
UITableView add cell Animation

Hi Guys, Can any one help me out with UITableView animating issue. By default we have animation for deleting cell and reordering cells in UITableView. Can we have animated adding cell, if so how to do it. I have checked out Three20, did not not get how twitter has done the table expand animation under MyProfile>ReTweets. Want to try...

What are block-based animation methods in iPhone OS 4.0?

I am trying to implement a game using the iPhone OS 4.0 (iOS4?) SDK. In the previous versions of the SDK, I've been using the [UIView beginAnimations:context:] and [UIView commitAnimations] to create some animations. However, when I look at the documentation of the functions in 4.0, I see this comment. Use of this method is discourag...

Opening a curtain: Animation with Core Animation

Hey, I would like to animate a curtain, which gets opened. I have two images: one for the left and one for the right side of the curtain (depicted in red). I would like to smoothly slide them away with Core Animation. For what animation type should I look for? How do I achieve a realistic sliding style? Regards, Stefan ...

GTK window motion animation?

I want to move my GTK_WINDOW across the screen automatically. Currently I have it in a draw/move loop, but that's terribly choppy. I'm very new to GTK programming (and gui programming in general). What am I missing? ...

How to slide in/out statusBar and navigationBar simultaneously?

I'd like to show and hide the statusBar and the navigationBar simultaneously using a slide effect. This is how I tried: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:hide withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide]; [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:hide animated:animated]; However, the duration of both animation...

How to do relative animating with Jquery on mouseover and mouseout?

I'm trying to have the following: There is a fixed positioned div on the bottom of my page. When the mouse enters and exits the div animates its height to resp. 100px and 50px. The default height is 50px. I've found that Jquery does this correctly with only one big no-no. When the mouse exits while animating and then reenters again it ...

How do I make a JavaScript animation play at the same speed on all browsers on all systems?

I have a function that calculates the next frame in an animation of various objects moving in both X and Y axis [ I call it frameRender() ] and a function that applies that resulting frame to the objects [ I call that frameDisplay() ]. The objects don't just move from point A to B, they move constantly, always receiving new target coords...

How to spin an android icon on its center point?

I have written the following to spin my icon on the center of the screen and instead it rotates around the upper-left corner (i.e., origin x=0, y=0 of the ImageView). It should be simple to set some attributes of the ImageView or the RotateAnimation, but I can't figure it out. public class IconPromoActivity extends Activity { priva...

Android animation slows down

I have a continuous frame animation which runs 24 frames per X seconds, which is working fine, Now when i run another two animations ( Alpha animation ) at the same time , i notice performance drop , that is frame animation slows down. Any idea why this is happening, and is there any work around for this? Thanks in advance. ...

how to wait on parent element until childs stop animate()

I got bunch of LI elements animating (slideDown) inside UL. After LI finish their animation I want to add A-HREF element below UL. There is a problem - if I use $('li').animate(SPEED, callback) to wait for LIs finish its animation, my callback will be called n-times (n = count LI) - if I have 20 LIs, 20 A-HREFs will be added bellow U...

iOS 3.2 breaks UITableView update animations

I'm trying to make a simple accordion-style menu system for iPad using a UITableView and expanding rows. The way I implement this is storing the selected index path and in heightForRowAtIndexPath: conditionally setting the row with that index to be larger. In didSelectRowAtIndexPath: I provide an empty update block so that the table wil...

isAnimating return is faulty for UIImageView for iPhone

I am finding that isAnimating is returning true even after it has completed the max # of loops and stopped animating. However once you move the UIImageView, it will suddenly update and change to false. Here are the important bits of my code: I set up the animation in the standard way: UIImageView* newImageView = ... newImageView.animat...

UIButton resize with animation

I'm creating a menu and I want the buttons to "pop" I guess on the screen. Basically I want to start at 0px dimensions and then go up to the full size of the buttons. I can animate the alpha and the position if I want to but can't do the dimensions and I think its because its an image on the button. If I do a UIButtonTypeRoundRect you c...

How to rotate the images wpf

Hi All, I want to create a smooth moving of images. i have gone the following link but i dont know how to implement. Geetha ...

show UIButtons one by one in a UIView

Hi I have a UIView which contains several buttons that are designed by others in Interface Builder. Now I need to show the buttons one by one with a 0.2 second delay, when the View is loaded. Can someone give me some clue how I could implement this? e.g. in which method call what kind of animation. ...

iphone animation stops after one pass

I'm running SDK 3.2.3 I have a simple tab bar controller with three view controllers. Each view controller has an NSArray of images for a simple animation. The animation runs a loop when each of the tabs is pushed however if you go back to tab one after you've pressed another tab, the animation doesn't run again. Any code I could put in ...

Frustrated Animation Issue....

Hi guys.. I have spent 2 hours on this simple state to state transition with simply resize and move animation.... I can get the element to move and fade...but there is no resize animation at all. The panel element stay the same width whole time. If I copy the code to a brand new test mxml file, it works, but not in my main application...

Animation for images wpf

Hi All, I want to move the images one by one like slides. i am using the following code to move one image. How to apply this animation to all the images in the image folder. Code: <Image Name="img" Width="50" Height="25" Grid.Row="3" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Source="btn_audio_stop.jpg"> <Image.Triggers> <EventT...

Animating UIPickerView

Hi I am developing an iPhone app which uses pickerview, Upon shaking app selects one random choice. Everything works well but I was wondering is there any way to animate the UIPIckerView as Urban Spoon has done it. ...

Relation between UIView and UIImageView regarding animations... iPhone SDK

I have some animation blocks in my code which are causing my problems when I upgrade to iPhone OS4. I have read that it is now advised to use block-animations so I thought I would see if this solved my problems. Before I was using the following type of code to make an animation... [UIImageView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIIma...