
Silverlight 4: how to highlight control on mouse over

My aim is to get fine control "animation" when it is mouse-over-ed. For example, I have a "map" of controls (game map that represent different type of terrain), each of them is an image with trees/rocks/hills on the green grass or water (lake or see) image of blue/cyan color. When user point any image with mouse it should get shiny: eith...

Simple navigation animation with android

I'm looking for a simple animation example using the android SDK for displaying a little animation between views. Basically when we have a list view and a detail view - lets have a 'transition' animation between them. Thanks ...

Core Animation: Running and Moving Animation

Hi, I have a sequence of images that I would like to animate. I am using the CAKeyframeAnimation class to run the animation. Here is the relevant part of the code: [keyAnimation setValues:arrayOfImages]; [keyAnimation setCalculationMode:@"discrete"]; keyAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards; keyAnimation.removedOnC...

Jquery fade in order from top to bottom

JS: $(function(){ chainAnim('.section','slow','1') }); function chainAnim(e,s,o) { var $fade = $(e); var code = "console.log('Done.');"; $fade.each(function(){ code = "$('#"+$(this).attr('id')+"').fadeTo('"+s+"','"+o+"',function(){"+code+"});"; }); eval(code); } HTML: <div id="wrapper"> ...

How can I animate my rotation smoothly?

I have an app that has a portrait layout. When I rotate my phone into landscape, it loads another layout that is strictly landscape (it is displaying an ImageView). How can I make the transition from portrait to landscape animate smoothly? ...

iOS - animate movement of a label or image

How can I animate the movement of a label or image? I would just like to make a slow transition from one location on the screen to another (nothing fancy). ...

jQuery catch when animation is finished

I'm using color plugin (link to google cache, currently off) to handle background color animations. $(".navigation a").hover( function(){ $(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: black}); }, function(){ $(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: green}); $(this).hide(); } ); Need to hid...

How to change SelectedItem in TabControl in animation?

When using Int32 animation like this <Int32Animation Storyboard.TargetName="stagesToGameTabControl" Storyboard.TargetProperty="SelectedIndex" From="0" To="1" BeginTime="0:0:8" Duration="0:0:0" /> when i click by my own on tabitems, raises exception InvalidCastException. Why it raises and how can i fix this? ...

UIButton scale on touch?

hil, can someone tell me how i can scale an UIButton on touch? the button should scale up like 10%. thanks in advance! ...

html5 canvas animation

I'm looking for something like this: I want a circle (or image) to smootly go up (and fade in/out with a alpha effect). Is there any tutorial out there? If not, I will dive in html5, but if there is a source code out there I would appreciate it if somebody can provide me withit. Thanks! ...

Touch issue after UIView Translation

hi, i have uiview "DummyView" and added two other views "StartView" and "ShowView" side-by-side into the DummyView. When the app starts the StartView shows up. On this view is a UIButton, which triggers a translation animation to move the StartView to the left (out of the screen) and the ShowView into the Screen. On the ShowView, I hav...

Best jquery script for Full Page/content Sliding Horizontally ...

Does anyone know any jquery script examples to show a full page/content website that scrolls horizontally using scrollTo and easing? ...

silverlight - change child window position when opened

How do I change position of childWindow control when it is opened? I want to do that because I want to make resize animation. ...

J2me animating image

hi all, for my project i need to add animating image in to Form (not for Canvas). because of j2me not supporting GIF animation is their is any other alternative. ...

WPF animated splash screen

Is it possible to show a splash screen in WPF that has animation. I want my name of the company and the name of the application to fly in and a progress bar that continously animates. I Used this example to try and get me started but the progress bar do...

UiView fadeOut if not touched

I'd like to reproduce this behavior in my iPad application. I have a subView that contains four custom buttons. The view has an alpha value of 0.0 I have another custom button outside of the view descripted above that is always visible. When the user touches the visible button the view appear animating its alpha to 1.0 showing the othe...

Is it possible to animate a LinearGradientBrush in WPF?

Is it possible to animate the StartPoint or EndPoint of a LinearGradientBrush? If so, what is the type of the Storyboard object used to animate the Points, as when I try the following I get "0,1" is not a valid value for Double, and I do realize I shouldn't be using the DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames type. Current Code: <UserControl.Tri...

JQuery alternative to Flash Display Element.

I'm building a website at the moment and in the design it shows a scrollwheel in the form of this example. I've got no problem creating this using something like scrollable or some other similar plugins, however, they don't allow you to click and drag through the images and "flick" them in such a way as the flash example. Do you know ...

UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown on UIImageView?

Hi there I was messing with UIView animations and I found the setAnimationTransition method which takes certain constants. One of them is UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown. I was wondering if this type of transition was possible on a UIImage view and how would I go about implementing it? Thanks Tom ...

Android Animations do not affect layout

Animations affect only the drawing of widgets, which means after the animation is done, my FrameLayout screenMain is still at its previous location, y need set the FrameLayout in the next location. screenMain.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { int i = 0; @Override public void onClick(View view) { ...