
How to animate a FadeOut and FadeIn while textView changed text

Hello, i try to animate a TextView on a changeText But always see only one direction of the animation, i only see the fadeout What i try is: beforChange = fadeOut and onChange or after fadein here is my code in the onCreate method of my activity: final Animation out = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); out.setDuration(1000); ...

Android - efficient screen update for surfaceview from int array of colors

Hi All, I'm writing an android game which involves updating a SurfaceView very often. This is working fine, but I would prefer if there was a way to only update a sub rectangle of the screen each time, as opposed to the whole screen. I know you can do this with bitmaps, but my animation is operating on a raw colour array (int[]) and I'm ...

float animated ImageView on top of other elements within LinearLayout - android

I have an extended ImageView that I'm reusing 7 times horizontally (within a LinearLayout) across my screen. Directly above and below this ImageView are other extended ImageViews that are within their own LinearLayouts. I'm spacing these all evenly by using the weight property within the LinearLayout so they space evenly across the scr...

MKMapView animated calls lock out UI if view is removed mid-animation

I find that when I make a call to setCenterCoordinate and have animated:YES, then if my MKMapView is removed/released while that animation is underway, I lose all ability to receive UI events (i.e. touch events) anywhere at all so I am effectively locked out from interacting with my app. I'm not sure why this would happen versus some ot...

Change default scrollbar behavior

Quick question... Is there any way to change the default behavior of a scrollbar from moving one pixel at a time (continuous motion), to jumping say 100px at a time (less continuous more discrete jumps). I have an animation that jumps between pictures and I want to use the scrollbar to show one picture at a time. Whenever I try chan...

Animating image/3D/sprite with javascript/css3/canvas

Kind of a dilemma here. I am making a mobile version of a website, that has some interactive things more specifically I have this object in 3D that you can spin, I was using papervision in Flash but now I need to do this differently since there is no flash in mobile and I feel I am on thin ice. I was thinking of exporting a 360 degree s...

Android-Clicking a Rotated ListView gives wrong coordinates

I have a ListView that can have one or more clickable items. When I apply a rotate animation the coordinates that are clicked correspond to the original position of the ListView items. For example a list with one item in portrait mode rotated 180 degrees will have the item upside down on the bottom of the screen, but the item gets the cl...

[Android] Translate Animation Problem

Hi!! I am new to android, I try to make translate animation.. this is my xml code: (rail.xml) <translate xmlns:android="" android:fromXDelta="100%p" android:toXDelta="0" android:duration="4000" /> and this is my java code: final Animation animShow = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation( this, R....

Animated Dashed Border in Android

How do you create an animated dashed or dotted border of an arbitrary shape in Android? In XML (preferred) or programmatically. See picture below for an example. ...

Animation on view

hi to all i have 2 toolbar one at top and another at bottom in between of these two i have a webview and i apply a turn page animation on it. But my problem is that on Animation both tool bar are also move with them how can i stop toolbar animation.only webview is animated Thanks [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAn...

Is it possible to successful animate a moving UIButton?

I'm trying to animate a button which moves around the screen. At any point, the user can push the button. But the button doesn't respond to touches. I've tried an animation block but the button simply moves immediately to its end coordinates, while the frame shows the animation (the button is called bubble): [UIView beginAnimations:nil ...

How do you make an animated jpg??

I've been doing web for a while, and the only way I knew to animate an image was using the .gif format. However, someone sent me a link today to a somewhat humorous image. I couldn't help but notice that the file format was .jpg, yet it was animated! I had no idea this was even possible.... Does anyone know how to do this? ...

add subview with animation

Can anybody help me with adding subview with animation. I want add subview with animation like CATransition, but with this class we have only several different animation type. But i looking for ability implement it's own animation - different part of view appearing in different time. Maybe there is exists some examples or something els...

Open source Animation Content creation tools?

Hi, Are there any open source content creation tools that will help create rich animations (flash/html 5/windows based)? The end users will be non-computer savvy so it should be easy for them to work on it. I am also willing to look at commercial versions, but if we have an open source software, it will be much easier to adapt it to ou...

GIF animation CPU consumption problem in C#!

I have made a GIF Animation user control which loads gif animations and have created about 30 of them in my project each animating a GIF. The problem is that when I check my CPU usage it is about 70%+!!! I'm sure something is wrong with this! Please help me. Here is the code of that GIF Animator control: public class AnimatedImage : Sys...

Is it possible to do frame by frame animation without AnimationDrawable?

I'm using a lot of animation drawables on my app and not all frames are gettings played. I'm wondering if there is another, more efficient method of doing frame by frame animations than AnimationDrawable? ...

Objective C wheel menu for iPhone

Hi, I want to create a rotating wheel menu which the user can use his/her finger to rotate the menu. I understand how to rotate the circle but I have no idea how to rotate it when the user drags it using his/her finger in the right direction that hte user is dragging the wheel in. Any help please? Thank you! ...

How to delay jquery animation?

I can't seem to delay the showing of a div. I want to delay the animation by about 20 seconds is this possible??? $("#microcharcounter").delay(10000).show(); ...

Creating animation when screen diomension can change- Flex 4

I am trying to create animation which is based on user input on speed and distance... also it needs to work consistently on different screens and resolution what functions do i use to get the pixel size of the container where the animation is playing- to make the calculations? ...

iPhone resizing UIView on rotation problem.

Hi there, I setup in IB in portrait mode my main view (for iPad). I have a toolbar, a map view (x=0, y=44, w=768, h=774) and a footer view (x=0, y=818, w=768, h=186). When I rotate the iPad, I want the map to stay on the left side and be resized vertically to fit the view (x=0, y=44, w=756, h=704) and put the footer view on the right s...