
In the iphone 4 sdk, how can I get TransitionCurlUp to trigger random text?

Hello friends I am trying to put together an app that has a set of text that can be randomized when the user presses the button to flip the page. Basically, pressing the button does two things; flip the page and changes the text to a randomly included phrase. I am trying to implement this by having the page curl into the same XIB file ...

Positioning Objects Based On Row And Column Values

Hi Guys, I have a 3 X 3 grid of JLabels of images. I constructed the grid using the grid layout. I would like to move a round object which represents a car and place that object in a particular cell. So the grid will be like a background. My questions are these: 1) How can i position this object on a specific cell based on the rows a...

Storyboard - No completed event

Hey. This is probably a simple question, but how do I know when a Storyboard animation has completed? I'm using .Net 3.0 so maybe that's why, but in my other projects (.net 4), there was a simple Completed event I could handle. What's the way to do it in WPF with .net 3.0? Thanks edit in response to comments: I guess the error lies e...

Prevent a section in UITableView in Edit Mode from narrow animating?

I have a UITableView with 3 sections. 2 of the sections are fixed in that when in edit mode, no additional rows can be added or deleted, therefore only 1 of the 3 sections show the green plus/red minuses, however the rows in all three section animate to a narrow width to accommodate the plus and minus for the single section that can be ...

WPF: Panel with percentage coordinates

Hi, I would like use a panel whose children have coordinates specified as percentage of total panel's width/height. Moreover, I should be able to animate the coordinate property, for example to make a button move from 10% to 50% panel's width. I've made 2 attempts: Use a Grid and specify size as stars - this was not enough, because A...

Cocos2d Animation Flickering

Hi, I have a sprite which i animate using CCAnimate. the animation is composed of 4 spritesheets that i swap when needed. everything works pretty good except for some flickering when swapping spritesheets. any ideas on what to do? ...

jQuery animation for a hover

Hello I'm trying to animate a logo when you hover over the anchor element. When I hover over the logo, an image needs to go upwards and another one downwards when the first one is done. When the mouse leaves it should the other way around, the current element (2nd) should go upwards and when it's gone the first element should go downwar...

Getting the scale factor from a CABasicAnimation

Hi there, I'm animating a shrinking object. At any point the user can hit a button to get the current scale factor of the object. (I start by scaling the object up using a CGAffineTransformMakeScale, so the scale factor should be 1 when it reaches its original size). I'm just not sure how to retrieve the current scale factor from the ani...

Adding a animated view

I have a tableview and a normal view (let's say view 2) inside a normal view. All made in Interface builder. View 2 is above the tableview and needs to appear animated from above at the loading of the view. When pressing a button, the view disappears again. How can i do this? thanks ...

how to animate transition from one view to another when using data templates to associate view with view-model.

Hello everybody, i will post my source code i have at the moment and explain my problem after that. this is the window where i want the transition to happen <Window x:Class="MyApp.MainView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="MyApp" Height="600...

Position on UIImageView

Hi everyone Me again. I have a simple question. I have an UIImageView like the one shown below. That UIimageView is supposed to be the knob to control the volume of my iphone project. My question is, how to know the positions of bar on the UIImageView when it is rotated? Because the volume needs to be 0.5 when the little bar on the ce...

Neural Network size for Animation system

I decided to go with a Neural Network in order to create behaviors for an animation engine that I have. The neural network takes in 3 vector3s and 1 Euler angle for every body part that I have. The first vector3 is the position, the second is its velocity, and the third is its angular velocity. The Euler angle is what rotation the body p...

Adding ScaleTransform breaking WPF animation

I am animating an Explorer-style interface, with a Navigator pane on the left and a Workspace on the right. The Navigator displays either a Note List or a Calendar--both are UserControls. Toggle buttons on the app's Ribbon change between the two views. I am animating the change with a dissolve from the old UserControl to the new one. T...

Expand animation in android and inner size calculation (dimension)

To make it simple.I have a LinearLayout containing some details. It is scaled down to a two pixel line. When I click on the title above the LinearLayout. I'd like it to expand to the size of its content. I tried the ScaleAnimation class and it wors except it needs a scale factor. I'd like to be able to scale from 2pixel to realsize and...

jQuery, SVG: How to animate an attribute value (not style property)?

Hi, I need to animate an attribute of an SVG element, which has no CSS counterpart - <circle cx="..." /> How can I achieve that? Or, I can use an alternative, e.g. if I could animate <g/> using CSS's top or similar. Any experience? Thanks, Ondra Note this is not a duplicate of

How can I change a ViewController list (by changing predicate) without popping and pushing?

I have a ViewController whose view results from data from a fetch request with Predicate 1. I'd like to repeat the fetch request with a more restrictive Predicate 2 that will give a SUBSET of the data using Predicate 1. Then I'd like to update (and possibly animate) that view on the iPhone screen by pressing a toggle button, so that ...

jQuery, stopping an animation associated with a jQuery Form Wizard

Hi all, I'm a designer with limited coding knowledge. All I need to do is to create a simple form that submits data in one go. The form broke up into parts using jQuery Form Wizard. There's this progress indicator at the bottom of the page. However, when I finish the form, the arrow carries on and doesn't stop at Finish. Below is th...

UIImageView animation starts a few seconds after startAnimating is issued

Ok, I have the following very simple animation composed of 25 frames in PNG format. Each frame is 320 × 360 and about 170Kb in size. Here is the code I use .h: IBOutlet UIImageView *Animation_Normal_View; In Interface Builder I have a UIImageView with a referencing outlet pointing to this. All my images are named normal_000_crop.png,...

JQuery Shuffle Effect using Html5 [Canvas +CSS +JS]

Hi All, I saw a JQuery Shuffle Example and I was trying to implement the same using HTML5 and Canvas + CSS + JS with images. but finding animation/drawing using Canvas bit difficult. I just had idea of creating as many canvas as images and then try to move the canvas for shuffle animation. Are there any libraries to achieve the same...

How can I control the SpeedRatio of a Storyboard inside a VisualState?

Given a Storyboard started by the VisualStateManager as part of a ControlTemplate, how would I adjust the SpeedRatio of that animation based on property changes of the control? <ControlTemplate> <Grid> <VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups> <VisualStateGroup> <VisualState> <Storyboard Name="SpinningThing" ...