
Apache Mod_Rewrite Question

I have a certificate that is registered to the fully qualified domain name of a server on our intranet (webserver.domain.com). When our internal users hit this site via the fully qualified name, they go right in and aren't prompted that it's an invalid cert. If they browse to the web server via the hostname (non-fully qualified) they ...

Apache HSSF POI excel doc to tab delimted file

went and got a file that already "works" from here: xls to csv Note, I wanted a tab delimited format, so I just went in and changed "," to "\t" and then removed a bunch of the extra formatting, such as naming the workbook. The problem is, however, that this code I found splits some Excel rows into 2+ lines. These are the rows where I h...

REALLY basic mod_rewrite question...

I am trying to use SEO-friendly URLs for a website. The website displays information in hierarchical manner. For instance, if my website was about cars I would want the URL 'http://example.com/ford' to show all Ford models stored in my 'cars' table. Then the URL 'http://example.com/ford/explorer' would show all the Ford Explorer Model...

[SOLVED] Apache2 + RewriteMap + Python -- when returning 'NULL', apache hangs

[SOLVED: See solution below.] I'm having a problem writing a RewriteMap program (using Python). I have a RewriteMap directive pointing to a Python script which determines if the requested URL needs to be redirected elsewhere. When the script outputs a string terminated by a linebreak, Apache redirects accordingly. However, when the s...

netcat "Connection refused" on localhost

I'm trying to get a value from a netcat connection started at a php file, but it dies with: localhost [] 2000 (?) : Connection refused I don't know why but it works well if I ssh it as apache user (www-data), this is what I've done: 1) Start an endless loop serving a date with a little delay: $ (while true; do nc -l -p 2000...

Apache James as a transparent SMTP proxy?

Hi guys! I'm thinking about building a transparent SMTP proxy on my own to process outgoing mails. I found Apache James already that looks like it is pretty much what I want. Could I use Apache James to build a transparent SMTP proxy to add some headers and modify the content? Or should I go for pure Javamail? ...

Apache, PHP and MySQL portable?

Hi, can I run Apache, PHP and MySQL on a External HD? I need this because I work in diferent computers, and sometimes I don't have installed and configured all aplications for use. ...

How to use RewriteRule in Apache to redirect from /abc/ to /abc?

RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/$ $1 [R] redirects from website.com/abc/ to website.com/home/user/www/abc How do I redirect to the correct location? (website.com/abc) ...

XAMPP: I edited PHP.ini, and now Apache crashes

I'm trying to set up XDebug for PHP. I edited some settings in my apache\bin\php.ini file, and now Apache crashes every couple page requests. (I wish I had saved a copy of php.ini before editing it. der.) I was following instructions here: http://robsnotebook.com/php%5Fdebugger%5Fpdt%5Fxdebug Here is the only section I changed. Does an...

mod_rewrite rewrite all but index.php

In my htaccess i have RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ cms.php?seotitle=$1 [L] The idea is that index.html will load fine and then anything requested at domain.com/anythinghere.html will use the rule of grabbing the file from cms.php. However its not working - any clues? Really need this sorted asap. ...

mod_rewrite needed

lets says I have a domain example.com and I have wildcards dns switched on. on example.com a user can signup with username and password. once registration is done, username.example.com starts redirecting to example.com/script/script.php?user=username. address bar would still show username.example.com what would be the contents of the .h...

Do you know Apache log analyzer that can handle URL parameters?

Hey! I run a perl script that accepts several arguments through url query parameters. http://example.com/cgi-bin/script.pl?user_id=12345&clent_version=5 The parameters are the following user_id client_version The script is running on Apache server. I want to analyze access.log to find out how many different users I have during...

.htaccess 301 redirect problem

Hi I have an application which uses opencart. I would like to make a 301 reditect in case the user types http://mysite.com. To be redirected in http://www.mysite.com (301 status code) Here is my .htaccess content: #Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On #OPENCART REWRITES START RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{...

Using git as a centralized version server

Hi, I currently use svn at work. Our setup is: everyone has a working copy and we commit to a svn server served by apache2. So I commit changed, the other update, and everyone can work on the copy as they wish. So it's pretty easy to deploy. But now, I'd like to do the same thing but with Git. Would it be possible? I'd like to have ...

Apache web-server config, what is redirecting me and how can I change it

Background: I inherited a web server that serves up files from /var/www/html. The server used to serve up files from the following locations: /var/www/html/alpha/index.php /var/www/html/bravo/index.php /var/www/html/charlie/index.php You could get to these sites from the web using: http://apples.mysite.edu/alpha http://apples.mysite....

Why should I use Apache C++ Standard Library rather than any other STL implementation along with Boost?

What benefits do I get from Apache C++ standard library that I don't get from STL implementations that come with the compiler and from Boost libraries? ...

mod_rewrite: periods from URI gone in the query string

Problem: See examples below. When using mod_rewrite to put "the URI part after the script name" into the query string (in any way), the ending periods (.) of every "directory" are removed. (Apache 2.2.14 on win32.) Question: Is there any way to solve this or do I have to parse REQUEST_URI? Request ("."s escaped): http://localhost/simp...

Can one create Apache hooks with PHP?

I have googled the topic for a while but haven't found what I'm looking for... Is there a mod for PHP that allows it to act much like mod_wsgi or mod_python so that one can create Apache hooks using PHP? For example an equivalent to WSGIAccesScript? Thank you ...

Is it possible to redirect traffic from page that doesn't exist to existing page with .htaccess?

The issue I am trying to solve is that I have a folder with a name that has funny capitalizations, e.g. TeStPage. I would like all requests to my domain, in all versions of caps, redirect to that page. I tried a simple: Redirect /testpage http://www.mydomain.com/TeStPage But that crashed my site, because it said 'Non-URL'. How do...

Php session files have different owners

i have a problem with my session files... if i go to my site directly (www.example.com) then php session files owner is www-data:www-data but if i go do the site via www.example.com/index.php then the owner of the session files is ftp:www-data and the resulting problem is when i want to start the session but the session file allready ex...