
Having trouble animating listview layout

I want the items in the listview to slide in one at a time from left to right. I have the following in res/anim/slide_right.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_interpolator"> <translate android:fromXDelta="100%p" an...

animation effects : leaf falling down to ground

Need to figure some transformation codes to implement falling down naturally just like leaves falling down from tree. Here are some codes, fly from one place to another place with some rotation angle. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:5....

Int32Animation SetCurrentValue in .NET 3.5

Hello, In Dot Net Framework 4.0, SetCurrentValue api is introduced in Int32Animation class. But it is not exist in .Net 3.5. Anybody help me how i will achieve the SetCurrentValue in 3.5 Framework? BR ...

Animation Framework usage scenarios

Hi, I wonder if any experienced Android developers could tell me if the animation framework is suitable for animating properties of custom Views implementing the onDraw() method or custom objects that draw onto a Canvas. Thanks! ...

Easing functions in WPF animation

Can you guys tell me is there any good, kind of a sample app where you can try all those easing functions with different parameters and see the changes? I mean there are two actual reasons why I can't built myself one: I simply don't have time I am a damn stupid indolent guy who needs to indulge his laziness ...

iPhone: does animation stop selector run on the main thread?

The documentation is clear on the fact that animations (invoked with [UIView commitAnimations]) execute on a separate thread. What's not clear (to me, anyway) is whether the animationDidStopSelector is executed on the main (UI) thread or the same thread as the animation. Given the following code: - (void) doSomethingCool { // Fade ...

Continuous moving graph in android

I have developed a application which works like ECG Graph I have developed this using canvas and path. Once the plotting of lines are completed in my screen, it will start again from the 0 position. But the problem is that it gets starting overlapped. So how can i clear that particular position? ...

jQuery fadein fadeout text

Hello, I have this at the moment: (the list is longer, but this is just one element) <a href="Products.aspx" onmouseover="onMouseOverCatDisplay(&quot;H5032.jpg&quot;, &quot;Go to: cars&quot;);" onmouseout="onMouseOverCatDisplay(&quot;DSC_0414_SS.jpg&quot;, &quot;You see: bike&quot;);">Car</a> and above the html, I have ...

Prevent flicker on webkit-transition of webkit-transform

For some reason, right before my animation of the webkit-transform property occurs, there is a slight flicker. Here is what I am doing: CSS: #element { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 500ms; } JavaScript: $("#element").css("-webkit-transform", "translateX(" + value + "px)"); Right before the transition takes place, ther...

UIView animated crossfade causes alpha to drop below 1.0?

I'm crossfading between two views using UIView animation. I've noticed the following surprising fact: If I have (say) two identical views in an identical place, and I animate a cross fade between them (e.g. animate the alpha from 0.0 to 1.0 on one while going from 1.0 to 0.0 on the other, in the same animation), during the animation, th...

How can I animate show/hide of an item in an ItemsControl, but only animate if the window is already visible?

I have an ItemsControl with a number of elements, each one with its own ViewModel instance. Each item's ViewModel knows whether that item should be visible (currently each ViewModel has a Visibility property that the UI binds to). When my window first opens, some of these items are visible, others are collapsed. Later, some items' visibi...

How do we get the coordinates of an UIImageView programmatically?

I would like to get the coordinates of an UIImageView programmatically. How do I do this? For example I have a square. I want to get the coordinates of all the corners. How must i proceed? NSLog("%f", ImageView.frame.origin.x); NSLog("%f", ImageView.frame.origin.y); I get the topleft coordinate of the square. I must say that the squ...

Jquery Animation Problem

Hey Guys, I wonder how I can fix this propabably easy problem. Ive installed the color plugin for a smooth change of the backgroundcolor. So but when Im hovering over it a few times in a short amount of time, it'll repeat and repeat the animation like its a stack. How can I fix that? Any idea? $("#page-bar > ul > li").mouseenter(fun...

How to show Book Opening and loading animation as in iBooks?

I am trying to show a book opening animation as in iBooks. Any inputs will be helpful. ...

Why isn't this animation working?

I am learning WPF animation, and I created a simple demo app with a pretty straightforward animation. I have divided the main grid into three rows; a Buttons Row at the top, and two content rows that for the remainder of the screen, one red and one blue. Complete XAML is below. There are two buttons, Show Red and Show Blue. When each bu...

What are the pros and cons of a sprite sheet compared to an image sequence?

Hi, I come from a 2D animation background and so when ever I us an animated sequence I prefer to use a sequence of images. To me this makes a lot of sense because you can easily export the image sequence from your compositing/editing software and easily define the aspect. I am new to game development and am curious about the use of a s...

Silverlight repeat behavior in visual state.

I have visual state = loading. And i need in this visual state show loading circle with always repeated animation. But it repeats only once! How can i set repeat behavior to forever?? <VisualState x:Name="LoadingChildNodes"> <Storyboard RepeatBehavior="Forever" AutoReverse="False"> ...

Need Help Animating In A Grid

Hi Guys, i really need you guys your help. I have to do animation on a 3 X 3 grid of images. My questions are : 1) How do i construct the 3 X 3 grid with the images.? This is what i did but is not working because because i get nullpointerException in this line : rail[x][y] = new JLabel(icon); import java.awt.Component; import java....

Animating while navigating between two activities

I want to show an animation when the user tries to navigate between one activity to the other .How can i achieve this? Upon googling i found that we can use styles and set animation using themes for an activity. But when i do so i am unable to see any kind of animation happening. Is it doable?

Setting AutoReverse true/false after Animation Starts.

After Animation Starts in AnimationClock how we will control AutoReverse True/False in Int32Animation. code Snippet. Int32Animation FrameAnimation; public void Load(){ FrameAnimation = new Int32Animation(); FrameAnimation.From = 1; FrameAnimation.To = 100; AnimationClock FrameAnimationClock = FrameAnimation.CreateClock(); A...