
WPF - jerky animations caused by closing windows

I've got an animation running on the main window (only window) of my WPF application. Problem is that this animation isn't running smoothly. This animation was constructed in a separate, empty project and worked perfectly (nice and smooth) until I transferred it to my main application. Now you're probably thinking what is the applicatio...

In WPF how do I add easing function to my animation from code behind?

I am creating doubleAniation in code and I want to add an easing function to it, so how do I do it? ...

Iphone hand-writing animation

If I have an image of a letter "S". How can I create an animation that basically "trace"/flood this letter similar to how one will write it. ...

how to do 2D animations in OpenGL?

how to move 2d objects around in opengl? what is the mechanism, e.g, do we need to control frames or what? some code segment is welcomed :) thanks in advance! ...

jQuery: reducing repaints

Hi I need to optimize an image gallery slider since a lot of browsers have a hard time dealing with the animations. Please consider the following example: var $div1 = $('#div1'), $div2 = $('#div2'), $div3 = $('#div3'), left = 0; function animate() { left -= 10; $div1.css({ left: left + 'px', width: 1000 - left + 'px' })...

Expression blend Xaml toVisual Studio

Hi All, We have a weird blend bug. On vista we created some blend anims and everything built properly. We have since upgraded to Windows 7 and now when we build anims in blend the anims play in the animation preview window but NOT when the anim is built. If we copy the XAML to Visual studio the images copy across ok but all animation ...

how to combine these 2 jquery animations code into one

here is the code so far. what i want is first the #spider to easeOutBounce then start doing this animation $("#spider").animate({top:"-=20px"},1000).animate({top:"+=20px"}, 1000); here is all the codes $(document).ready(function() { setTimeout("animation()",300); }); function animation(){ spider(); } fu...

PowerPoint Programmatically find and delete animation/effect

I have programmatically (VSTO) added animations to the PowerPoint slide using the following code activeSlide.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences.Add().AddTriggerEffect( textBox2, MsoAnimEffect.msoAnimEffectFade, MsoAnimTriggerType.msoAnimTriggerOnMediaBookmark, selectedShape, "Bookmark A", M...

How to do simple hover button using 2 images in Silverlight

Preferably without using backend code? I'm looking for the cleanest solution for doing a fade in fade out hover button using 2 images. Here is what I have so far Edit: I got this to partially work.. problem is now that the mouseout seems abrupt whereas the mouseover seems fine, what am I doing wrong? <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonSt...

How to animate 120 images efficiently?

There are 120 images which are 360-degree round shootings of a product showcase, each is 3 degree apart, size 320 x 320 pixels. Displaying the images continuously will give the effect of rotating the product in front of the user. So far, the performance is far from satisfactory, there is delay in loading and when the user touch to slide...

wpf animation problem

i used this code to animation my window winLogin login = new winLogin(); login.Owner = this; login.Show(); DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(); da.From = 0; da.To = this.Left + ((this.Width - login.Width) / 2); da.AutoReverse = false; da.Duration = new Duration(Time...

Adding zoom out animation to the activity

Hi All, I have customized my activity to bring it like a dialog. Now I want to stop the default animation and have to add the zoom out animation. To stop the animation I have tried the following. customDialog.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); and in styles <style name="Theme.CustomDialog" parent="android:style/Theme.D...

How many milliseconds do "slow", "normal", and "fast" represent in jQuery?

jQuery allows use of the string values "slow", "normal", and "fast" in animations (e.g.: $('#example').fadeOut('slow');). How many milliseconds do each of these values represent? ...

How to replace movie clip in flash animation via actionscript code

For example, I've created in Flash CS a movie clip CampfireMC, which contains child movie clip: m_fire:FireMC FireMC is an animation of flame CampfireMC controls playback of m_fire, for example, last frame of CampfireMC uses action code: m_fire.gotoAndStop(m_fire.totalFrames) And the question is how to replace (not delete/add, as m...

Simple animation trick in Android

Hi, I have a simple ListView in my application. What I want to do on a row select is to expand it and show additional details in there and then if some other is selected then collapse the previous one and expand the new one. I can modify the contents list item row in "onListItemClick" method. However how do I animate the change in heig...

I want to disable Status Bar When touched dim button in Alarm App.

At froyo, After launching DeskClock when you touch dim button, the status bar disappear. But when All animations is selected In Setting Menu, if you drag the status bar down right after touching the dim button the status bar is expanded. I think 2 ways to solve this problem. 1) use disable status bar method with hide property. 2)...

Free memory after iphone animation

My app crashes due to memory building up after every animation. Here is my sample code: -(IBAction) shoot: (id)delegate{ [gun setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"animation_machin_guns_320x480_7.png"]]; UIImage *frame1 = [UIImage imageNamed:@"animation_machin_guns_320x480_1.png"]; UIImage *frame2 = [UIImage imageNamed:@"animation_machin_guns...

Using jQuery slideToggle() without display:none?

I'm trying to use jQuery's slideToggle function to show or hide a panel which has been hidden using CSS position, rather than display:none (as this causes issues with a Google Map in one of my panels). At the moment I'm just hiding and showing the panels like so, but some animation would be nice: $('.panel').addClass('hidden'); $('.hea...

Access interim points while UIView is animated

Hi, I'm animating an image in an UIImageView. This works just great with Core Animation. Now I want to attach one end of a line permanentely to the center of this UIIMageView. But with Core Animation I only get the starting point and the end point of the UIImageView. Is there a possibility to access interim points during the animation? ...

Animating UIView frame movement in animationDidStop

I have a UIView which i animate the movement of it's frame. However, now, i want to change the alpha value so its fades out as it moves... The alpha needs changing back at the end of the animation. My first thought was to use an animationDidStop Selector but, this View is only in scope where the animation block is... i.e. in the Stop sel...