
Is there an quick way to draw 3D text in OpenGL ES?

For example, if I have an Arial bold font and want to show text with some amount of 3D perspective. Can OpenGL ES do something like this easily? How hard is it to get a display of 3D text? I'd start with "Hello World" as an example...pretty simple string. What are the difficulties and pitfalls? ...

Is there a faster way of doing this?

For a little practise fun project I did this: I added a grid of UIView instances to an view controllers view which work pretty much like an number segment LCD (but those LCD screens that have squares and can show pretty much anything, not just numbers...with low resolution though). There are 8 * 8 views on the screen (so 64 views, in ...

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opengl es 2.0 on linux

I would like to develop openGLES 2.0 apps on my ubuntu machine. I could not find any libraries/emulators that support ES 2.0 yet. Any suggestions? ...

How to create opengl texture from text generated by method 'drawAtPoint: withFont:'

Hi, I am trying to render texture dynamically in my opengl application. Basically I am tring to use (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point withFont:(UIFont *)font and capture it to a texture. But I am not able to figure out how to convert CGContext stuff to texture. ...

Is there an tutorial on loading an 3D model in openGL ES on the iPhone?

I've started to play around with some 3d modelers a while ago. Now I'm curious: How can I bring such an 3D model to the iPhone or iPad, so that I can see it on screen and maybe even rotate it with gestures? 1) What's the best file format for the 3D models? 2) How would I load a particular 3D model file into openGL ES and then render it...

How to dynamically create vertices in glVertexPointer() in openGLES

Hi, I have a set of textures which I need to draw at different vertices such that every texture is visible.I cannot define a static set of vertices since I load the textures dynamically and I dont know how many textures will be loaded everytime ( i choose them based on a condition). This is how my code looks as of now. for(int i=0;i<n...

OpenGLES tesselation with iGLU ?

Hello, I am trying to use polygon Tesselation with iGLU : But can't find out how does it work (with OpenGLES) ? So I have a 2D (x and y) polygon declare as follow : // *2 because x and y GLfloat poly[nbOfPoint*2] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, etc..} So how can I triangulate ...

What happens to OpenGL ES origin on iPhone under device orientation

Im trying to interface with a project which defines its supported orientation by: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation) interfaceOrientation { //making sure that the tour is displayed in landscape return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight); } I built my program under the d...

glPolygonMode in OpenGLES

is there an equivalent to glPolygonMode in OpenGLES or how do you render wireframe in OpenGLES? thanks! ...