
jquery animation is choppy in internet explorer when a large background image is used

Hi, I am using a dynamically expanding background image (similar to the new google home page background image feature). I have an jquery lavalamp animated menu that sits on top of the large background image. The jquery animation is nice and smooth in all browsers, except for (you guessed it) IE. In IE8, it is choppy. I've ruled out ...

UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp mirror

Hee, Does anybody know how to mirror the UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp animation? It slightly curls to the left when it curls up, i want to change that to the right. Thanks ...

jquery .hover .animation use to switch between a stack of z-index arranged images.

Part A I have the following: <div class="graphic fadehover" class="last"> <img src="graphic5test image" alt="" class="a" /> <img src="graphic5-2test image" alt="" class="b" /> </div> with attached css .fadehover {display: block; height: 162px; margin: 70px 45px 0 0; position:relative; width: 292px; z-index: 1...

add and remove subview in code block doesn't animate

I have this code for flashing an image on a map as a part of MKAnnotationView: UIView* containerView = [mapView viewForAnnotation:enemy]; UIImageView* redCircle = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Red_half_circle.png"]]; [UIView transitionWithView:containerView duration:2.9 ...

deleted. question closed.

deleted. question closed. ...

simple text animation in JavaScript/DHTML/canvas

Let's say I have some text as follows: do this, do that, then this, then that I use CSS to add a drop shadow. I can also use CSS to add a yellow glow behind "do this", as described here: What I want is a repeating animation: 1 secon...

Android: Slide gesture and animation for switching between tabs.

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, already, but I just can't find it: I have a TabHost with three tabs, each containing different views (not Activities). What I want is to make a swiping gesture from right to left and let the current view slide out to the left and the next view slide in from the right, thus changing the current t...

Android Gallery: how to have scrolling animation programmatically

Guys, I'm trying to implement scroll animation for gallery...programmatically. tried with setSelection(int pos, Boolean animate) and it's not working. is there anyway to override setSelection() method Thx Samurai ...

actionscript: add image loading animation for each image control

I have a list of image controls which loads the image from the website by setting the .source atrribute. The image is some sort of large so I want to display an animation in the image place before the image is displayed. How that can be done? Does image control support the this intrinsically? ...

iPhone - How to build a roulette like wheel?

I'm looking for a tutorial or any hint on how you would build a spinning wheel that can be rotated in both directions with your finger and snaps to specific points. I have looked into basic animations but stuck on the user interaction side. Any hint is highly appreciated. ...

TextSwitcher bug

Hello, i have a problem with the TextSwitcher. In my app i have 3 Textswitcher with wrap_content (width and higth) inside an LinearLayout! Each TextSwitcher is declared with an in and outAnimation. My problem: When the text is switch the first time, i have spaces between the elements! like: 1.23 45 678 but it has to: 1.2345678 witho...

Continually update and replace image with jQuery

I have an image that will update many times a second. I want to be able to display the updates as fast as I can. I have a bit of code already but it flickers and isn't very good. Plus it is limited to updating only twice a second. I want to be able to display faster than that if possible. Essentially I am creating a crude video usin...

iPhone - How to make a circle path for a CAKeyframeAnimation?

I'm trying to make an key frame animation that lets a image view fly around a circle. I'm using CGPathAddCurveToPoint to make the key frame points. The problem is that the image view always uses the shortest (linear) route. I would like to have some kind of function that builds a circle path for a given radius. Thanks a lot for any hel...

WPF loading animation on a separate UI thread? (C#)

Okay, I have a loading animation that runs while a large DataTable is populated to let the user know that the program has not frozen. I have the animation working fine, but it freezes while the DataTable is updatingv as well. Is there some way to have multiple UI threads, so that the animation will continue to run while the DataTable is ...

Animations: How should I translate an ImageView out of/into visibility on the screen

I am using a translate animation: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set xmlns:android=""&gt; <translate android:fromXDelta="-75%p" android:toXDelta="0%p" android:duration="1000" /> </set> on a basic ImageView. This animation will slide the image out from the left until i...

How to forbid CALayers responding to a hit test?

I'm doing some layer drawing on the iPad and have to provide user interaction. My layer hierarchy is quite complex and deep, I'm drawing some kind of a tree with several interaction possibilities. At the moment I need to draw arrows within this tree which should be drawn on top of all other layers and there the problem comes. These Arro...

Move image from left to right and right to left in iphone..

- (void)moveImage:(UIImageView *)image duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration curve:(int)curve x:(CGFloat)x y:(CGFloat)y { // Setup the animation [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:duration]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:curve]; [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; ...

Smooth animation on top of regular Android View

I currently have an app with a regular layout of buttons and widgets. On top of this I'd like to draw some animated sparks and particles and whatnot going on in response to events, so I've got it in a FrameLayout with another View on top to draw the animations. The problem is I can't work out a way of getting smooth movement out of it. I...

Moving a UIImageView on an arc using CGAffine.

I understand that CGAffineTransformMakeRotation can rotate an image, and CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation translates an image. I also understand CGAffineTransformConcat can merge two transformations. However, I cannot seem to figure out a way to move an image on an arc using both of these. I understand this is more a mathematical questio...

Button not working after TranslateAnimation ends.

Im tring to simulate a slideup animation.The idea is to slideup and slidedown the tablelayout with the id searchForm when pressing the button so that i can use the extra space for a list. I managed to slideup the searchForm and the button and the list seems to be visible but after this i cant click the button, here's the code responsible...