
PHP: How to get version from android .apk file?

I am trying to create PHP script to get app version from Android APK file. Extracting xml file from APK (zip) file and then parsing XML is one way, but i guess it should be simpler. Something like PHP Manual, example #3. Any ideas how to create script? ...

Building the apk using the ant script .

Hi , iam facing problem in creating the .apk file using the ant script . The generated .apk named as _unaligned.apk instead of .apk and on installing the _unaligned.apk file to the device i get force-close showing the java.lang.VerifyError exaception , but the same apk generated using IDE works fine . i am struck on this for a long tim...

How to update digests in Android MANIFEST.MF ?

We need to enable our customers to update some components in Android application, like icon/logo, dictionary file etc. I saw the .APK can be opened like a JAR with 7-zip, and hope files can be edited/replaced there. But it is need to update MANIFEST.MF file in it, containing a digest for each .APK component' like: Manifest-Version: 1....

Android ==> Decompile .apk??

Are the users able to convert the apk file of my app back to the actual code? If they do is there any way to prevent this? ...

Android Install Eclipse project onto DeviceAnywhere

How can I install an Eclipse Android project onto deviceanywhere to test on different devices? Thanks Chris ...

Decompiler for APK?

I know it is not right to do this, but is there any APK decoder/decompiler available around? ...

Android apk install on deviceanywhere

I downloaded my Android apk onto a Device on deviceanywhere. After the download, when I click on it, it asks "Do you want to install this application?". I click "Install", it comes back saying "Application not installed" with a warning symbol. Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks Chris ...

Android ==> Obfuscation?

Possible Duplicate: Android and obfuscation How can Obfuscate an android app? I have never used this technique all i know is that this is a way to prevent others to convert the apk file back to my source. So how can i achieve this? I'm using a mac ...

How to imitate default browser to download .apk files from webview?

Can someone explain me how I would be able to imitate the default browser when trying to download .apk from the net? So far I have this: WebView webview; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main); webview = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview)...

Trying to update an Android application , but having no luck because of problems with the keystore.

Hi I recently published an application for Android in the Market. Now, I'd like to publish an update, but I'm having a long argument with my computer and keystore about this option. The version:code and the other thing they want you to set, are set. I don't want to change the numbers , because we'll loose about 30 hours of work tim...

Android Apps sharing userID with only one certificate in common.

If I have two android apps sharing a userID, one name App A and the other App B. And I have: App A signed with Certificate 1 App B signed with Certificate 2 and Certificate 1 will they still be able to share the userID even if they only have one Certificate in common? Update: I figured I should add the reason why I think this may b...

Can I resign an .apk with a different certificate than what it came with?

If I have an apk can I remove the current signing and some how resign it with a different .keystore file and still have the application install? Update: I managed to get it to work with Jorgesys' solution and where I messed up before was that I unzipped the .apk then rezipped it after removing the META-INF folder and changed the file ex...

Android XML Extracted from APK - Bad Encoding

Using DDMS I took a downloaded APK off my phone and unzipped it. The PNGs look great, but when I try to read the XMLs their encoding is such that none of my text editors can read it (Word, Notepad, Visual Studio etc) Is there something done to the XMLs in a APK that prevents us from reading them? ...

Install APK from assets or RAW folder

Hi, I would like to install an APK from within an Android application. Can anyone give me an example of how to do this? EDIT: Also how do I open the install applications from unknown resources preference page so that users can change it? EDIT: I actually meant open the screen using code, so I can immediately open the preference page ...

Silent installation on Android devices

I've accepted for a while now that it's impossible to silently install an application on Android - that is, to have a program install an application bundled as an APK without providing the standard OS installation prompt and going through the app installer activity. But now I've picked up a copy of the Appbrain fast web installer, and it...

Android application running external Code/Application?

Hi all, guys. This is my target: I need an Android application which should be able to fetch data from the web (maybe an .apk or a .jar) and launch "something" from it. If it's a "trivial" class there's no problem at all. This is my Loader package com.m31.android.urlload; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOu...

How do you install an APK file in the Android simulator?

I finally managed to obfuscate my android app, now I want to test it by installing the apk file and running it on the simulator. Does anybody know how I can install an apk file on the Android simulator? Thanks ...

Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent

OK, so not entirely sure this is possible... But trying to write an application so that I can run some code before any of the following activities are performed. 1) APK is downloaded from web and market launches installer 2) Install button is pressed on android market Is it possible to intercept and prompt on these events, or has Goo...

Filename when downloading APK on Android

When I download a file on my Android phone from my webserver it save it as downloadfile.apk The file is saved on my server as MyApp.apk Do you know how to make the file appear as MyApp.apk in the downloaded files list on Android? I should also mention that to get the file to download and be understood by the phone I modified the ....

How to programmatically read the date when my Android apk was built?

Is it possible to programmatially read the date when my Android apk was built? I could not find anything in the PackageInfo class. I want to expire beta versions of my app and the easiest way would be to read out such a date and expire it after a fix preiode of days, so I don't have to update the code for that eavery time I build and de...