
How to pass $(this) reference to a call back function?

I have the following animations in my web page: $(".anim-item").not(this).animate({ opacity: 0, }, { queue: true, duration: 1000 } , function() { // Animation complete. }); $(this).animate({ left: 200, }, { queue: true, duration: 1000 } , function() { // Animation complete. ...

Great animation engines for Javascript? - Javascript/Animations

Hi folks, I'm trying to implement a timeline based animation, where animations will be able to be: paused resumed fast forwarded slowed down reversed ... Are there any animation/tweening engines for Javascript that could be used for such purpose? Or that would be highly recommended? Hwlp would be great, especially as this really ...

Android animation.

hi.. i m really very fed up coding translate animation. actually my image is moving from one position to another but it is coming back to its actual position. can any body here provide me the code to move image from one position to another position without coming back. plssssssssssssssssssssssss provide me the sollution. thanks in ad...

How to force jQuery animations to run simultaneously?

I have a web page with animations (JQuery Animation) all over the place. A typical animation sequence may contain three or four objects animating independently at the same time. The issue I am facing is that the queuing of the animations is not predictable. Some of the animations are running simultaneously while some others are not. I a...

QWidget - resize animation

Say I have a QHBoxLayout where there are 2 QTextEdits and between them a button with an arrow to the right. So when you click on the button, the right-side QTextEdit gradually closes by moving the lift borther untill it meats the right one. Simulutaniously, the right border of the left QTextEdit thakes the place which the right QTextEdit...

Starting an AnimationDrawable in Android

Where should I start an AnimationDrawable that needs to animate when the activity is shown? The developer guide recommends using onWindowFocusChanged, but this isn't always called when the activity is part of a TabHost. I quote: It's important to note that the start() method called on the AnimationDrawable cannot be called d...

CABasicAnimation not animating my property

I've been trying to understand what is wrong with my animation and I still haven't figure it out. I think it should be really straight forward, but there is probably something I'm missing, even after reading lot of examples and documentation. My problem comes originally form the fact that on the iPhone, you cannot resize layers automati...

Android animation.

HI alll.. Today i again came,,:-( actually i m little bit confused in animation set?? i have more than two or three animations how can i put them in animation set? and one more thing this is very important..that my image is moving from one place to another through translate animation. but it is not showing the motion and looking like ...

Please Help me with Frame Animaions! Android Question.

Sorry for the very loud title, but when I try to code a frame-by-frame animation in Eclipse, It gives me a bug. I found something on the internet that says they screwed up in the sdk tutorial documentation but I cannot help but wonder what android:id="selected" means or what should be put in the quotations instead. (I am new to this if y...

Android: Terminate TranslateAnimation earlier and immediately start a FrameAnimation at the position where the TranslateAnimation has been terminated

Hi: Thanks for reading my post. How can I terminate TranslateAnimation before its reach the destination and immediately start a FrameAnimation at the position of which the TranslateAnimation has been terminate. What I am trying to do is to apply a translate animation on textview, and make TextView more across the screen. I can click o...

Why it is not possible to animate the "maximumWidth" parameter of the QWidget?

I wanted to animate the QWidget maximumWidth in order to change thd widgets size in a layout with animation, but it does not work. I have tried to do the following: QPropertyAnimation *animation1 = new QPropertyAnimation(m_textEditor2, "maximumWidth"); animation1->setStartValue(0); animation1->setEndValue(100); animation1->start(); ED...

Making an image / div fade with CSS3, without using a hover.

Hello, I have a div with an image in it. At the moment I use CSS3 animation to fade it off, but the performance is terrible. I am pretty sure I should be using transitions. Problem is I cannot find one example that isn't triggered by a hover. How can I make it so that when the page is loaded, after a delay of 2 seconds, the image/div f...

Animation paths/patterns in Android?

Hi there Just wondering in my Android game if there is a formula/function that would make animating an object across the screen in a 2d environment quick and simple. Of course if it just in a straight line then i would only need to increment the X co-ordinate for example every time a frame was rendered, however I'm looking to use more ...

Android alpha animation fadein fadeout with delays

I want to do a very simple alpha animation but I cannot find a valid way. The idea is to perform this animation over a view: alpha from 0 to 1 of 1 second hold alpha at 1 for 5 seconds alpha from 1 to 0 of 1 second hold alpha at 0 for 5 seconds. start again on 1. I've tried to implement that with an AnimationSet as: AnimationSet an...

Animating UILabel size decrease

When increasing the height of label, everything is fine and smooth. When decreaseing, the label is instantly changing the size then repositioning with animation. @interface @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *explanationLabel; @implementation CGRect frmExpl = explanationLabel.frame; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]...

Earthquake Simulation Engine

I'm interested to simulate the response of a structural building ( such as WTC before 911) under earthquake load. Actually I have all the Finite element things work out, and I have already calculated the displacement, velocity and acceleration response of the building under that particular earthquake load. The one thing that I have prob...

can we start a animation, stop it and reassign new animation array to animationImages?

please read the code in my viewcontroller -(void)StartAnimation { if (self.myimgarray == nil) { self.myimgarray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0]; } UIImage *img; for (int i=0; i<=17; i++) { img = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"a_expand_%d.png",i] ofType:...

iPad OpenGL animating texture vs uiimageview

I have a sequence of 24 images that I need to animate on the iPad. The images are full screen - 1024x768. I currently have them displayed using an UIImageView, however there are some issues If I use [UIImage initWithContentsOfFile] to load my images, then the sequence displays very slowly the first time they are displayed, but smoothl...

Adding logic to a data bound property to initiate animations in WPF

I feel like this is a very simple question, but I can't really find any examples on the internet of anyone who wants to do something like this. What I have right now is a half circle gauge control that I made in WPF. I have a RotateTransform that has data bound to its angle so as the data comes in it shows the angle visually. The problem...

UILabel animated resize side effect

I came across issue where I need to animate height change of UILabel frame or its enclosing view's frame. Label is multiline. The issue is that given with large text which does not fit initially into label(say it takes 3 lines), then animating the label's height to increase, immediately changing 3 line to 4 and then animating the frame ...