
Ruby on Apache with mod_ruby

Hello. I really want to run some ruby code on Apache server. I've got libapache2-mod-ruby and libapache-ruby1.8 installed (complete list of what is installed is here). What do I do now to make it run (here`s an example)? ...

ZIP Files get corrupted by IE

I am delivering a ZIP file in 64k chunks using a loop in PHP (but the problem would arise with any server side language). When fetching the file with FF, everything goes just fine. When fetching the file with IE7, some bits get corrupted. This leads to an error message regarding wrong CRC (a hash) and some of the unzipped files end up ...

Running Apache DS embedded in my application

Hi guys! I'm trying to run an embedded ApacheDS in my application. After reading http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/1.5/41-embedding-apacheds-into-an-application.html I build this: public void startDirectoryService() throws Exception { service = new DefaultDirectoryService(); service.getChangeLog().setEnabled( false ); P...

mod_wsgi, wsgi daemon visible behind _both_ http and https

Hi, I have apache vhost configured with SSL and mod_wsgi its working fine: < VirtualHost > #[...] SSLEngine on #[...] WSGIScriptAlias / /home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/wsgihandler.py WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=maciek group=www-data \ home=/home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/ \ processes=10 maxi...

Apache ReWrite rule stopping portions of our app

Hey Guys, Our application uses rewrite rules in our PHP application and our developer added these rewrite rule to our Apache VHosts file: I have updated our Rewrite rules based on suggestion below. Currently my VHosts file configuration looks like this: RewriteCond %blog !-d RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9-,]+)/?$ /index.php?a=$1 Rewrit...

How to configure Apache to proxy exactly one file?

(I must be dense - I just can't figure out the Apache documentation on how to do this.) To speed up some swf development I'm doing, I want to have my local machine fetch my local swf when I browse to our studio's test website. Just the one local swf only - with the rest pulled from the test website. So I set up apache on port 80 with m...

htaccess rewrite

I am working on a project and it utilizes a shortened url for redirection, I've gotten the following code to work perfectly: XBitHack Off Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \/([0-9A-Za-z]{4})$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*) ./ge...

Separate Website From Application with VirtualHosts

I would like to host 1 part of my project on the www.domain.com and domain.com, but if it's not either of those, route it to another separate site on the same box. This should explain what I am trying to do, but no clue how to go about it: <VirtualHost *> <Directory /var/www/domain> Options FollowSymLinks Al...

Help making my root directory not executable for CGI scripts

I'm trying to make the root directory for a virtual host so that it can execute CGI scripts. I put the following in my virtual host declaration: <VirtualHost *:80> <Directory /> Options +ExecCGI </Directory> DocumentRoot /path/to/root ServerName servername AddHandler cgi-script .pl </VirtualHost> But when I tr...

Scaling up from 1 Web Server + 1 DB Server

We are Web 2.0 company that built a hosted Content Management solution from the ground up using LAMP. In short, people log into our backend to manage their website content and then use our API to extract that content. This API gets plugged into templates that can be hosted anywhere on the interwebs. Scaling for us has progressed as foll...

How to rewrite URL in Tomcat 6

Hello. I'll build a web application and I want to use url rewriting. In apache this is done with mod_rewrite. But how can I rewrite urls with Tomcat 6? I want to use Struts 2 framework. ...

Compress/Deflate @font-face fonts

I am using the @font-face CSS property to load a special font for headings on a website, and I want Apache to send the font compressed to reduce loading time. However, the "AddOutputFilterByType" declaration in Apache 2's deflate module only accepts mime types and, as AFAIK, neither opentype nor truetype have registered mime types. So,...

How to encode URL in Apache mod_rewrite?

I'm now doing it this way: rewriterule ^questions/tagged/(.*) qas.php?q=[$1] Which didn't do encoding stuff yet. ...

Deploying a Django website without access to httpd.conf (with or without mod_wsgi)

Can I deploy a django app with only write permissions in a particular folder on the server? For a recent work, I asked the admin to modify the .conf for me (and install mod_wsgi which was not present), but it would have been much less painful if I could have deployed the app by just uploading the files. (on apache) I don't have much e...

mod_rewrite or path_info for clean URLs

Hi, I have always used mod_rewrite for creating clean looking URLs, until recently I didn’t know there was any other option. A few weeks back someone on here pointed out that exactly the same effect can be achieved using apache PATH_INFO. Thinking about it now, I assume this is what most PHP frameworks do, optionally relying on mod_rewr...

Apache Tomcat server on linux

Hi, I have installed java and tomcat appache server on linux. When i am going to start tomcat using ./startup.sh command on linux server, it gives output as Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.28 Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.28 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.28/temp Using JRE_HOME: ...

Is a cgi different from a console application?

I am having some problems in running cgi on my Apache (Windows, XAMPP), but the exe runs smoothly on the command prompt. Reading the logs on Apache folder it gives no information about the error. Any ideas about this? ...

Tomcat on Linux (centos). Incorrect java version.

I have installed Tomcat5 on CentOS 5 using the yum configuration tool. My java web application requires java 1.6 to run without errors. However, my tomcat install appears to be using java 1.4. This is confirmed when I navigate to the tomcat manager page: Tomcat Version JVM Version Apache Tomcat/5.5.23 1.4.2 At the linux prompt...

Would like to make a php get_include_files() enhancements

I am interested in making an application that can automatically determine what files are included in php. What I'm getting at is that I would like to make either a C/C++ or a C# application that runs in the background and as you're developing on your local machine, it can display included files by php as you launch pages running on you...

Apache mod_rewrite issue with WAMP - shows Error 404 Not found - Joomla 1.5.14 with SEF URL

Hi, I am newbie to Joomla and WAMP environiment. I am using WAMP environment: Win Srv 2003 R2 (Std Ed) with SP2 and all recent updates Apache 2.2.9 PHP 5.2.6 Joomla 1.5.14 I want to enable mod_rewrite with Joomla SEF URL but it is not working together. If I set 'SEF URLs' and 'Add suffix to URLs' as Yes it works. Result: /index.p...