
PHP to apple push notifications on production problem

Hi guys, i used an example to build an push notification worked greate on the development version, but now that my application is in production, i can not get it to work....i have rebuild my .pem file with production certificates, but by now...,nothing....heres my code in PHP to push: <?php $token = '504e06eeeeee26b82c084a...

Variable name 'xor' results in internal compiler error 'segmentation fault'!

Compiling this code int main(int argc, char **argv) { int xor = 0; } via g++ main.cpp results in: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault with i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5659). Renaming the variable removes the error. Question: Is gcc from Apple crap? ...

Is there a sync framework for IPhone?

Are there ways to sync data from IPhone app to central database without the app being used? ...

Does flex have a long expected lifespan.

This is a cross post. I've already posted the question to flexcoders. We work in flex as a technology. However a potential client has stated that they are worried about the lifespan of flex as a technology. Especially as apple doesn't support it on their mobile devices, and the increasing support for HTML5 within browsers. What I would...

Is it possible to create, package and successfully submit HTML5 apps to the app store?

Hello everyone and thanks for reading... I'm a Mono / Web developer and was recently talking to an Apple guy regarding development on the iPhone and iPad. Now I know that Objective C / XCode is the heavy hitter for development on these platforms; however, I'm pretty sure he mentioned (and showed me) a HTML5 application he had created th...

Ipad app store sample image sizes

I am about to send in my app to apple for testing but I dont know what the sample image sizes are for the images that appear in the app store. I know that the big icon of your app is 512x512. Does anybody know? ...

kqueue NOTE_EXIT doesn't work

Hi everybody. I am trying to use Apple's example of using kqueue but the callback is never called unless I start observing the kqueue after the process starts. But the lifetime of the process is short and i need the code to work if the process starts before or after I start observing it. ...

Error installing Ruby 1.8.6 and openssl using RVM under Snow Leopard

Hi, I'm trying to install ruby 1.8.6 on Snow Leopard using rvm. I tried: rvm install ruby-1.8.6-p111 and got an error explaining make couldn't find openssl. make[1]: * [openssl_missing.o] Error 1 I then tried: rvm install ruby-1.8.6-p111 -C --with-openssl-dir=/System/Library/OpenSSL (Snow Leopard seems to come with openssl and this s...

Possible to access hardware, perhaps via extension, from Safari on iOS

We've got a scenario where we need to interact with some hardware from a web page -- think ActiveX. In this instance we want to read/write to a specific model of bar code reader. Is this currently possible on iOS? We're targeting iPad (despite neither of us having previously developed for Apple products...) but it would be nice to have ...

Listing Apple podcast episodes

Hi, I am developing an iPad application in which I want to list all the episodes of a podcast say "Comedy". What is the feed URL to list the episodes of an apple podcast? Could someone help me out. Thanks in advance. Regards, Deepa ...

Apple like mouse hover-zoom cursor

Hi, Apple has a pretty cool feature when hovering over a large image here: It zooms out a small magnifier glass icon which moves with the cursor while over a zoomable image. How can I do that, preferably with JQuery? Can anyone help me please? THX ...

CSS3 column-span property does not supported in Safari. Why ?

I need to flow my text in two columns. CSS3 is't fully implemented by all browsers, and i expected, that this property is called -webkit-column-span: all But, i faced a little problem - Safari 5 does not supports this feature ? I think, some reason should exists, why Apple has dropped this feature ... Maybe they are some alternativ...

I have create a user account with "user password type: Crypted Password" is there any way I can script

I have create a user account with "user password type: Crypted Password" is there any way I can script it to "user password type: open directory" I've use perl-ldap to create user account but I don't know how to change user password type to open directory, is there any way to do that? USING APPLESCRIPT, PERL BASH....etc? thanks ...

If I want to write an iPad app, do I have to buy an iPad?

To program for the iPhone, you need an iPhone. That's because you have to compile the final version of the app on the iPhone hardware. Do you also need an iPad when you program for the iPad? Or will an iPhone also do the job? ...

Does a in-house iphone app have to go through the app store approval process each time it's updated?

Hi, Given that: my app is distributed only in-house with an enterprise-level membership my app is not sold publicly on the app store my app, after the initial distribution, will be updated frequently Will it be required that someone from apple's app store reviews and approves the app each time I update? Or can i just go ahead and r...

AdvancedTableViewCells code example problem

So apple has this pretty cool example about how to make a uitableview which cells resemble appStore cells. Code can be found here. Now, the strange thing... I was playing with it, and in RootViewController.m where it was - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Configure the table view. self.tableView.rowHeight = 73.0...

Can I use boehmgc in an iPhone application?

I have a C++ application that uses boehmgc, and I was wondering whether Apple "allows" one to include the library in applications submitted to the App Store. Does anyone have any experience with this? ...

iAds: Removing or adding?

Apple requires you to make your app work nicely, whether iAds are available or not, which makes perfect sense. What I'm wondering about is the transition between those two states. Should I create a view that has a space for an iAd and push it to the screen. If no iAds are available, I then have to remove the ADBannerView once the view i...

avTouchController VU meter for iphone radio app

Hi friends, I'm trying to implement the VU meter code sample from in my iPhone Radio app. Until now no joy. My question: is it possible to implement this VU meter, from AVAudioPlayer class, in my code, that uses another object that parses the mms str...

Apple's iOS ScrollViewSuite example code crashes- Low Memory

I'm adapting the third part of ScrollViewSuite to display a large map in my app. Unfortunately, it's sometimes very easy to crash Apple's unmodified sample code on my device- a 2nd gen iPod Touch. If I swipe and pinch many times and very quickly, the app will crash with low memory. If this happens, it can be consistently and quickly repr...