
Getting alpha/opacity of a View in Android

How can I get the alpha/opacity of a View after I've animated it? My fadeIn() is below - fadeOut() is the same with the endpoints switched. public void fadeIn(View view) { Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); animation.setDuration(1000); animation.setFillAfter(true); view.startAnimation(animation); } ...

How do I minimize or restore an external app with the correct animation effect in Vista/Win7?

I'm writing an app that can minimize or restore other, external apps' windows. However, when I do this, the windows will usually just minimize or restore directly, without the zoom/collapse animation effect that you normally see. Or, in some cases, minimizing will cause the window to fade, but not collapse. I've tried posting or sendi...

Jquery - Is it possbile to add animation to AJAX loaded content

I have some content that I am loading to my page using AJAX. When it loads it flashes on screen and looks a bit messy. Is there anyway to add some jquery animations to it??? $("#posts").load("posts.php", {from_user: fm}, function(){}); ...

iphone - animate a view to a new width and height

The following animates a view to the upper left part of the screen (ipad): [UIView beginAnimations:@"anim" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:5]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; someView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 1024, 768); [UIView commitAnimations]; However, it does not resize the view (think of a UIImageView that I w...

Possible to synchronise AnimationDrawables in Android?

I need to synchronise two AnimationDrawables (using frame animations setup in xml). The developer article on AnimationDrawable speaks of no such thing, so I would like to know if it's even possible, and if not, how I could get the same effect using a different object perhaps? The two drawable objects are the same size and have the same n...

Android ListView animation of views inside the adapter that got updated.

Hi, Im using ListView to to show some custom data, once data is updated in the adapter i call notifyDatasetChanged(), so the view will get updated, all of this works well, my issue though is i would like to run an animation once only on items that got changed when the adapter was updated. currently i keep a copy of all the changed object...

Animating the UIButton Layer?

Hi Im trying to bring the ripple effect seen in the dashboard application to iphone. My idea is whenever i place a button in the layout view there should be ripple effect around the button. however Im able to bring the ripple effect for the whole view but I needs the effect only around the button. I tried the following code. I don know...

how to detect when animation is completed

hello, i have a mx:AdvancedDataGrid control with animation on resize. And i need to resize another contol A accordingly with mx:AdvancedDataGrid size. But resizing of contol A is too slow. Threrefore, the addition of resize handler is bad solution. I want to get the time when the animation is completely stopped either the new size of m...

Javascript - Why does this function loop twice?

Hello, Trying to solve that problem, but no luck for hours... I have var screen1 = $('#screen'); var screen2 = $('#screen_teams'); var screen3 = $('#field_position'); . . . screenFade(screen1,1000,1); function screenFade(screen,delay,next) { if (next == 1) { screen.delay(delay).fadeOut(1000, function() {animation(2);cons...

Highcharts - animations other than the default

Is there an option in Highcharts JS ( to change the animation when a chart loads? Right now, on a column chart, the columns slide up from the bottom. Is it possible to alter the default animation to, say, bounce? ...

clickable imageview location change with animation - android

I have an imageview that's included inside a RelativeLayout. When the imageview is clicked, I animate the entire RelativeLayout with a translate animation to move it down. when I click the imageview again (in it's new location) it's supposed to move it back up, but it does not. However, if I click where the imageview started, it does ...

Animation Drawable does not animate in android?

I have created an animation drawable and image view in my main game thread which is configured from the activity that handles the game thread (starting it etc.). My code in this handling activity looks like this: mDistractionsThread.animation.addFrame(getResources().getDrawable(, 1000); mDistractionsThread...

popViewController doesnt seem to work with UIView animations

Hello I have the following code, which does a nice animation when pushing a new view controller. [UIView beginAnimations:@"animation" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; [[self navigationController] pushViewController:details animated:NO]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft

iPhone iPad UIView controller popup centered

Hi there, My application is for iPad. I have a UIViewController as the main view of my application. I have an UIView at the bottom as a footer, and inside 3 UIView (subviews). My 3 subviews in the footer banner load for each a different UIViewController and display the view of this controller into their view. I would like when I clic...

Improving this continuous jQuery animation

Hi all :) I've just created a simple, continuous bounce effect in jQuery but I feel the code isn't all that optimized and am looking to improve it. var $square = $("#square"); bounce(); function bounce() { $square.animate({ top: "+=10" }, 300, function() { $square.animate({ top: "-=10" }, 300...

Is it Ok to use a Thread for each Animation in a Java program?

I am working on a Java program which contains a lot of animations as part of the UI. Each animation requires a repaint method to be called in order to make the animation happen. I was just wondering if it was good programing to use a separate thread for each animation, which would each call their respective repaint methods. ...

Storing Animation Data in XML

Hi, so I'm trying to store animations in a way that I can reuse them with other images. I want to store the position of each node in a keyframe and use interpolation in the animator to make it look nice and smooth. I would use this for animating everything from walk cycles to weapon animations and etc.. The xml file for a simple ball mov...

Javascript plugin

Hi all, i was wondering if anybody knows (and if there is such a thing) a javascript plugin that can do to following: on the website click on any of the menu buttons on top for eg. "about us"; then you see a line appear in the middle and expand so that you can see the entire div... I need a similar animation...

Javascript and jQuery - Advanced sequential animation

Hello, I hope somebody could help me out, I have no idea how to solve this problem. so first, here's a php array: if i do print_r for mysql ID=1, it would be like that: now i'm pushing data to javascript: var sec_0_f = []; <?php foreach (...

How to dynamically adjust the duration/speed of a Tween Animation in Android

Let's say I have an android app, and in that app I want to animate a graphic of a ball in an "L" shape. This would require me to define a Tween Animation where I create an animation xml file (written below) and apply it to a View which has the ball graphic in it. <translate> Ydelta = 20; offset = 0; duration = 100; </translate> <trans...