
water animation in iphone app

I want to show water flowing from one container to another in iphone app. Can some suggest me how to do it .. by open gl or by simply couple of images?? Plzz help me ...

Animation in Cocoa Touch?

Hi I have been using UIViewAnimation for simple animations i the past, now I can see that Apple discourages the use of this Class in +4.0. I started looking into CATransitions and -animation. It gives some more fine grained control but seem really bloated for my limited use. When I try to get a grip of the possibilities on the platform I...

UIView cancel animation

I currently have a view animating from one part of the screen to another. I want the animation to pause whenever the "pause" button is pressed. This means the animation needs to remain right where it is (frame location) when I "pause" the animation. I've tried a few things but nothing has given me the result I want. Below is a rough vers...

ViewFlipper animation never ends ?

Hi, I have a ViewFlipper setup where my setInAnimation() and setOutAnimation() are referring to classes that I've extended from Animation. This is all working fine, but what I have noticed is that after all the visual animation has finished ( ie. flip completed ) and whenever I click on the layouts inside my ViewFlipper area, I am still...

layoutSubviews during an animation?

I have a UIView with a bunch of subviews, all positioned using -layoutSubviews. When the view is resized, the relative positions all change. I'd like these re-calculations to happen during an animated resize (using +[UIView beginAnimations:] calls). This doesn't seem to be happening. Any ideas? ...

Slide down view in adnroid

I would like to have a button in my android application trigger a slide down view of a form. I want to have a view at the top of the screen, a list at the bottom of the screen, and I want to have the slide down form view appear between the two when a button is clicked. I have no problem showing the view, but can't seem to animate it fr...

Custom titleView on UINavigationController is animating incorrectly

I'm probably doing something wrong here because this looks a bit stupid. I'm setting up a custom titleView (in the form of a UILabel) on my UINavigationController that is the same on every page. To facilitate this, I've created a function in my app delegate to display the label correctly. I then call this function on any subviews just af...

jQuery animations' conflict

I'm having a problem with some jquery animations. I have dynamically created divs with 'mouseover' and 'mouseout' live events, where I simply change the div's opacity using the animate() method with a stop() to prevent the queue to build up. And I have a 'close' button inside the divs with a click event, where I just make the div fade o...

How can I do a fade animation when the user rotates the phone?

My app's main screen is a listview in portrait mode. When it is in landscape orientation it switches to an ImageView. I want to be able to animate a fading transition when I switch orientations. How can I go about doing this? ...

Are there any tools online to create animation like the one for "Google priority inbox" ?

This is for a one man startup. For a while I was wondering what kind of animation to create, till I saw the one for Google priority Inbox. Very simple & intuitive. Are there any tools online using which I can create something like that ? Should be simple, in the sense, point & click & enter. I know hiring someone would be better ...

Cocoa animations using CATransition in a single view

I want to use CATransition to provide a fading animation between different states of a view. However, this doesn't seem to work with a single view (all examples I found use CATransition to switch between different views). In contrast, a CABasicAnimation works just fine. My example code shows what I'm doing. I have a custom view (TTVi...

How do you create a wiggle animation similar to iphone deletion animation

We are currently developing an application that contains a series of icons. We want the icons to wiggle like the app deletion animations when pressed. What would be the best way to code this animation sequence? ...

Android, View width change animation?

I'm trying to make a timeout gauge bar animation effect: The width of a lengthy colorful bitmap image is decreasing, but not x-scaling. so the image looks not changing and the visible area shrinks. I couldn't find the sole ImageView clipping or masking support in android. And I managed to get the clipping effect by surrounding the Im...

Google Maps curl animation in MKMapView / Map Kit on iOS4

Hi folks.. Anyone know whether (and if so, how) we can create the half-turned page effect Google Maps on the iPad uses to show the options to change the Map type?.. See below image to see what I'm talkin' about.. Incidentally, any pretty good Map Kit tutoria...

How can I achieve this basic layout in android with the proper z-ordering of views

How can I achieve the following layout in Android? What I would like, is to have the 3 blue boxes top aligned in their view, and then I'd like to have the red box centered underneath the blue boxes, but so that when I animate the red box up, it slides underneath the blue box. I have tried placing the blue and red boxes in different lay...

Android sliding effect animation

Hello, First of all I am completely new to animation on android but would like to include it in my next application. The application will be as follows: For example, I will be having 2 layers, each one containing their own data. Layer 1 will contain data 1 Layer 2 will contain data 2 And layer 1 will be superimposed on layer 2; that...

[iPhone] Rendering animation to movie

Hi @ll I have a serious problem with Core Animation in combination with the AV Foundation. I want to render the animation of several UIImages to a movie file. The animation of the images should only be the change from one image to the next, just like shown here But I don't want to display this animation ...

How can I animate my view resizing?

I am resizing my tables headerView. I want to animate it, but I am not sure how. -(void)layoutForBanner { // Depending on if the banner has been loaded, we adjust the content frame and banner location // to accomodate the ad being on or off screen. // This layout is for an ad at the bottom of the view. if(banner.bannerLo...

Text doesn't fade into right position due to multiplication issue in javascript

Hey all, It's strange that the same functions are being called here but the #group3 text doesn't fade into the right position. I think it's a math issue: var triggerID = $active.attr("rel") - 1; var image_reelPosition = triggerID * imageWidth; //The first time the 'rel' attribute is 2 and the second time the rel attribut...

JQuery - hide a set of divs/images one by one randomly

Hello, I have a set of visible divs/or images. by clicking one item, I'd like to hide the other divs/images. But it should be - randomly - one by one with either fadeOut() out or hide(). - (maybe animated) My HTML: <DIV class="myDivBox">Box no 1</DIV> <DIV class="myDivBox">Box no 2</DIV> <DIV class="myDivBox">Box no 3</DIV> <DIV cla...