
What is the maximum size of document to return from a REST API?

I am considering creating a RESTful web service which will return a lot of data. What do people think is the maximum size of xml document that should be returned in one get from a web services API? I would estimate the size of the result set to be 100Mb and time to produce this would be about 2h. How much time is a reasonable maximum ...

php include virtual path

In my live site I have php include() and require() that have full path such as: /www/mysite.com/webapps/mmh/head.php or /www/mysite.com/webapps/ROOT/zip/BoundaryWizard.php Now, I want to do some local development on my windows machine (Xampp), so obviously none of those path work. Is there a way to tweak the apache or php settings to d...

Reverse Proxy in CakePHP?

I've got a CakePHP application, and the following directives in my httpd.conf ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /forum/ http://somesite.com/phpbb3 ProxyPass /gallery/ http://someothersite.com/gallery3 <Location /forum/> ProxyPassReverse / </Location> <Location /gallery/> ProxyPassReverse / </Location> Without CakePHP this wo...

Rewrite parked domain to subfolder on primary domain

I am having a ridiculously difficult time getting an Apache Rewrite rule to function as intended. Wondering if anybody could help me spot the error. I am trying to rewrite a parked domain to a subfolder on the primary domain without changing the browser address bar url. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain-name\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/...

How to get permission to edit the file apache2.conf? [Ubuntu]

Hello there, I'm a beginner Ruby on Rails Programmer and I'm trying to install Apache2 + Passenger(That's for Rails Deployment).. and at the end of the installation process, Passenger gave me a few lines to add to the file apache2.conf at /etc/apache2/ but I can't override this file.. I have no permission =( I've also uploaded an image s...

apache plugin for NTLM for Getting log in user name.

Hi all, This looks similar to my previous question of Apache NTLM plug in. I need to get the login user names for the all the who sen the request to web server(Apache server).we use windows authentication NTLM for authenticate users. For microsoft IIS server its really simple, as it is set in server variable. I want i...

file download time log

Is there any way to log (record) the time it takes to download a file from a web server via the browser? The file is written on the HDD and the environment is LAMP. Thanks. ...

Zend Framework optimization, tcpsndbuf & kmemsize

Hi friends. We're on the mid-tier DV Rage server on media temple using Zend Framework, and we've been getting QoS warnings in Virtuzzo pretty consistantly. We've spent the last week installing APC (tweaking that to death), mysql and apache tweaks (many recommended by Media Temple), front end gzip, Zend_View caching, and every optimizatio...

Performance effect of enabling apache response time log directive

What affect will enabling the response time (%D) LogFormat directive have on apache performance? The response time is the time taken to serve a request in microseconds. Response time can be enabled like so: #LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" # Default LogFormat LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %D" # LogFormat including res...

Launch Apache 2.2 on static IP

Is there any way to launch Apache server on my laptop with static IP address? I need a remote access through web-interface to a local Oracle database from the internet. Right now I have Zend Core installed which allowes me to connect to the database but I don't know how to make it from the internet. Thank you in advance. ...

How can I continuously inform the user of progress from a Perl CGI script?

I have this Perl script sitting in the cgi-bin folder of my Apache server: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; $| = 1; print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"; print "Hello there!<br />\nJust testing .<br />\n"; my $top = 5; foreach (1..$top) { print "i = $_<br />\n"; sleep 1; } What I want to achieve here is a gradu...

Undefined symbols compiling apache module mod_transform on Mac OS X

I'm trying to compile mod_transform on Mac OS X 10.6, but get an ld error while running make. Thanks to diciu I have added some CFLAGS which resolve most of the linking problems, but I still am unable to get the apreq2 linking to work $ CFLAGS="-lxml2 -lxslt -L/opt/local/lib -lapreq2" ./configure --with-apr=/opt/local/bin/apr-1-config ...

Apache Forbidden error on clean CentOS install

Hey folks, I have a clean copy of CentOS. Just installed Apache, PHP and MySQL. Everything works like a charm. Except for I created a new user, let's call it 'demo'. I created a new virtual directory in httpd.conf and pointed it to '/home/demo/www'. I created an empty index.html under '/home/demo/www'. Apache is running under user '...

Setting mod_python's interperter

I have mod_python installed on a debian box with python 2.4 and 2.6 installed. I want mod_python to use 2.6 but it is finding 2.4. How can set it to use the other version. ...

Java: How to paste (append) an image on clipboard to a word document.

Hi, Is there a way in Java, to copy the contents of the clipboard (an image in my case) to the end of a word document? I want to have a program that will - * Take a filename (word file) as a parameter * Whenever this program is run - it will open the word file and paste the contents of the clipboard to the end of the document. I am d...

Apache reverse proxy authentication via PHP

I have two apache servers set up. One is public facing, the other is behind a firewall. The one behind the firewall is used to serve up content (vids, pics, etc). I've set up a reverse proxy so that any requests to http://mysite.com/content/ actually go to the server inside my firewall. See my serverfault question. My site uses PHP ...

apache: cgi links lead to a "you have chosen to open foo.cgi", although scriptalias is set

Following this guide on CentOS 5.2, just getting nagios set up for the first time. The main page shows up just fine, but when I try to view any of the pages that should be generated by a cgi process, firefox prompts me to save the .cgi instead, so apache's obviously not understanding that it needs to run the cgi and get back some html f...

Apache Config Mime Types: xlsx files are being interpreted as zip files on download, why?

Background: For some reason, whenever a user tries to open an xslx (excel 2007) file from our intranet using MSIE, the file download dialog interprets it as a "zip" file. Admittedly, xslx files really are zip files, but we don't want that behavior. Just open in Excel, please. Question: Firefox, OTOH, opens the files normally. Is it ...

Apache's private vs protected folder

Maybe it's too late, but I can't google any useful information about differences between Apache's private and protected folders. What files would I put inside private and what inside protected? ...

Module 'eAccelerator' already loaded php warning

I'm getting this PHP warning in my error_log and want to get it fixed. I'm told it is loaded within php.ini which I've verified as well as a bunch of configuration settings for the module. I'd like to maintain the module configuration in the place where it's loaded so I need to find out how else to remove it from the list. Unless remo...