
XAML animation to bound property

I have the following Rectangle bound to an ever-changing positioning property "RectTop" <Rectangle Canvas.Top="{Binding RectTop}" Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Red" /> Is there I way I can set up an animation/trigger to smoothly animate the rectangle to RectTop whenever that value changes? RectTop changes constantly. RectTop's class ...

Redirect to page with loading animation

I already know this solution. (transfer the slow loading page to a loading-interim-page which shows the animation and then redirects to the actual page) But I would really like to solve this without a redirecting page. Any clue how ? The redirect will be triggered from codebehind... ...

Animation transition between activities using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP

Hey hey! In my android app, I'm making a method that pop all activities and bring up the first activity. I use this code: Intent intent = new Intent(this, MMConnection.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); this.startActivity(intent); As I noticed that the transition was still a left to right animation, does someon...

iphone: How to do kCATransitionPush without any fade??

I want an animation of push between two sub views, just like ScrollView paging mode. I know I can use UIScrollView directly, but the logic there is not so same with my program. Anyway, I can use kCATransitionPush animation, but the bad thing of that is it does fading while pushing. I really hate that fading, can anyone pls tell me ho...

Using storyboard animations for mouseover and selection in WPF ListBoxItems

I've got a WPF app that has a listbox which I'm trying to apply some mouseover effects to. It all works fine when I use simple Setters to change the background color on mouseover/selection, but I figured it would look nicer if it animated between states, so I switched the Setters for enter/exit Storyboards. It all works nicely initially ...

QT 4.6: Animating widgets within a QStackedLayout

I am designing a GUI interface in QT Designer. Part of this interface involves two custom widgets stacked on top of each other via a QStackedLayout. When certain actions are performed elsewhere in the GUI, I want the top stacked widget to slide upwards, revealing the widget beneath it and covering whatever happens to be above it. I am c...

UIModalTransitionStyle horizontal movement

The UIModalTransitionStyle is either Vertical, Flip or Dissolve. I would like it to be right to left or left to right, like if you click on a disclosure button on a MapKit callout or in a navigation based app. ...

Want to put time gap between two events in Android application

Hello friends, I want put delay between two flips of the same image on ImageView. i.e. (1). Image loads with Animation (2). Wait for 1 or 1.5 seconds (3). Image changes with animation on the same ImageView. I tried to set Thread.Sleep() , didn't work. And yes, these all things I want to be done on android. ...

Core Animation: Issue with touches after animation

Hi I am facing a problem in touch handling after the layer has animated. I have a CALayer called a “wheel” and it contains sublayers on which I have to detect touches and move the wheel. here is my code for wheel animation -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { // Get the touch point UITouch *touch = [touc...

jquery undelegate click event after event has completed

Hi, I have a click event that animates in some AJAX content onto a page. Once this content has been revealed and a user clicks the same link that activated the process i now want to reverse the process and close the currently open fly out content. At the moment the currently open fly out is closed either by clicking a 'close' link o...

Cover animation like books in ipad application

Heey, Does anybody know how to reproduce the books animation? I don't mean the page flip while reading. I mean the opening and closing of the cover while getting it from the bookshelf? Instead of zooming in and out, i just want to flip it from the left side of the screen. Thanks ...

Showing a cross-fade (or other) transition when changing a control's content

I have a Silverlight control with a Content field. I'd like to be able to programmatically switch the child control that appears in that field, and to show an animated transition between the old content and the new. What's the best way to accomplish this? ...

Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?

I am starting an activity and would rather have a alpha fade-in for startActivity(), and a fade-out for the finish(). How can I go about this in the Android SDK? ...

Need help in animating a Wheel on iphone

I am doing an application in iphone that need to spin the Dart Wheel when I drag on it. The view will have a dart wheel image and when we drag the wheel it spins and slowly it stops. Can any one help me in doing this animation. ...

How do I stop -webkit-animation from reverting? Or make -webkit-transition animate in multiple steps

I want to make a two-step transition for flipping the screen: My code is like: .flipto { -webkit-animation-name: flippingto; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } .flipfrom { -webkit-animation-name: flippingfrom; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } @-webkit-keyframes flippingto { from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180de...

Android Animation one after other

I have two TranslateAnimation on a TextView and i want them to execute one after other.. but using the below code, only the second one executes.. how can i solve this TranslateAnimation animation = new TranslateAnimation( Animation.ABSOLUTE, 0.0f, Animation.ABSOLUTE, 0.0f, Animation.ABSOLUTE, 0.0f, Animation.ABSOLUTE, -150.0f); ...

Make ScaleAnimation move evenly, or figure out how it moves

So I used a ScaleAnimation to make a timebar shrink in a game. When the current level was finished, I wanted the timebar to quickly shrink to the bottom. So what I did was that if 30% of the time had passed, I assumed that 30% of the timebar was gone. So I just started a new ScaleAnimation that started at 70% of the timebars original siz...

UITabBarItem Icon Animation

Skype app for iPhone uses animated TabBar icons. For example, during the logging-in the rightmost tab icon shows circulating arrows. While calling the "Call" tab icon softly blinks which is obviously done through animation. I wonder how is it possible to animate tab bar items' icons. In my particular case when the user presses the 'F...

Is it possible to update a DoubleAnimation.FromProperty without restarting the entire animation?

I'm not hugely familiar with a lot of WPF yet, so if this query betrays some clear misunderstandings I'd appreciate them being pointed out. What I'm trying to do (for good or ill) is synchronise a DoubleAnimation.FromProperty with the actual width of a StackPanel containing/running the animation. I originally tried doing this with data...

What's the cause of the "Stack empty" XamlParseException when trying to kick off an animation in the OnInitialized handler?

I'm just playing around with WPF at the moment and I don't entirely understand how it works, but this is baffling. I have a piece of code which creates a TextBlock with a RenderTransform and animates it scrolling across the screen. This is pretty much a procedural translation of something Josh Smith wrote to demonstrate how you might do ...