
How to rotate particular image among multiple images drawn to canvas in android ?

Hi All, I need a small help on rotating one image around its center of axis among multiple images which are drawn to canvas in android. I am loading images to canvas like below. canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineBackground, 0, 0, null); canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineRotator, 0, 0, null); I want to rotate only the second bitmap around its center...

WPF ColorAnimation seems to retain part of original colour?

Hi guys, I'm having a strange problem with a colour animation. I have a list of items bound to a listbox. These items have an enum property which can have one of three values - NoRemarks, RemarksFound and RemarksUpdated. On the datatemplate for this listbox, I have a rectangle which displays a colour related to the item status - Red,...

webkit-transition for "top" and "bottom" properties

I'd like to make a css animation where a div (centered on a screen using top and bottom properties) expands by setting top and bottom to 20px. Is it possible? When I try to make it happen with: -webkit-transition-property: top, bottom; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.5s; animation is not performed. Am I doing something wrong, or is...

Plotting and Animating 2D points with 'headings'

I will have a set of data (x, y, heading), and I need to animate it in real-time. I am currently using matplotlib to animate (x, y) and it works fine, but I would really like to have some way to indicate heading, ie what direction the object is facing. What would be the best library for this? It seems like PyGame might be able to help me...

jQuery setinterval does not show first element

Hi, I am creating this content slider, you can view/edit here: I have put in place setInterval so that animation runs automatically, however, when it is run for the first time, google image is shown but not afterwords. Should be simple but i am unable to figure out the problem. ...

software for sorting algorithms animation

I am planning on working on an interactive application that graphically animates the various sorting algorithms in action. Most of the examples of this kind on the web seems to be using java applets. I was wondering what other software/tools would be well suited to develop an application like this. It may or may not be web-based. Any hel...

How do you hide/show UISearchBar's scope bar with animation?

I want to show no scope bar when the table is empty (before the search bar edits for the first time), no scope bar when it's editing, and finally show it when editing done. I know about the UISearchBarDelegate protocol, but I don't know how to show/hide the scope bar with animation. I know UISearchBar has setShowsScopeBar:, but no setSho...

UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp in landscape mode transitioning right-to-left

I have a view controller that is showing in portrait mode. When you touch the "menu" button, it calls the code below and it flips up to the MainMenu controller. So far, so good. - (void) menuButton: (id) sender { MainMenu_ViewController * viewController = [[MainMenu_ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MainMenu_ViewController...

Create an animation which will run on any device including iPhone

Hi All, I have a requirement as below. In my application, user will select 5 phots from album and will place them on 5 different views. If user wants to see them one by one as a gif, we can show the animation of those images on iPhone using [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];. But this will run on iPhone only. If user wants to s...

Pausing and restarting an Animation

I'm running a CAKeyframeAnimation in a subclass of UIViewController. I want to pause the animation on pressing a "Pause" button and start back from where it paused on pressing a "Resume" button. I've come across an answer to a similar question on this site, but it doesn't work for me. I would appreciate any help. ...

Implement Animated Textview\LinearLayout for TickerTape effect in Android

I want to implement a tickertape effect that will display 3 messages. The messages will scroll across the top of my application in a single line with each message seperated by a small image. I have initially used just a TextView with one message as a test and used an animation effect to translate the Textview into view. But I encounter...

C# animation - move object from A to B or by angle

Hi am just doing a little animation which moves an object from point a to point b or by angle/radians. what I currently have is this Point CalcMove(Point pt, double angle, int speed) { Point ret = pt; ret.X = (int)(ret.X + speed * Math.Sin(DegToRad(angle))); ret.Y = (int)(ret.Y + speed * Math.Cos(DegToRad(a...

ASP animation extender help

I've been searching but I can't seem to find a way to get the animation extender to do what I want. I basically want to use it to display errors after the user queries the database. If something goes wrong, it fades in and displays the error text. And then let it collapse. Anyone familiar enough with this to give me a quick explanati...

What is the best way to create continuously looping background in iPhone SDK ?

What is the best way to create a continuously looping background using iPhone SDK so that it seems the foreground object is in perpetual motion ? I have a background image which I want to move continuously at a given speed from right to left and seamlessly start displaying the beginning of the image when its end is reached. What is the ...

Android ==> Simple 2d Animation ???

public void MoveMyButton (int x) //where the button suppose to move to { TranslateAnimation anim=new TranslateAnimation(this.getLeft() ,x, this.getTop() ,20)); anim.setFillAfter(true); anim.setDuration(1000); this.setAnimation(anim); anim.start(); } button's x at start is 1. I call the method to move it to 100, and it goes from 1 to 1...

Flex 4 animation question

Hello.. I am trying to do the move vertically animation on a button nested in the vertical layout. I am not sure if the Hgroup restricts the button moving vertically. Are there ways to go around it? Thanks for the helps. <s:states> <s:State name="default"/> <s:State name="addRecommend"/> <s:State name="seeOther"/> </s:states> AS: ...

animate to float: visualizing position change

I have a list of items which can be displayed both vertically and horizontally: Currently, toggling between these two modes makes for a rather jarring user experience, since items are repositioned rather suddenly (as CSS classes are being applied/removed). It would help greatly to have each item gradually move...

WPF UserControl Embedded Animation

Hi all, I have a UserControl called Beetle.xaml which has animation makeing the legs move. So far so good. I added this to my Background.xaml page by decaring the xmlns and xaml as: xmlns:my="clr-namespace:Intellident.Liber8.GUI.Theme.Jungle" and <my:Beetle VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="180,...

jquery, list div-box above by clicking a button.

hi, i've got 20 div-boxes in a list [ div 1 ] [ div 2 ] [ div 3 ] and so on. every divbox should contain a button to change position with another div. one for up, one for down. [ div 1 <+><->] [ div 2 <+><->] [ div 3 <+><->] when i press the <+> in divbox 3, the divbox#2 and #3 should change places.... like it would by add the ...

setting new text to uilabel and animation

i'm setting new text value to a uilabel. Currently, the new text appears just fine. However, I'd like to add some animation to how the new text appears. I'm wondering what i can do to animate the appearance of the new text. ...