
Where is phpmyadmin located in plesk?

I have plesk 8.3.0, with phpmyadmin I tried to look up where the phpmyadmin is located. I couldn't find it in srv/ and i did a find command in the server and not quite sure where it is actually located. What I want to do is to set up a phpmyadmin under /httpdocs so that I dont have to login to plesk and click many times until...

How do I get the html login form on Trac to display?

Hi, I installed trac with the account manager plugin and everything works great. I have enabled all of the account manager's components. The html registration form appears but the problem is that the html login form won't. I keep getting the default authentication pop up. ...

How to create a custom 404 page for my Django/Apache?

I know that you use .htaccess in the document-root directory in standard apache. What if I use Django? Can someone give me step by step how to create a custom 404 page? THanks. ...

How can I configure Apache to map /talk.html?id=77 to the file that is called talk.html?id=77 ?

I have a web application of a conference that has been closed years ago. There is no real need for the application to be running any more so I'd like to create static pages from the dynamically generated pages. I ran wget http://site.name.org/ and now I have bunch of files called talk.html?id=77 with numbers from 1-300 How can I co...

What is the cause and how to fix 503 errors with this in Apache error_log: "Broken pipe: ajp_ilink_send(): send failed"

I'm having intermittent problems with a servlet running on JBoss, with Apache forwarding it all requests via mod_proxy_ajp.so. Sometimes, for REST requests, I get 503 errors from Apache. When this happens, the Apache error_log has this in it: [Mon Oct 12 09:10:19 2009] [error] (32)Broken pipe: ajp_ilink_send(): send failed [Mon Oct 12 ...

How to detect network connection failures in mod_proxy?

We have an Apache server accepting connections through mod_proxy from random computers with bad internet connections in Africa. We would like to know how many of these connections are attempted (and fail, or are truncated) as possible. How do we set up such logging in mod_proxy? All the other threads I've found online imply that mod_pro...

Large .PDF Files Not Uploading To MySQL Database as Medium BLOB Via PHP, Files under 2MB Work Fine

I am developing a PHP script for uploading .PDF documents as medium BLOBs into a MySQL database via PHP. The script also allows users to search for files and open/download them but I do not think that part of the script is relevant to my issue. The script works fine with files less than 2 MB but as soon as I try and upload a file that ...

Why does my Apache2::Log output replace newlines with \n?

I've set up multiple vhosts under apache2 / mod_perl. I used the ErrorLog directive to get a separate error log for each vhost. This only worked as expected when I used Apache2::Log. 'warn' would only log to the regular error log. So that's all working. Finally. But there's one issue remaining: When I log via $r->log_error, I find that ...

Apache is not sending "Connection" header for static application/x-javascript files

I am trying to debug some slowness in a site and I discovered that KeepAlive was disabled and that most of the content was being served with Connection: close. After enabling KeepAlive, most of the pages started to serve Connection: keep-alive headers but now I have noticed that some of the static JavaScript files are being served with n...

optimum setup for php server

We have a number of servers running various different LAMP setups. One thing that seems to be different depending on who set the server up is the way PHP is configured. Some are set up to use the Apache DSO module, others are setup to use CGI. Some have suEXEC turned on, other servers its turned off. We are always trying to tweak our app...

Building Django app using Comet/Orbited on Apache, use mod_wsgi or mod_python?

Building a Django app on a VPS. I am not very experienced with setting up my own server, but I decided to try a VPS this time around. I have been doing a bunch of research to learn how to "properly" setup a LAMPython server using the Apache worker MPM. Naturally, the mod_python vs mod_wsgi debate came up. Reading Graham Dumpleton's ...

php suddenly very very very slow

I'm working on a webapp using php, apache en mysql. For the past year the response times of this application have been good. Suddenly yesterday the application became very slow on firefox (complete page load, including css and js files: around 20 secs. During page load firefox is completely unusable). Interestingly the responsetimes in I...

Why won't svn let commit .htaccess files?

Try as I might, I can't commit .htaccess files from my windows svn client (tortoise svn). The error that is returned is: Could not read status line: Existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. And here is basically what my vhost looks like in Apache: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/mydomain.com/legacy/...

mod_rewrite help

Using mod rewrite for the first time. Please help me with these rules I'd like my urls rewritten for pages as follows: list.php?city=dallas >>> list/city/dallas profile.php?id=12 >>> profile/zaknuman (username retrieved from db) story.php?id=33 >>> story/there-are-no-ants-in-texas (story title retrieved from db) ...

Is there a way to read the jvmRoute value from the JBoss server.xml at runtime?

Our JBoss server.xml file has this line: <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="app_server_01"> Is there any way to get the jvmroute value (in this case app_server_01) at runtime using Java? Background We've got session affinity (sticky sessions) configured between our app servers and Apache servers. JBoss appe...

How can I rewrite URLs?

I want to convert this URL: mysite.com/cgi-bin/test.cgi/some_random_numbers_and_letters/http/www.somewebsite.com into: mysite.com/www.somewebsite.com I also want to convert this URL: mysite.com/addname.php into: mysite.com/add/ How do I do that? ...

Phar archive outputs jibberish

I've created my first phar archive with the following code: $phar = new Phar('myphar.phar'); $phar->addFile("index.php"); $phar->setStub($phar->createDefaultStub('index.php', 'index.php')); The mentioned index.php only does a single output: echo "I am in a PHP archive!"; When I run the above code, myphar.phar is created and whe...

Is setting the uploads folder 777 permision secure?

I have seen a lot of upload forms hacked, and some had some really good security checks of the file being uploaded (at least I think so), but still somebody managed to upload a PHP file. I was wondering: is there is a way to upload a file in the uploads folder that has 777 permissions? I am thinking of using HTTP PUT. ...

Complex htaccess rewrite rules - where do i start ?

Hi I have asked on here before about mod_rewrite and got the perfect answer but now I need to do something more complex and really needed the advice of someone who knows mod_rewrite much better. My rewrite rule looks like this so far: RewriteRule ([a-zA-Z_-]+)/([0-9]?) index.php?cat=$1&page=$2 And that shows the URL as follows: /cat...

suPHP upgrade causing 500 internal server error

I have my server perform a yum update every night. Last night, it updated suPHP to the newest version: Oct 16 01:25:43 Updated: mod_suphp-0.7.1-1.el5.art.x86_64 This update has caused my website to throw a 500 internal server error. From what I've been able to find, I should only have to change the last two lines in my suphp.conf file t...