
How does Apple pay for iAds in Apps?

So i have an app thats about to be submitted with an iAd banner in it. Just wondering what this means in terms of fee's (for me) and revenue. Im assuming Apple tracks this info and adds it to my account accordingly. ...

Uploading new screenshots to iTunes Connect.

Hey all, I've recently uploaded an update for one of my iPhone apps, but I didn't update the screenshots. It has now dawned on me that they are old screens for the new game, which might be confusing for users. Is there anyway to upload the new screenshots without submitting a new binary? Thanks James ...

Why is Core Data so difficult to prepopulate?

This is a more a philosophical question about Apple's design decisions than a question about Core Data. Why in the world is it useful to have a model system that is so difficult to prepopulate? What are the advantages? I know you can have your program generate the sqlite file and edit it manually, but as far as I can tell, you can't do ...

AppStore Tax information for UK developer

Hey, I've been reading about the Apple withholding a 30% tax on the revenue until you fill out a W8BEN tax form. This isn't very well documented and as I've only just read about this, I'm starting to think I'm going to lose out on my previous sales. If you're from the UK (like me) and are a sole trader, how do you go about avoiding thi...

Push notification architecture for very high volume

Is Apple push notification architecture setup for sending very high volume (dozens of notifications per hour) ? Is this allowed by Apple ? What are the constraints/limits ? Is it reliable ? Are there some delays ? Is there a price to pay for using their service ? ...

How to have a plugin import UTI types

I'm working on a video sharing application that can load plugins that share to different places (Youtube, Twitvid, Facebook, etc.) I have a plugin that reads in a custom file type. We'll call it a .foo file with some information about the video being shared. So I put this foo UTI type in the imported UTI type section of the plugin bundle...

Is Tab/Indentation mandatory in PLIST (Property LIST) in Mac?

I have created a PLIST. The structure of the PLIST is like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>title</key> <string>Sample</string> <key>title.short</key> ...

Using Dashcode to query and XML file

Im trying to create a 'tree' using and xml source with dashcode for a webapp. My record set (as an example) is similar to a Used Car Lot: *where I have 100 cars *I have multiple of the same kinds of cars, but still varying makes and models What I'd like to do is have a stacklayout/dataArrays with a a table handle something like *Ford...

Security flaws to Apple iPad and iPhone via PDFs?

Do any SO users know anything about these security flaws that have emerged from the German government of all people? Is it possible to understand what sort of vulnerabilities this type of hack could have (e.g. on debit/credit cards?) ...

Is Core Data more suitable than SQLite for server client database design?

I'm having a server client database design which I'm unsure is Core Data suitable? I have a server database which will maintain the master copy of the data and their relationship. Each client application will have an empty client database with only relationship. Upon the start up of the client, it will request for data from the server...

Adding new iPhone UDIDs to provision profile without an apple dev account

Hello, I'm part of the design (I've had experience with python, php, jquery, and java, but never ObjC) team for our application and was handed off some of the developer responsibilities with our iPhone developer went on his vacation. From the developer, I have the project source, his p12 private key, and the mobileprovision file. Alrea...

What is the difference between an instance variable/method and a class variable/method in Objective-C?

I've seen many other questions on this same topic but they're not very clear to me, someone new to Objective-C. I need a plain english explanation. 'Coder speak' is much too difficult for me to understand at this point in my learning. ...

Code signing error in submitting application on app store

Code signing error in submitting application on app store i have tried all possbile ways including making entailments.plist choosing Distribution profile but unable to submit application can any one tell me why? i have submit tones of application with this process before but this time i m facing trouble dont know why:-( her...

Can I access the URLs of all open websites on iPhone's mobile Safari?

I am thinking about creating an iPhone App and I wonder if it is possible for an app to access the URLs websites, which are opened in mobile Safari? ...

Stream video from one iphone to another and back

Hi, I want to develop an conference application. It's basically exact the same as Facetime only with some extra features. But how do I make a video chat from one iPhone to another iPhone LIVE like Facetime? Any ideas? Thanks in advance! ...

Is it possible to be accepted on Apple's App Store for a Web App?

If an iPhone app is developed in JavaScript not in Objective-C can it be accepted ? Advantage being not technical but marketing since the app store is much more exposed to traffic. For example app store is linked from homepage: ...

As a iPhone developer is it necessary to learn Apple script?

Hi all, I am developing application for iPhone environment for 1 year from now,In a recent interview one of my interviewer asked me regarding Apple scripting. So i want to know as a iPhone developer is it necessary to learn Apple script? What are the benifit of its uses? Where can i learn it? ...

how to find MAC address in MAC OS X programmatically ?

Hello, I am new to Mac OS X and X code and want to know how to find the MAC address of a machine programmatically in OS X. ...

How to build an iPhone app for distribution on the clients account?

I've developed a small app for my client which is supposed to be released under one of their brand names. They've created an iPhone developer account to be used for this purpose. So far, for testing I provided them with ad hoc distributed builds using my own developer account. But how do I proceed about building their app store distribu...

Any good documentation on Apple's PastryKit framework?

I've been looking and looking, but I haven't been able to find any documentation or tutorial on how to use Apple's PastryKit framework. I know Apple hasn't released it officially so no documentation should be out there, but does anyone know of some guide or anything that someone made on his own? Also, does anyone know what license the f...