
Is there a free shell service for Mac computers?

Hi, I'm looking for a shell where I can test shellscripts and a programs on a Mac. What I'm looking for, is something like but with Apple computers (i.e. Macs). Is there such thing available? I was googling for the last few days, but I couldn't find anything. ...

"There was an internal API error." while running an app on any iPhone/iPod-touch device

I am in the process of submitting an iPhone app to the app store. While making the final touches to the app I was in the process of compiling and running the app on my iPhone when I got the message ... "There was an internal API error." The console had this to say ... 25/08/2010 10:10:54 Xcode[3556] Failed willExecute: Error Domain=c...

Iphone XCode My Countdown no longer Animates

Hey Guys another question! Once again I would like to state that i am new to this and therefore my ability to understand the language Objective C and the Xcode application is limited! So Your help really and truly is appreciated greatly! I built a countdown app that shows when a radio station is going to be going live, the countdown wo...

Underage iPhone Developer Questions

Hello. I'm underage and I'm developing iPhone apps in Canada. I use my parent's Apple ID for the Developer account since you need to be over 19 to have one (Developer part, not Apple ID). I'm wondering if I can have it be under my name on the App Store, and also how I would copyright it. Could it be copyrighted by my Dad, and still have ...

Java: apple.awt.CToolkit keeps pumping out errors randomly

I've been developing an application in Java for quite some time now on my Windows and Linux machines but just recently switched over to my new MacBook Pro that has the latest (JRE 1.6 update 20) installed on it. I just started noticing while testing out the various features of the application that it gives errors randomly when interactin...

Can I decently program for the IPhone on the Mac Mini?

Our company is buying me a mac and essentially it is up to me to get what i want. Will the MAC mini be adequate? I already have 2 22 inch monitors that can possibly hook up to the Mini. ...

Enterprise subscription enquiry

Hi there, We're doing some development for a company who is looking to use the Enterprise subscription to 'test' the app on a selected group of its users, privately. Number of users - circa 500 These 500 will be tightly controlled in 10 'centres' or classes. they have a DUNS no, and this app will not be sold. (unlike the previous post ...

NSCFDictionary objectForKey unrecognized selector sent to class

After I call a SOAP webservice asynchronously using WSMethodInvocationSetCallBack and WSMethodInvocationScheduleWithRunLoop I get the result in the following callback function and begin parsing it void wsCallback(WSMethodInvocationRef invocation, void* info, CFDictionaryRef data) { const void *data = CFDictionaryGetValue(resultBody, (NS...

Is Apple's OpenCL implementation using CLang and LLVM open-source?

It's clear that Apple has an OpenCL implementation based on Clang and LLVM. There's also a talk by an Apple Engineer about what it took to get OpenCL going on LLVM here However, is the code for this implementation available under some sort of open-source license or is this closed source software? If the code hasn't been released, anyo...

What is the suggested audio volume to design iPhone apps for?

Is there a favored audio level that one should equalize their audio assets for playback on an iOS device? Twenty, 50% or 66% of max volume? We're building a game that has a variety of sounds for alerts, sound effects and voice overs and we're trying to figure out a good baseline to tune it for. I can't seem to find any documentati...

Is the Human Interface Guideline gospel?

I have submitted my first iPhone app and am now waiting for approval. My only fear is having it rejected because of some subtle nuance in the HIG, this is from googling around. How does Apple treat the HIG, as guidelines or as gospel? ...

What to keep for iPhone app?

I have submitted an iPhone app to Apple for approval and distribution. What do I need to save of the code and compilations to be able to bug-fix if (when?) the bugs come in? Should I just save everything, or just the symbols file? ...

Mac and Chrome - manipulating open windows - focus, etc.

Hi, I have a web app that has one window, sized small to the left, open a number of windows to the right. There are buttons on the small window, each associated with the other open windows. The point is that when you click a button, it's associated window comes to the top of the pile of windows on the right. This works fine with using ....

iPhone SDK 4.0.2?

Has anyone had any luck installing Xcode 3.2.3 + iOS 4.0.2 SDK? I've tried on two different machines, on a clean install of Snow Leopard, and I've re-downloaded the whole 2GB package several times (I mean several, a dozen perhaps). Yet installation immediately fails for me every time. Here's what I got from the Console: PackageKit: -...

Would Payment on iPhone for Real World Goods get my app Banned?

I'd like to use the iPhone SDK Store Kit but you are not allowed to use it for purchasing real world goods and services or for transferring money, my customer's applications require these. So I'm looking into adding views to my application to gather credit card details then use https posts in a background thread to communicate with a pa...

How to get IMEI number from iPhone programmatically?

I can get the UDID number but I want to get IMEI number...Is the apple dont allow to trace? If so where i can find the document of apple? ...

I need an easy way to extract data from a few thousand emails (apple mail)

I have about 2000 emails from a web contest my company did. All the emails are arranged in the following fashion: You have received a new contest submission. Here are the details: Name: Bob Jones Email: [email protected] Location: Springfield, MA Age: 83 Mailinglist: true All of these emails are saved in apple mail, is there ...

svn add iphone4 icon

I have iPhone4 icons, which are terminated with @2x.png My problem is that when I try to add them to svn with svn add path/[email protected] I get the error: svn: warning: 'path/myIcon' not found I suppose that svn or my system do not support the "@" in the path.. What can I do? I am running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and tried to add it direct...

Does Apple ship debugging symbols for the iPhone Simulator APIs?

I am a bit of a iPhone/Mac OS newb. When I look at a backtrace in the debugger and UIKit or other Apple Libraries are on the call stack I can't see their function arguments because of missing debug symbols. Does Apple Ship debugging symbols for the iPhone Simulator libraries like UIKit? Thanks. ...

What's the difference between the RootViewController, AppDelegate and the View Controller classes that I may create?

I am trying to learn programming for the iPhone and I keep seeing these files and I am not sure when is each file and content of those files referred to in the execution of a program built for the iPhone. I am trying to follow tutorials and tips available online but nowhere is there a point by point comparison or something like that. It ...