

I know this has been asked a thousand times and people will say that the @pagecurl will get rejected. I tried reasoning with the client but they insist they want to push the app with that function in and it will have a chance of not being rejected. The problem is that if I try animation.subtype , the animation will not listen to it. ...

CABasicAnimation stops when relaunching the app

I am running into a problem where a restart of my iPhone app causes animations to stop. More specifically, I have the following animation set and running: CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"path"]; animation.duration = 1.0; animation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTim...

stopping an animation on the spot

hi guys, i have a UISLider that is being animated - going across the screen over a 91.0 second period. i would like to be able to stop the animation spot on. the code: [UIView animateWithDuration:91.0 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionRepeat| UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction| ...

Animated div show/hide (jQuery)

$('.button').click(function() { $('#small-form').animate({ width: ['toggle', 'swing'], height: ['toggle', 'swing'], opacity: 'toggle' }, 5000, 'linear'); $('#big-form').animate({ width: ['toggle', 'swing'], height: ['toggle', 'swing'], opacity: 'toggle' }, 5000, 'linear'); }...

Glowing point animation

Imagine this scenario: I have a map as a image (simple image not google map) and I want to highlight a certain point on that image with a glowing/blinking red point. How do I make this point? Is it possible to have a animation for this ? ...

Is the MSFT AJAX Animation control the correct one to do this animation:

I need to have a stack of 10 text lines, possibly div's, and insert a line arbitrarily somehere in the list. In addition I'd like to fade in a highlight (for the new line) and fade out. Is MSFT AJAX the correct tool to use for this? ...

how to load a dynamically inserted img first

I am building a splash page for a website with jquery animations. My problem is: sometimes (before the page and images are cached by the browser) the images load in an order which detracts from the quality of the animation. Ok, heres what I did: the container div has the following css: background:url(images/colorcity.png) if js is e...

AS3: How do I use frame scripts on loaded swf animations?

I'm trying to use addFrameScript() on a SWF animation I have loaded but am running into a few problems. Here's what works right now: public function project() { var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest("animation.swf")); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, animLoadComplete, false, 0,...

Windows Phone 7 UI (Metro) possible on iOS?

How hard would be be to recreate Windows Phone 7 UI animations on an iOS device using UIKit? More specifically, making animated boxes gradually move from side-to-side, and appear in a chained manner. For example, windows phone 7 transitions here: At 0:30 - the parallax scrolling effect (relati...

Using Block Completion Handler in iOS 4 for animation

I would like to animate my subviews movement when rotating the device, changing the alpha to 0, move the view to the new position and reset the alpha to 1. Using this code in didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation causes the view to flash and fade very quickly and then reappear. I would like to avoid this behaviour. [UIView animateWithDurat...

Twitter-Like background animated drawable in android

Just like Twitter for android used to have (they removed it) - I need to display an animated background drawable. How to I show an image that is actually bigger then the given layout dimensions (without the image being shrink). What kind of animation do I need to use for the "moving" effect? thanks. ...

continous animation within UITableViewCell

Hi there, I'm trying to add a continous animation onto my UITableViewCell-Subclass. It's a rather easy one with an Image fading in and out (fading between 0.4 alpha and 1.0), what i've tried so far ist the following: -(void)animateRecordingIndicator{ [UIView beginAnimations:@"RecordingIndicatorAnimation" context:nil]; [UIView s...

Delay jQuery effects whilst page is loading

I have this bit of code: $("#comingsoon, #1, #2, #3").hide().each(function(i) { $(this).delay(i * 500).slideDown(1500); }); Which basically fades in a series of objects on my page, problem is that the animation lags horribly when the flash banner at the top of the page is loading. I would like to delay the entire jQuery animation ...

How to draw animation on a canvas ?(android)

I am trying to show an animation on a canvas when user touches to the screen.I know basics and how to draw a bitmap on to canvas but i couldn't find anything good on drawing or showing animation on canvas.i will use frame by frame animation and it will appear at the same position user touched that is why i can't use ImageView. ...

PHP - Text fading effect?

Hey, I've been researching all over for this, basically I have a table that displays "eco'texthere';' after posting the data. How would I make the text fade in e.g. : Table ---> User Send data using submit button ---> displays back message "rotating data" ---> Now text fades in saying "sucessfully sent". (Mostly using echo in PHP). W...

Start template animation as soon as control is loaded.

I have the following code inside my ControlTemplate: <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="ControlTemplate.Loaded"> <EventTrigger.EnterActions> <BeginStoryboard> And I want to start Storyboard which I have defined in ControlTemplate, when control is loaded. So my question is: what in ControlTemplate rises Loaded event...

JavaScript opacity Anti-aliasing bug in Internet Explorer

I have encountered an annoying bug with internet explorer on a javascript animation I made. I have a greyscale image of a city skyline which fades its opacity to 0, revealing a full-color skyline. It looks great in all other browsers, but IE reveals artifacts. (around the taxis, and the barr+barr text). A friend told me this is because...

android UI: ImageButton with animation

I'm looking to make an ImageButton that contains an animation drawable, more precisely the repetitive tweened animation of a progressbar spinner (like the view/widget that exists for this). In xml I specified this for the ImageButton in the activity's layout: <ImageButton android:id="@+id/i_back_cover" android:layout_width="wrap_conten...

Silverlight 3 ListBox - Provide an animation to control scrolling

By default, the SL3 listbox scrolls items either one item at a time or a few pixels at a time depending on whether virtualization is used. Is it possible to manually control the scroll behavior, maybe say that the ListBox should scroll from 1 item to the next over a period of 2 seconds with a certain easing function? ...

Sliding out Div, Slide in another Div at the same time.

Ok, I have a few divs within a section of HTML. I need some help getting the Div tags to slide out (either horizontally to the left/right or vertically going up/down, depending on a setting). But at the same time when a div is sliding out of the page, I need another div to slide in from the opposite side of the page. So it will sort o...