
UIPickerView maximize component width while scrolling on iPhone

Hi all, My app focuses around the UIPicker. I have three components each with a phrase or a long piece of text. Is it possible to change the width of the picker when the user scrolls the picker (to see the whole phrase)? It would also be nice to have it animated too. Any input is greatly appreciated ...

css3 animation/transition/transform: How to make image grow?

I want to make my image grow to 1500px in height (and hopefully the width would just automatically re-size itself, if not, I could easily set it too) I was using jquery .animate() but its just too choppy for my liking... I know I can use the : -webkit-transform: scale(2); But I want it to be set to a specific size.. not just double o...

Using MAYA 3D Model in a .Net application

If I want to render a 3D model created by Maya and do some animation with it in a .net application what should be my choice of platform - plain WPF or XNA? ...

How to loop SVG animation sequence?

I have sequence of animationTransform: <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" from="0" to="30" begin="0s" dur="0.4s" fill="freeze"/> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" from="30" to="0" begin="0.4s" dur="0.4s" fill="freeze"/> If it possible to loop this s...

C# animating a bubble chart in winforms

Hello, I'm attempting to make a motion chart like the one provided by the Google Visualization API[1], in C#, with Winforms. I've managed to get most of it working by using a chart containing multiple series, with one series per time period, and the series containing all the datapoints for that time period. I have a function that "Ani...

Fade-in / fade-out during an interface rotation

Hi, When my iPhone interface rotates, I would like to do a fade-in fade-out for as specific UIView of a UIViewController... Like... - (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0....

Frame by frame animation using an NSTimer following a circular path

Hi, I'm using an NSTimer to animate an array of objects across the screen. Currently they move from left to right. However, I would like them to move in a circular fashion instead. How can I do this? scrollItems = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/30.0 target:self ...

Animate ListBoxItem after pressing a button within DataTemplate

I have a ListBox with a DataTemplate for items. The DataTemplate contains a button. How do I rotate the UIElement represented by the DataTemplate when the button gets pressed? Any help greatly appreciated. ...

How can I set fadein and fadeout sildeshow of images in JQuery continusly without any event?

How can I set simple JQuery slideshow with CSS continuously, without any event like mouse hover, click etc.? ...

JavaScript Div 'Bounce' / 'Jiggle'

I noticed this effect within both Apple's service (the login page, if your user/pass is wrong it does the effect I'm trying to replicate) as well as within WordPress' login. Its basically a JavaScript implementation of the effect when you type in the wrong username and password on a Mac. Does anyone know if something like that h...

twitter's scrolling bar effect

Did you notice the scrolling trend bar on twitter home page. What is the right way to do it with jquery? I hear jquery is better than javascript. ...

building animation in flex

I am trying to build animation based on mathematical formulae(speed varying with time as per equations)- hence am charting x,y coordinates with formulae on user provider values, rather than inbuilt functions In doing that, am struggling to get the timer right. for e.g if I set timer=new timer(1), object.x=object.x+1 the object doesn'...

Reset Spinning Progress Indicator

A simple question here for many of you. I have an indeterminate NSProgressIndicator which I start and stop many times in my code. Does it reset when you call restart it, or do you have to manually do that? If you do have to do it manually, how would I go about doing it? Many thanks, jrtc27 ...

UIScrollView Always animating!

Hi Everyone! I have a little problem with UIScrollView. Basically, I'm using the code from the PageControl sample app with some modification. I'm adding the scroll view to my navigation stack, I want it to be on a specific page when it gets there. I am trying to use the UIScrollView scrollToRect: animated: method, but even though I pass...

how to let a drawable animation in a oval curve path?

how to let a drawable animation in a oval curve path? The TranslateAnimation just can move a drawable in line. Thank you! ...

show animation when addsubview

Hello, I want to add a subview with animation. i am using add sub view so it is not showing any animation so i want to show any animation when i am doing this... i am using below code :- UIViewController *vControllerHome = [[viewTemp alloc] initWithNibName:@"viewTemp" bundle:nil]; vControllerHome.view.frame =CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 414);...

Silverlight: Delay in Storyboard's Completed event handler

The storyBoard_Completed event is invoked in a delay of about half a second after the visual animation had finished. Would be glad for some more eyes to check out my Storyboard XAML: <Storyboard x:Key="blaAnimation" Completed="storyBoard_Completed"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="bla1" Storyboard.Targ...

Glowing Animation

Hi, I want to build a glowing (pulsing) animation on a simple UIImageView. The ImageView will grow a little bit bigger, then goes back to original size. I used following code: - (void) doCoolAnimation { [UIView beginAnimations:@"glowingAnimation" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses:YES]; [UIView setAnimati...

how to make this animation in flash

Hello, I'm building a web site for a client. He asked me to make an animation on the homepage to show at start a world image / a globe (just the company logo) that "expands", like if it opens (from behind) into a plain map (which is another image) of the world and then show a text over it. Now.. I know and develop in PHP / MYSQL / Photos...

C++ animated cursor

Hi everybody, I'm using this code to invoke animated cursor in C++ builder: void __fastcall TcfListatArtikujtLst::FormActivate(TObject *Sender) { ActiveControl = cxGrid1; Application->ProcessMessages(); const int cnCursorID1 = 1; Screen->Cursors[cnCursorID1] = LoadCursorFromFile("cursors\\hourglas.ani"); Cursor = cnCurs...