger counts ++ and with the next touch another animation starts to play. But if the user touches to fast or make a doubletouch the first animation does not finish until the last frame. I tried the "sleep()" command, but it d...

Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work

I've been trying for hours to get this simple script working, but nothing I do seems to help. It's a slight modification of the most basic animated plot sample code from the Matplotlib website, that should just show a few frames of noise (I have the same issue with the unmodified code from their website BTW). On my computer with the TkA...

Simulate a handwritten signature in Silverlight: (e.g. A pen progressively draws the lines)

I'd like to have Silverlight draw the blue "L" and "C" in the image below, preferably in a way that the thickness of the line is maintained and speeds/up slows/down at the correct locations to simulate a handwritten signature. Can anyone point me to the right way to do this? Thanks! ...

Scale keyframe animation speed in silverlight

Suppose I have a storyboard, created at runtime by some process, containing keyframe animations. Is it possible to "scale" the animation speed so that the animation plays faster (or slower) after it has been constructed? I am currently trying to make the decision wether to use the built-in animation stuff or to use something like Dispa...