
How to Manually create an Apache Windows Service

Hello, I accidentally removed my Apache windows service trying to install another Apache web server. Does anyone know how I can create another Apache windows service from cmd? I tried "sc create ..." but I am missing a script on the end like -k start? Not sure what I need for the end of it... I am running Apache 2.2 Thank you ...

WebServicice with Apache CXF and custom headers.

I created a web service using Apache cfx and spring, and works, but I need that the response include this header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Right now the response is like this. <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <soap:Body> <ns2:postEncuestaResponse xmlns:ns2="http://web...

whats wrong with this redirect rule ?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/ RewriteRule (.*) /cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/$0 i am trying to redirect www.myproxysite.com/somedomain.com/somedir/specialchar to www.myproxiste.com/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/somedomain.com/somedir/specialchar instead it keeps going to www.myproxi...

Using Perl with compiled C library?

I would like to try and use Perl, but need to communicate with another application I wrote. I have an interface library that I wrote in C++, and it contains the socket communications and interface protocol to set/get parameters in my application. I would like to use Perl with Apache to serve up web pages for configuring my application....

Apache: I want to enable SSI. Can anyone furnish an example config file?

Yes - Google abounds with information about configuring Apache to support SSI. But unfortunately, I still cannot seem to get it right. My questions: Can anyone furnish me a full-fledged example config file that enables SSI on an Apache server? Also can you please tell me where I should drop this config file (i.e. which dire...

JMeter command line - linux version vs windows version

Hi folks, I'm been using JMeter on a linux box, under the command line for a little bit. works fine. Today, I tried it on a windows box (new client, etc) and it does work but the OUTPUT is waay different, in the console window. The linux version dumps to the console a running commentary of what is going on -> Min/Max/Throughput/Error ...

OK to skip slash before query string?

Is it safe to always skip the trailing slash when appending a query string? http://example.com?querystring Instead of... http://example.com/?querystring All webhosts I've used support this but Is it safe to assume that all server environments will support this method, is it standard? ...

Internal Server Error

Hi, The error message I gen when I try to access the web page server ""; looks like this: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the ...

Non-repeatable django problem: Error was: 'module' object has no attribute 'validators'

Hi! I'm using dango 0.97 pre (yep, my site still was not upgraded to be compatible with trunk). I use apache + fastcgi for it. And I have a strange problem: sometimes (I can't guess the order) some of the views throw such error: Tried audio_index in module mysite.audio.views. Error was: 'module' object has no attribute 'validators' Th...

Is Joomla a good choice of CMS for Mono/ASP.NET?

I'm about to start hacking my own website, hosted by my QNAP Turbo NAS server. I want to take the opportunity to learn ASP.NET and since the QNAP runs Apache I'll have to look into the Mono project. Now, the qustion is, is Joomla a good CMS to use when ASP.NET is in the picture? I would really like to be able to design and code focused...

How to disable css access outside from hosting domain?

I've a web app served by Apache, html pages sent to browsers include several CSS files that are hosted at same web app domain. I've noticed some websites use my css (and images) including in their pages but this increase my (limited) Apache server traffic. I want to allow css access only for pages hosted at specific domain(s). How can...

Using mod_rewrite to redirect 70+ URLs with variables

I am constructing a webcomic site, but the chapter order has changed significantly. I have manually written the conversions for myself in a form like this: 36 -> 26.1 37 -> 28 38 -> 28.1 39 -> 29 40 -> 30 41 -> 30.1 Basically, following this guide, I want to convert all urls like http://ww...

Apache Url Rewriting won't work.

In the httpd.conf file I have AllowOverride FileInfo. In the .htaccess file in top level of my webserver with all the other files, I have this: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^downloads/?$ index.php?page=downloads [L,NC] But it doesn't work. mywebsite/downloads and mywebsite/downloads/ always give a 404 not found. Any idea why? Thanks. ...

Using mod_rewrite, how do I force the path and query string to be all lower case?

This seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but for the life of me I can't figure this out. I want to force my entire URL to be in lower case, so that, for example: http://www.EXAMPLE.com/foo?q=bar http://www.example.com/FOO?q=bar http://www.example.com/foo?Q=BAR http://www.EXAMPLE.com/FOO?Q=BAR all (301) redirect to: http://w...

mod_rewrite, put wordpress in sub-dir on server seamlessly?

I use wordpress for personal blog. Now I want to make it my personal website. Hence, I'd like the URL to be mysite.com rather than mysite.com/blog (e.g. mysite.com/2009/10/blog-entry rather than mysite.com/blog/2009/10/blog-entry) A simple way is to move /blog/* to /blog. But this will make Wordpress files mess up with existing files I ...

Apache Indexing question...

Hello all. Wondering how I might achieve this look with Apache's Indexing? Is there a module I can download? ...

Apache Timeout directive not working?

I have configured /etc/apache2/apache2.conf with Timeout 5 instead of the default 300. So I understand it should close an incoming connection after 5 seconds of inactivity. But I make a telnet localhost 80 , wait for 5 and more seconds, and nothing happens. A netstat -na tells me the connection is still ESTABLISHED. I left the connectio...

Tomcat performance issue

I've got a web application that's running really slowly and occasionally hanging. It's a school-related Wicket app with reporting and editing, and also a servlet which is used by automated clients to get/post data via HTTPS. During busy times where a lot of editing/uploading/downloading is going on, the app becomes sluggish and unrespo...

Axis web service hangs because no connection-close is returned

I have a Axis 1.4 (with Spring) web service client consuming a PHP web service (running on Apache). This works perfectly in the development environment, but in the production environment the code execution hangs somewhere in the Axis library directly after the client has received the SOAP response. I have identified with Wireshark that t...

.htaccess 301 redirect to homepage if page not found

I have cleaned up my site and discarded lots of pages. I have now 10pages left of a 100page site, all static html. I want any request for deleted pages to 301 redirect to homepage but can't figure out the .htaccess rules! ...