
How do you use anonymous functions in PHP?

Hello, Anonymous functions are available from PHP 5.3. Should I use them or avoid them? If so, how? Thank you Edited; just found some nice trick with php anonymous functions... $container = new DependencyInjectionContainer(); $container->mail = function($container) {}; $conteiner->db = function($container) {}; $co...

JavaScript setTimeout setInterval within one function

I think I might be overtired but I cannot for the life of me make sense of this, and I think it's due to a lack of knowledge of javascript var itv=function(){ return setInterval(function(){ sys.puts('interval'); }, 1000); } var tout=function(itv){ return setTimeout(function(){ sys.puts('timeout'); clearInterval(itv); }, 5500);...

Anonymous recursive PHP functions.

Is it possible to have a PHP function that is both recursive and anonymous? This is my attempt to get it to work, but it doesn't pass in the function name. $factorial = function( $n ) use ( $factorial ) { if( $n == 1 ) return 1; return $factorial( $n - 1 ) * $n; }; print $factorial( 5 ); I'm also aware that this is a bad way t...

Scala Generic Function Values (Anonymous Function) - Missing Parameter Type (Error)

Hi all, im new with SCALA (Scala code runner version, and i really dont understand why scala requires for the caller the parameter type when we are using high order functions. The sample below , i have one stand alone object ( Util ) that have one function. The Main block, the caller must pass the parameter type to the ano...

How do I add statements to an anonymous function in ActionScript?

I've created a class that parses an XML document to create an Object. I can successfully create dynamic, anonymous functions that return objects like this: myObject[functionName]=function():Object { return {property1: value1, property2: value2, ...

"Decompile" Javascript function? *ADVANCED*

[1] Ok, I don't even know how to call this, to be honest. So let me get some semi-pseudo code, to show what I'm trying to do. I'm using jquery to get an already existing script declared inside the page, inside a createDocument() element, from an AJAX call. GM_xmlhttprequest({ ... load:function(r){ var doc = document_from_string...

detachEvent not working with named inline functions

I ran into a problem in IE8 today (Note that I only need to support IE) that I can't seem to explain: detachEvent wouldn't work when using a named anonymous function handler. document.getElementById('iframeid').attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function onIframeReadyStateChange() { if (event.srcElement.readyState != "complete") { ...

How can I define an anonymous generic Scala function?

Let's say I have this: val myAnon:(Option[String],String)=>String = (a:Option[String],defVal:String) => { a.getOrElse(defVal) } Don't mind what the function does. Is there anyway of making it generic, so I can have an Option[T]? ...

Possible to have C++ anonymous functions with boost?

I'm trying to solve a problem that anonymous functions make much, much easier, and was wondering if this was possible in c++. What I would like to do is (essentially) template<typename T> T DoSomething(T one, function<T(T)> dosomething) { return one + dosomething(5); } void GetMyVal(...) { DoSomething<int>(1, /*anonymous func h...

Overload Anonymous Functions

Still wrapping my head around Delegates and I'm curious: Is it possible to overload anonymous functions? Such that: delegate void Output(string x, int y); Supports: Output show = (x, y) => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", x.ToString(), y.ToString()); And: delegate void Output(string x, string y); Allowing: show( "ABC", "EFG" ); ...

Named Function Expressions in IE, part 2

I asked this question a while back and was happy with the accepted answer. I just now realized, however, that the following technique: var testaroo = 0; (function executeOnLoad() { if (testaroo++ < 5) { setTimeout(executeOnLoad, 25); return; } alert(testaroo); // alerts "6" })(); returns the result I exp...

C# delegate or Func for 'all methods'?

Hi, i've read something about Func's and delegates and that they can help you to pass a method as a parameter. Now i have a cachingservice, and it has this declaration: public static void AddToCache<T>(T model, double millisecs, string cacheId) where T : class public static T GetFromCache<T>(string cacheId) where T : class So in a pl...

PHP anonymous functions scope question

Hi, I'm trying to sort an array of objects by a common property, however I cannot get my $property parameter to register in the inner function (I can use it in the outer one OK). The way I read the documentation, it sounded like the parameter would be available, have I misunderstood something? Here is what I have: public static fun...

What's the scope of a Javascript variable declared in a for() loop?

Check out the following snippet of HTML/Javascript code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var alerts = []; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { alerts.push(function() { document.write(i + ', '); }); } for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { (alerts[j])(); } for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { (alerts[i])(); } </script> </head><body><...

Slight confusion of `this` in a JavaScript call back function

$.ajax({url: path_to_file, cache: false, success: function(html_result){ $("#window_" + + "_cont_buffer").html(html_result);}) Now then. This function call is with in a function of a class. is a property of said class. will this pass the function value of into the string the anonymous function, or will it tr...

How can I write an anonymous function in Java?

Is it even possible? ...

Fire Box doesnot support program based calling function

on clicking any row of the following program... i am firinf on function mail file click....function just having alert message that shoes deffrent file name on the bases of clicking... *its working properly in IE .....FireBox N other browser function doesnot call on clicking on any row.. whats problem..please help me......i am writing co...

JS: variable inheritance in anonymous functions - scope

hey guys, someone from doctype sent me here. long story short: var o="before"; x = function() //this needs to be an anonymous function { alert(o); //the variable "o" is from the parent scope }; o="after"; //this chages "o" in the anonymous function x(); //this results in in alert("after"); //which is not the way i want/need it in r...

php is_function() to determine if a variable is a function

I was pretty excited to read about anonymous functions in php, which let you declare a variable that is function easier than you could do with create_function. Now I am wondering if I have a function that is passed a variable, how can I check it to determine if it is a function? There is no is_function() function yet, and when I do a var...

VB.NET 2008 - Anonymous Function

Hi, On Form Load I populate a menu with all possible colors so they user can pick a color. However when they pick a color the forecolor of my label is not changed. Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' When the form loads, we want to populate the color menu item w...